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By Moody Moons, Moon RItuals & Esbats

5 New Moon Rituals That Take Less Than 5 Minutes

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The New Moon!  It’s a time of inspiration, planning, and hope.  Honoring this phase of the lunar cycle doesn’t need to take long, and it makes a huge difference.  Try one of these new moon rituals that take less than 5 minutes.

New Moon Correspondences 

Unlike the full moon, which represents efforts that come to fruition, the New Moon represents initiation.  If the moon embodied the saying, “You reap what you sew,” then the Full Moon would be the flower, and the New Moon would be the seeds.  The New Moon is a time to:

-Let go of things that aren’t serving you.

Ritual purification for your home, body, or tools.

-Plan new projects.

-Dream up new ideas.

Stones & Crystals

Lapis lazuli


-Clear Quartz


-Dark blue






New Moon Rituals That Take Less Than 5 Minutes.

Try one of these New Moon Rituals that take less than 5 minutes.

Reset your altar.

Refresh your ritual space for the coming lunar cycle by taking five minutes to “reset” your moon altar or household altar.

Clear it off, wipe it down, remove any clutter, and replace it with only items you choose with intention, and get your moon cycle off to a fresh start.

Make a manifestation jar.

This is so simple and so effective.  

Get a clean glass jar and a piece of paper.  

Write down something you want to manifest in your life in the coming moon cycle.  Remember that setting a clear intention is the foundation of magic.

Now, add anything to the jar that you think supports or symbolizes what you want to manifest.  Herbs, crystals, or natural objects are all lovely choices.  But you can even include a child’s toy to invite more playfulness, a pen to encourage your passion for creative writing, a postcard from a travel destination you’d like to visit, ect.  

Be creative and have fun!

Do a one-card New Moon tarot draw.

Easy, magical ways to celebrate the Flower Moon in May.

One-card tarot draws are a great way to stay connected to your magical practice when you’re short on time.

Try one for the new moon.  Think of it as a spiritual keyword for the month ahead, and keep it tucked away in the back of your mind throughout the moon cycle to gain insight into your life.

(Also, don’t freak out if you get the Tower or Death card—-there are no “bad cards” or “good cards,” just life lessons).

Upgrade bath time.

Okay, it usually takes longer than 5 minutes to take a bath.

But it doesn’t take longer than 5 minutes to upgrade the bath you were going to take anyway and make it a ritual bath.

Five minutes—add some essential oils, light a few candles, and/or play some soft music.

The new moon ritual is a great time for a light ritual cleanse!

Try a 5-minute earthing session.

I became addicted to earthing a few years ago.

It sounds kooky when you first hear about it, but I implore you:  Don’t knock it ’til you try it.

Go out outside, get barefoot, and put your feet on the earth.  Give it five minutes (or more, if you’re vibing).

Then, notice how you feel afterward.  It’s a weird, electrified, energized feeling I can’t explain, but can’t deny.

Happy New Moon, people!

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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