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Goddess Frigg: Prayers, Symbols, Books & More [Guide]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Are you into Norse Mythology? Then you cannot miss this article about Frigg (or Frigga). You are going to learn so much about her, her powers, and how to use your connection with her to create a happier life!


Goddess Frigg, in Norse mythology, is the wife of Odin and queen of the Aesir gods.

She embodies motherhood, wisdom, and domesticity, with a primary focus on the well-being of her family, including her son Baldr.

Frigg is known for her protective nature and efforts to safeguard her loved ones.

In some versions of her mythology, she is a skilled weaver who shapes the destinies of individuals.

The day Friday is named after her in various languages, reflecting her significance in Norse culture.

Who is Frigg?

Among the Norse gods is Frigg, one of the greatest goddesses, wife of Odin and leader of the Æsir,

Origins and myth of Frigg

Frigg was a goddess of Scandinavian and Germanic mythology of great importance, as she was the wife of Odin, the lord of all the gods of Northern Europe called Asi.

Odin-and-Frigga s
Odin and Frigg

She was also known by the name of Frigga (or Frij in German), but she was also given various names such as “queen or mistress of the gods” or “goddess of the sky” or “lady of the sky”.

Her name also possibly derives that of Freya, the goddess of love, sister of the god Freyr (or Frey), and for this reason, it is debated whether ‘Friday’ (in German “Freitag” and in English “Friday”) may derive from this goddess rather than Freyr and Freya, as has long been believed.

Not only that, but Frigg also shares many characteristics with Freya, such as being a procurer of new love for all the girls. Because of this, in ancient times she was often invoked in Freya’s place by all the unmarried young women who wished to get married.

It is not uncommon that in the writings of Norse mythology (central-southern Scandinavia and northern Germany) these two goddesses are often confused with each other, so much so as to lead one to think that they are the same person.

Frigg also represented femininity, but she was also the protector of marriages and pregnant women, responsible for the fertility and prolificacy of brides (just like Hera or Juno in Greek-Roman mythology). For this reason, she was sometimes depicted with a newborn in her arms or on her knees, as the protector of pregnancies.

Yellow bedstraw was also dedicated to her, a herb used to relieve the pains of childbirth, also called “Frigg’s grass”. Because of these characteristics, Frigg was considered a good friend of Eir, the goddess of medicine and especially of female doctors. However, while Eir was always depicted together with a tiger and a lion, Frigg was represented on a cart pulled by two cats, a symbol of femininity.

Her name is of dubious derivation. It could mean “love” as it does in Icelandic or “bride, wife” in the ancient Sanskrit language.

Its origins are not known precisely either. What is certain is that the verb “whimper” derived from her name, as this goddess was often described in tears due to her husband’s numerous pilgrimages that forced him to stay away from her for a long time.

Equipped with the same intelligence as Odin, Frigg also had the gift of foresight, which she used precisely to predict marriages and births. With her spouse, she was also the protector of all manual arts and crafts, but above all of the traditionally female arts, such as weaving, which, according to legend, she personally handed down to all women.

Together with her husband Odin, she commanded Asgard, the kingdom of the Aesis, and shared with him the royal seat called Hlindskialf, from which one could see and control the whole kingdom of the gods and everything that happened on the land of men Old Norse (Miðgarðr). For this reason, she was often depicted sitting on the imposing throne, either in the act of commanding or spinning wool, as she was the protector of the textile arts. Two of her famous symbols were in fact the spindle and the spinning wheel.

Asgard and Bifrost in interpretation of Otto Schenk in Wagner’s drama Das Rheingold. Authors: Richard Wagner, Otto Schenk

On the other hand, the origin of another of her symbols, namely the bunch of keys, is not known. In fact, it was said that Frigg always held a bunch of keys in her hand, but the myth that explains the reason has been lost over time. One explanation is that the keys may represent the goddess’s ability to open the doors of unknown worlds, increasing her knowledge or glimpsing the future.


Her three maids were (in Old Norse) Fulla, Gná, and Hlín. The first, always next to the mistress, had the task of serving and assisting her within the home, and in particular, in the Fensalir (“Hall of the swamp”), Frigg’s personal home within Asgard; the third, on the other hand, had the task of acting as an ambassador and carrying messages from the goddess to earth in the guise of a hawk. The second, Gná, performed some of the duties of Fulla and some of the duties of Hlín.

