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New Moon in Capricorn: December 30th, 2024

2024 accumulates with a powerful New Moon in ambitious and ‘top of the chart’ Capricorn. Capricorn is the strong-willed, empathic, and ruthless earth Goat who strives for goals and success. Ruled by the 10th house, social success, prestige, fame, skilled mastery, professionalism, and high-level achievements define them.

This signifies that 2024 closes with a “bang”- you have the opportunity to end this year in glamor and style, with a lot of success thrown in…

Key things to know:

  • Strengths to embody: tenacity, ambition, hard work, morals, ethics, respect for law and order, organizational and managerial qualities, self-discipline, practicalities, determination, resilience, self-leadership, responsibilities, dependability, trustworthiness, integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, loyalty, and emotional intelligence.
  • Weaknesses to watch out for: stubbornness, pessimistic thinking, a lack of vision or adaptability, resistance to change, emotional disconnection and distance, and an unforgiving and controlling nature.
  • Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and the 10th house, is a Cardinal earth sign, and has the glyph of the mountain Goat.

About the Author

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

Come back regularly to see what’s new and coming next.

Before we continue…

I offer castings for just about any purpose in both white magic and safe black magic options as well as the new moon and full moon-enhanced castings. The new and full moon spells are a great way to boost the power of your spell as each moon-enhanced casting uses special items and materials that are known to work very well during these moon phases to strengthen your casting and may even lessen the manifestation time as well!

Moon-enhanced castings also are completely separate from your base casting so it’s a second casting that will also boost the original casting, providing even stronger results.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach
  • Casting done in less than 24h
  • Only the best ingredients & tools
  • Free consultations before & after spell casting

Some of the client’s testimonials:

  • custom black magic spell casting by tina caro magickal spot testimonial october 26

You can find more testimonials on each product page.

Use a special 15% discount available for all New Moon Spell castings. These enhanced castings use items and materials that are known to be ‘supercharged’ by the power of the New Moon, resulting in stronger and more potent spellcasting.

Use code: moon15 at checkout!

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What Can You Expect?

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How this New Moon is affecting you personally:-

Fire signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)

Aiming to be more serious will give you all the wisdom and jewels you seek now. Your fun-loving, playful, and carefree approach is admirable, but it doesn’t help you with long-term goals, or fostering grounded and loyal connections. Your loyalty and trustworthiness are called up for cosmic questioning!

See it as a challenge you can rise from, be humble and open to criticism or temporary confusion. The only thing that can get in the way is you, your ego.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)

Your reputation is at an all time high, in fact, you may end this year becoming a boss or STAR with shiny-new clients. Your hard work is being seen by top industry professionals, you’re being recognized and appreciated- two qualities essential to maintaining your sincerity and integrity.

The only thing that may suffer is your love or home life, therefore make sure you stay consciously energized here. Make an effort, stay soft, and don’t neglect the intimate connections that fuel your emotional health.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)

Mindful words and speech will be your breaking point or saving grace, while chaotic and dramatic outbursts in love are common. Your passions are high- Capricorn’s modest and sensual vibe is projecting deep into your subconscious; you’re craving love and intimacy, more so than usual.

And you’re feeling (not just thinking). The result is a bit of magical madness, true feelings, and self-honesty at evolved levels, with equal amounts of pain and confusion. Focus on the positive (your ability to grow and stay open-minded) without compromising personal talents and ambitions.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)

It’s time to get serious about your love life- no more games! Capricorn’s energy inspires thoughts and feelings of motherhood and fatherhood, family, and security. These are things you tend to overlook, you bring the spiritual depth, emotions, and creativity, after all.

‘Going with the flow’ is already effortless to you. Take practical measures to sort out your home and family life. This world needs serious energizing…

Fresh Starts Rooted in Abundance

Fresh starts and new beginnings rooted in abundance, prosperity, and victory are the name of the game with this year’s last New Moon. You’re being blessed with a new guiding light, your inner star is alive! Flames burn, passion projects are finished or almost completed, and new seeds are planted.

New projects and professional ventures linked to old or existing ones are common now. This means you can sit down and evaluate the plans you made, the goals you achieved, and all you set to accomplish; and then expand and magnify.

There’s a deeply magnetic quality to Capricorn, they are a sensual and benevolent earth sign, after all!

Cardinal signs know how to put the Midas touch on projects innovatively and intellectually. They are not as visionary or adaptable as the Mutable signs, nor as passionate or excited as the Fixed ones, but they do possess incredible psychological gifts to create and initiate.

Cardinal energy initiates and brings the life force, self-awareness, wisdom, and personal power to create and innovate. As an earth sign, there’s a uniquely down-to-earth and gentle, humble, and modest energy present. Capricorn guides us to our highest potential by combining and merging the sensual with the intellectual.

As this is the last New Moon of the year, the energy brings mixed emotions, but a lot of potential! Firstly, we want to start new projects, plant new seeds- literal and metaphorical, and expand our personal empires.

But, we also want to go within, reflect, introspect, and examine what we’ve created or accomplished so far. You might find yourself “pulled” between past and present or present and future…. This is ok.

Capricorn, detail from the Horoscope from ‘The book of birth of Iskandar”

Any past or recent success lays the foundation for future success. See all of your major successes as a blueprint for possible new victories, as anything you’ve put the golden stamp on can serve as a catalyst and portal to more abundance.

Whether it’s wealth, fame, or a healthy amount of abundance and prestige you’re seeking, you can accomplish everything within your heart.

On this note, be very mindful of cruelty and coldness- adopting a cold and callous mindset approach is common with this tenacious mountain Goat. It’s possible to run into a battle of wills, let the need for high-level prestige or riches get the better of you, or succumb to our inner devil.

