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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats, Pagan Crafts, Summer Magic

9 Summer Solstice Crafts & Recipes for a Magical Litha

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

This month, we compiled a list of our all-time favorite Summer Solstice crafts and recipes.

With the kids out of school and the days getting longer, escape the heat with these lazy-afternoon projects.

Foraged Fairy Ladder/Trellis

Fairy trellis ladder.

It’s the season of fairies, and nothing delights the inner child more than playing with the woodland spirits.

This one is so easy, it’s almost self-explanatory.

Literally:  Glue some sticks together.  Yup.  That’s it.  I used hot glue for the one above.

If you want to get fancy, add little bits of (affiliate link —–>) sheet moss to get that aged-in-the-garden feel.

You can even train roses or herbs to grow on it.

Honey Cakes

As far as Litha projects go, honey cakes are about as traditional as you can get.

Leave one in the woods as an offering and share the rest with friends over a bottle of mead for a dreamy summer afternoon gilded in the sweet stuff.

Fairy Door

OMG I got so excited about this fairy door project when I posted about it earlier this month.

They’re so easy and fun to create.  It’s a great way to use up odds and ends in your craft closet, like beads, foraged stuff from nature walks and leftover popsicle sticks.

Fun for kids or just the kid in you.  🙂

Mermaid Oil/Ocean Potion

Ritual oil for the sea witch: a few simple essential oil blend recipes.

The Summer Solstice brims with the energy of the ocean.

Sea witches, take full advantage of this season!

Even if you find yourself landlocked somewhere, bring the spirit of the ocean to you with this recipe for mermaid oil.

Beehive Garden Decoration

Bee habitat

Bees, honey and beehives are all traditional symbols of the Summer Solstice.

Make this lovely skep beehive for your Litha altar or summer goddess garden.

Easy enough for a 7-year-old to make and yet worthy of a Martha Stewart centerfold.

Midsummer Altar

Create an epic summer altar with garden herbs, crystals and candles appropriate for the season.

Finish it off by placing the Sun card from your favorite tarot deck in the center of your arrangement to honor the height of solar power.

Wishing Spell Candle Float

DIY Litha candle float wishing spell for Midsummer.

The stars align on Litha to create ideal celestial conditions for wishing magic.

This floating candle spell soothes the soul and makes a beautiful send-off for your hopes in the coming months.

Release it into a natural body of water and let the gods go to work for you.

Herb Infused Honey Potions

Did you know that honey found in the pyramids of ancient egypt is still good?

Honey’s enduring shelf life symbolize the eternal nature of ultimate reality.

Head over to your local farmer’s market and pick up a jar of fresh, local honeyInfuse it with herbs and sunlight and then use it as an edible potion in your kitchen witch spells.

Drunken Green Witch Potions

Make the most of your magical summer garden herbs and try your hand at making a “drinkable potion” in the form of green-witchy cocktail.

Be creative and experiment with ingredients that compliment each other both magically and flavorfully.

Blessed be.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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