Handmaid Fulla was the most important of the three. She was depicted with long hair, always at Frigg’s feet, very often holding a casket, as it was believed that one of her most important tasks was to fold up the mistress’s stockings or shoes carefully. Winter was sacred to Frigg and Fulla, and especially the days immediately following the solstice (Rauhnächte), during which girls were forbidden to spin to pay respect to the queen of the gods. In addition to being a handmaid, Fulla was also Frigg’s confidant and keeper of her secrets.

Frigg and one of her handmaids, presumably Fulla.
Murray, Alexander (1874). Manual of Mythology : Greek and Roman, Norse, and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology. London, Asher and Co.

The handmaid’s ability to transform into a hawk came from a cloak woven with hawk feathers – perhaps by Frigg herself – which had the property of making anyone who wore it capable of flying. It was said that Frigg also used the same cloak to transform herself into a hawk and fight alongside Odin, the warlord, during battles. This feature can be linked to the habit of the ancient Germanic peoples of always being apt in falconry.

It is not uncommon, in fact, to find depictions of the goddess Frigg wearing a headdress of hawk feathers, instead of the usual veil with which she is most often represented (the same feathered headdress was sometimes also worn by her husband). But whatever the origin of the myth, it was a common belief that the souls of the fallen in battle, led to Valhalla by the Valkyries, were destined half for Odin and half for his wife Frigg, who would guard them until the end of the world.

Odin and Frigg were parents of Hodur (or Höðr in Old Norse) and Baldr (or Balder), the first blind man and warlord, and the second shining and the god of the intellect. Baldr had inherited the gift of foresight from Frigg, especially regarding his own destiny.

It is said that distressed by a premonitory dream of death, he asked his mother for help to escape from this unfortunate fate. Frigg had therefore asked all the creatures of the universe to swear a solemn oath never to harm her favorite son, but for lightness she had forgotten to swear a sprig of mistletoe (a plant that grows precisely in winter), with which Hodur, on the advice of the evil god Loki, had struck Baldr to death, causing his wife, Nanna, to die from grief. This caused eternal despair of Frigg.

After Baldr’s death, Frigg asked the Ases who would ask Hel, the underworld goddess, to bring her beloved son back to life. Hermod (in Old Norse Hermóðr) offered himself, one of Odin’s illegitimate sons who, riding Sleipnir, his father’s steed, went to the underworld to ask the queen of death to resurrect both Baldr and Nanna. Hel had agreed with the condition that everyone mourned their deaths during the funeral. Nanna, animated by hope, gave Hermod a white dress for Frigg and a gold ring for Fulla, as a sign of gratitude.

Everyone obeyed Hel’s command, except Loki, disguised as a giantess Thokk. Baldr and Nanna, therefore, remained in the afterlife, waiting for the day they were resurrected, after the end of the world called Ragnarök. On that day, Loki and many other gods would be killed, including Odin and Frigg.

An illustration of Þökk, a figure from Norse mythology, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript. A scan of a black and white photography.

But others, including Baldr, Nanna, Hodur (who had meanwhile been killed by his half-brother Váli to avenge Baldr) and all of Thor’s sons would be resurrected forever. Until then, the goddess Frigg would always mourn her dead son, and hence the legend of her never-ending consolability.

What is Frigg a goddess of?

Frigg is also known as the goddess of heaven, love, fertility, proper housekeeping, marriage, domestic arts, and above all of motherhood.

How do you know that Frigg is calling you?

  • If you feel motherly instincts
  • When you feel the urge to clean and tidy your home
  • When you feel attracted by all things divination

Best ways to connect with Frigga

She prefers a good heartfelt action! Do something that makes you feel like you are giving something to someone in need, if you can, do this for kids, newborns etc.

You can connect with her also by dedicating yourself to the domestic arts, cooking, and cleaning. She is going to appreciate it!

How do you honor Frigga?

  • Cast fertility spell
  • Dedicate some time to divination
  • Create an altar in her honor
  • Spend some time at home making it special and unique

What are Frigga’s favorite offerings?