In Tarot, the Devil card is actually depicted by the Capricorn sign; this portrays the need for ultimate control and authority, which then spirals into toxicity and chaos.

In the pursuit of becoming your own boss, mastering a skill or your finances, and taking your goals and visions to the next level, you can unconsciously become a tyrant. A control freak. This is Capricorn at their worst, and the energy affects us all; especially during the Christmas season.

Balancing Control & Flow

One main theme that influences many areas of all of our lives is the patriarchal energy shining down, from authoritarian ‘Father Time’ and ‘Lord of Karma’ Saturn. Saturn’s vibrations stir up a need for order, organization, self-discipline, and a strict and stoic approach.

At home, in the family, at work… This New Moon sparks a strict tone and hand, like an overworked father who wants to remain calm and non-aggressive when he comes home from a long day at work. If you keep this image in mind, you will see the potential flaws, as well as the positives.

On the one hand, you or someone else will enforce order at all costs, even if it brings some unresolved emotions or tension; or straight-out chaos! This sparks social cohesion and harmony once the bumps have been smoothed over. Secondly, it allows for unity within a family or work dynamic.

On the other hand, such a strict and authoritarian approach can:-

  • Put out another’s flame, child or adult, when matters of raw talent or authentic skills are involved.
  • Alienate yourself or the one doing the enforcing.
  • Silence more shy and submissive or sensitive children or adults who can become emotionally scared, in addition to genuinely traumatized from such speech/actions they find abusive.

The long-term consequences of Capricorn’s paternal rule aren’t favorsome for some of us; stay very mindful of your respect levels and self-protection, stay true to yourself, and remain even slightly in your own center and power.

Watch out if you’re:-

  1. Cancer the sensitive Crab who withdraws into a shell, deeply hurt and pained- traumatized, and then eventually resorts to revenge and extreme privacy. Cancer can’t handle rational conversation or being spoken down to without any emotional sensitivity, empathy, or softness. Long-term consequences are quite serious for this sensitive Crab.
  2. Virgo the ‘it’s all personal’ perfectionist who takes things much too personally, also exasperating criticism or a lack of appreciation (through such an emotionless and authoritarian rule) for their kind and helpful nature. Over time, the Capricornian way scars Virgo’s need to be the genuine and selfless helper, which then puts them in their shadow; an evil mastermind with words, language, and speech. You’ve been warned…
  3. Leo, the immature but beautiful baby: Leos are generous, magnanimous, and loving to the max, yet they are children at heart with a deeply dramatic, moreover attention-seeking side. If they feel their natural authority and self-leadership have been diminished, they shout fire without remorse… more chaos ensues. Leos are immature, dramatic, and impulsive, so watch how you speak to them when trying to push your paternal or maternal instincts.
  4. Scorpio the intense and resenting Scorpion, the most intense and loyal sign, arguably, who tends to cut people out much too soon and take things too much to heart. Scorpio becomes vengeful and spiteful when their needs aren’t met with the same level of devotion and emotional sincerity they give. They then become a lone wolf, succumbing to extreme solitude, and unconsciously exerting their emotional intensity- along with subtle manipulations- into close relationships.
  5. Pisces the sweet and impressionable, but mentally unstable Fish! Finally, Pisces’ can be extremely hurt and wounded by this New Moon’s strict and patriarchal touch. Pisces oozes unconditional and universal love, they possess unconditional compassion and a connection to the divine. If they sense any unkindness or unfairness, they will unconsciously ruin your reputation or succumb to depressive and/or suicidal feelings. Similar to Cancer, Pisces needs gentleness and sensitivity for the true social unity, order, or cohesion you seek.

So, these five signs need to keep their wits about them, perhaps overcoming extreme sensitivity, being more rational and logical in thinking, and accepting that they might need to be bossed about a little (without the dramatics after…).

If you’re the one giving orders, take moments in between your commands to show some sensitivity and empathy. Hold eye contact and reflect your light into theirs, raising them up, so they know they are respected. Without this, the shadow side of Capricorn, the control-freak and authoritarian, can take over.

As for flow: set an intention to balance control with flow, order with surrender, and inflexibility with adaptability. This is key for lasting harmony and just order.

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Discipline, Resourcefulness, and Tenacity

Connected to all of the above, these three qualities should be applied to any social scenario, setting, or environment. You’re able to tap into the realm of infinite wisdom and potential for lasting success.

Success may equate with money, love, luck, friendship, security, fame, skilled mastery, excellence, etc.- whatever it means to you is the definition of success. Both work and home-family life are lit up, strongly, with this New Moon.

There may be a struggle to find balance. There may be tension and nervousness that puts everyone in frantic mode, on high alert, to ‘get things done.’

Going back to the first theme of old projects being the foundation for new ones, it can be easy to get distracted; especially if you’ve had to dish out orders, or be on the receiving end of such harshness, which can foster resentments and negativity.

The cosmic advice is to stay grounded, centered, and passionate. Channel your life force into the projects that inspire you. Don’t dwell in negativity or hatred, don’t let the universal currents of order and paternal rule put out your light.

You can find magic and synchronicity in anything; the first example that comes to mind is finding an ant on your windowsill once you’ve finally found some inner peace. Instead of seeing the ant as a nuisance, getting worked up while thinking ‘there’s finally order!

Now I have to deal with this annoying little ant’ – observe it. Reflect. Change that pessimistic and overly perfectionist mindset to, ‘wow, I didn’t know the universe is supporting me so much…’ Ants symbolize hard work, discipline, and the mundane- the smaller, daily chores and habits that contribute to a larger vision.

You are like an ant, self-sovereign, self-autonomous, and perfectly capable of struggle and hardship. See everything as a blessing to learn from. Self-mastery is core of this New Moon.