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Witchcraft & Divination in Kansas: Legality & Laws


Written by: Tina Caro

Kansas, known as the Sunflower State, has a long-standing history embedded in the heartland of America. As religious and spiritual beliefs evolve in the country, the acceptance and recognition of practices like witchcraft and divination come into focus.

This article dives into the legal and societal perspectives on these topics in Kansas.

Reviewed by a lawyer, Juliana Sirotsky Soria

Juliana Sirotsky Soria, an esteemed lawyer with a master’s degree passed with distinction in General Theory of Jurisdiction and Process from PUC/RS and a law graduate from PUCRS, meticulously reviewed the article.

Drawing upon her vast academic and professional experience, she confirmed the accuracy of the legal concepts presented and commended the comprehensive nature of the overview.

However, Ms. Soria emphasized the importance of always consulting state-specific legal codes and guidelines for precise details.


Is practicing Witchcraft in Kansas legal?

Yes, practicing witchcraft in Kansas is legal.

Is believing in Wicca in Kansas legal?

Yes, individuals in Kansas have the freedom to believe in Wicca or any other religion.

Is Tarot legal in Kansas?

Yes, tarot reading is legal in Kansas.

Is Fortune-Telling legal in Kansas?

Yes, fortune-telling is legal, although local regulations or licensing might apply.

Commonly found regulations or requirements related to fortune-telling

To get detailed, specific, and up-to-date information regarding regulations or licensing requirements for fortune-telling in Kansas or its specific cities and counties, you might consider contacting local city clerks or checking local municipal codes.

Alternatively, seeking advice from a local attorney familiar with business regulations in the state would also be a prudent approach.

What do Kansas laws specifically state about witchcraft?

Kansas laws don’t directly mention witchcraft but uphold the freedoms of religious belief and practice as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

How have witchcraft-related laws in Kansas evolved historically?

Historical biases and superstitions might have influenced older views on witchcraft, but modern Kansas laws uphold personal and religious freedoms.

Is witchcraft recognized as a legitimate practice under Kansas law?

Yes, like other spiritual or religious practices, witchcraft is recognized as legitimate in Kansas.

How does the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution apply to the practice of witchcraft in Kansas?

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, ensuring that Kansans can practice witchcraft without governmental interference.

What legal protections exist to safeguard the rights of witchcraft practitioners?

Federal and Kansas state laws protect against religious discrimination, safeguarding the rights of witchcraft practitioners.

How does Kansas’s approach to witchcraft compare to other U.S. states?

Kansas, like many other states, focuses on religious freedoms and individual liberties.

What is the presence and legal status of Wiccan and pagan communities in Kansas?

Wiccan and pagan communities in Kansas have the same rights and protections as other religious groups.

Are there any known communities or organizations in Kansas that support or advocate for witchcraft practitioners?

Specific local groups, covens, or shops might exist, but would require deeper research.

Have practitioners of witchcraft in Kansas faced discrimination, and what legal remedies are available in such cases?

Individual cases might exist. Discriminated individuals can seek recourse under anti-discrimination laws.

What are common misconceptions about witchcraft, Wicca, and paganism, and how do they differ from reality?

Common misconceptions often revolve around portraying these beliefs as “evil” or “dark.” Most practitioners focus on nature, positivity, and personal growth.

How might public misconceptions about witchcraft lead to legal implications?

Misunderstandings can lead to discrimination, harassment, or denial of services, potentially resulting in legal disputes.

Has there been any significant media coverage or public discourse in Kansas surrounding witchcraft or related practices in recent years?

No. 39540.

December 3, 1945. Motion for Rehearing or to Transfer to Banc Overruled, January 8, 1946.

1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Municipal Corporations: Kansas City Ordinance Against Fortune Telling: Exercise of Police Power.

The enactment of a law prohibiting fortune telling was specifically approved by Kansas City’s charter. According to Article 9, Section 16 of the 1875 Constitution, which permits the creation of a charter compliant with state legislation, the charter clause in question was within the appropriate purview of the City’s police authority. The authority to provide for the use of appropriate police powers is a constitutionally granted power that comes with the charter-writing authority. Additionally, more comprehensive and varied rules are required for the general welfare, health, and safety of the populace in denser areas. The ordinance’s goal was to safeguard the public by prohibiting actions that could be interpreted as deceptive or fraudulent.


617 F. Supp. 592 (1985)

Herbert Daniel DETTMER, Plaintiff,
Robert LANDON, Director of Corrections, Defendant.

Civ. A. No. 84-1090-A.

United States District Court, E.D. Virginia, Alexandria Division.

August 28, 1985.

The 29-year-old plaintiff, Herbert Dettmer, is a prisoner at the Powhatan Correctional Center in State Farm, Virginia. According to Dettmer, jail officials are violating his first amendment right to the free exercise of his religion, the Church of Wicca (often referred to as witchcraft), by denying him access to any of the religious materials. The worship items that Dettmer is requesting, according to prison security officers, include candles, a statue, a white robe, incense, and either sulfur, sea salt, or uniodized salt. The jail authorities further assert that the Church of Wicca is not a religion that qualifies for first amendment protections. It is clear from the uncontradicted testimony introduced at trial that Dettmer has been a sincere member of the Wiccan faith for about two years. Although Dettmer has had some isolated difficulties at Powhatan in receiving Wiccan literature, the prison has generally given Dettmer free access to the organization’s books and pamphlets.

The Court thinks that the Church of Wicca is clearly a religion for first amendment purposes. Members of the Church sincerely adhere to a fairly complex set of doctrines relating to the spiritual aspect of their lives, and in doing so they have “ultimate concerns” in much the same way as followers of more accepted religions.  

A prisoner retains his right to freely worship while in prison, and restrictions on this right must be reasonably and substantially justified by legitimate considerations for prison discipline and security.

What role do educational institutions in Kansas play in addressing or perpetuating misconceptions about witchcraft?

Educational institutions may vary in their approach, with some promoting understanding and others inadvertently perpetuating myths.

Are there any resources or educational programs in Kansas aimed at promoting understanding and tolerance towards witchcraft and related practices?

Grassroots initiatives and community programs might exist, but specific resources would need more detailed investigation.


Kansas, reflecting the broader tapestry of the United States, upholds the tenets of freedom, especially when it pertains to spiritual and religious practices.

As the nation continually evolves its understanding and acceptance of diverse practices, it remains paramount to engage in informed dialogues and seek understanding. Witchcraft, Wicca, and related practices in Kansas are emblematic of this broader journey of societal recognition and acceptance.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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