She adores milk and pastries, but you can also clean spaces and spend some time caring for or babysitting kids.

Offer to Frigga a textile creation you made in her name! You can crochet or sew something. She will deeply appreciate it!

Prayer for Frigg

“Frigg, wife of Odin,
mother of gods
Let your loving, fertile energy be mine
Share your gifts and your blessings with me
Bless my home
Bless my marriage
Bless my womb with fertile energy
Protect me, bless me, guide me
So be it”

What are Frigga’s symbols?

  • Cats were sacred to Frigg, which pulled her magnificent chariot on nights when she ran across the sky;
  • She is represented by swallows, cuckoos, and the stork, which flew to the aid of children who fell into swamps or streams, saving them from death and returning them to their mothers.
  • The keys are also a symbol for Frigga as she is able to open all doors, even those of the unknown.
  • Another symbol is the spindle, a female symbol of wisdom, virtue, industry, and being the master architect of your own destiny.
  • The Brisingamen necklace was forged for her by four dwarves, who, after a long negotiation, managed to get a night of passion with her, each.There is an anecdote about the necklace.

    The legend tells two versions of the disappearance of this jewel.

    The first is that Odin, furious at the betrayal, instructed the god Loki to steal it from her. But later, Odin blackmailed Loki to return it to her (it seems that in exchange he asked her to use magic against two rulers so that they would fight against each other forever).

    The second is that Loki stole it because he often did such things for pleasure, and he subsequently had to clash with the god Heimdallr, while both were transformed into a seal. The fight was won by the opponent who returned the jewel to the goddess.

My favorite books about Frigga

Reading books to educate yourself about a deity is a fun and productive way to explore all the history behind the myth but also to find new ways to learn about the deity you are interested in to your own way!

Queen of the Hearth: An Anthology for Frigga by Chelsea Luellon Bolton

You can buy it on Amazon US and Amazon UK

This book is great if you want to know all about Frigga and all her different personalities and representations over the centuries. Mainly, this book focuses on all of the aspects that make Frigga the Mother of all Gods.

A Modern Guide to Heathenry: Lore, Celebrations, and Mysteries of the Northern Tradition by Galina Krasskova

You can buy it on Amazon US and Amazon UK

If you want to explore northern traditions, myths, and mysteries all in one so that you know how to contextualize Frigga and her actions, this is the book you need to read. While reading it, you are going to learn how to use the northern tradition as a modern guide to living your life.

The Prose Edda: Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson

You can buy it on Amazon US and Amazon UK

The information we know about Frigga is taken from the poetic Edda and the prose Edda written in the thirteenth century by Snorri Sturluson, so this is a must to know it all about Norse mythology in an authentic and original way.

My favorite ritual with Frigg

The best way to honor Frigga with a ritual is by performing a Blot.

Blot is a religious ritual of Asatru and Odinism, but it is also practiced by neo-pagan and Wiccan groups. In Asatru, it is the main practice for honoring the Gods and ancestors and one of the two main rituals.

The etymology of the word blot is the same as the words blood and blessing, respectively blood and blessing. In the most ancient times in the Germanic area, these celebrations required an animal sacrifice, a method that has been replaced with the offer of alcoholic beverages; the bloody practice was already in disuse at the time of the introduction of the rite in the Scandinavian area.

In fact, among the Germanic peoples, it was customary to sprinkle the blood of the sacrificial victims on the body of the participants. The blot is both worship and propitiatory ritual. Blot rituals are practiced today to honor and sacrifice to the deities of the Germanic pantheon, elves, ancestral spirits, and nature spirits.

The ceremony is held outdoors, often near trees connected with the spirits that are celebrated or on hills where an alcoholic drink such as beer, mead or wine, or fruit juice with the addition of honey is offered to the spirits. Part of the ritual drink is sprinkled on the body and all around the area where the rite is officiated. The rest is offered to Frigga and poured to the ground at the end.

Frigg’s artwork

You can buy it on Amazon US

This is the iconic artwork I like the most as it gathers all of Frigga’s powers together. She is a beautiful young woman with long hair. She has keys with her, indicating her ability to unlock all doors, as well as those of wisdom and psychic abilities. With her is a newborn and she is watching over a lamb and a stork.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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