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Onion Break Up Spell (DIY Cast Along)


Written by: Tina Caro

This ritual uses the powerful symbolism of the onion to sever emotional bonds and break up relationships.

The onion represents layers, which in this case symbolize the peeling away of a connection, while the toothpicks act as barriers that keep the separation strong.

The spell is meant to help you remove someone from your life, making room for new beginnings.

How difficult is it to perform?

This spell is of intermediate difficulty, requiring precise actions and focus. The materials are simple to acquire, but they require concentration and emotional clarity to be executed properly.

Is it powerful?

It is rated 4/5, as it relies on the clear intention of the practitioner and the emotional focus during the ritual. If done properly, it effectively severs emotional ties and promotes a break-up.

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 black pen: For writing down the names of those involved.
  • 1 white or red onion: Represents the layers of the relationship being peeled apart.
  • 7 toothpicks: To bind and hold the onion halves together, symbolizing the separation.
  • 1 piece of white paper: For writing down the names of the individuals involved.
  • 1 different piece of white paper: To write the name of the rival or the person you want to break up with.

How to Do It:

Prepare the Onion:

Start by cutting the onion in half, creating two equal parts. This action symbolizes the separation of the individuals involved.

Write the Names:

Cut two strips of paper. On one strip, write the name of your loved one (the person you want to separate from the rival). On the second strip, write the name of the rival or the person you want to break up. Use a black pen for this part, as the color symbolizes the breaking of bonds.

Place the Paper in the Onion:

Place each strip of paper on the inner side of each onion half. Ensure that the names are not facing each other but instead are placed with the back of one paper touching the other. This is crucial to ensure the separation energy flows properly.

Seal the Onion:

Carefully press the two onion halves together, aligning them as best as possible. Stick seven toothpicks into the onion to keep it closed. These toothpicks act as barriers that hold the separation intact.

Chant the Incantation:

While holding the onion, chant aloud:

“Let them separate, let them fight, let them part, and never unite again.”

This chant is meant to reinforce the intention of breaking up the bond.

Bury the Onion:

Finally, take the onion outside and bury it far away from your home. This final act symbolizes sending the relationship or emotional tie away, never to return. Forget about the spell after you’ve buried it.

How long does it take to manifest?

The effects of this spell can be immediate, though it may take a few days or weeks to see the full results. The separation energy will gradually build up, and you should notice that the individuals involved are either parting ways or the relationship is becoming more distant.

What if I lose focus during the spell?

 If your focus wavers during the ritual, take a moment to center yourself before continuing. The success of this spell relies heavily on your intention and emotional clarity, so it’s important to stay focused and positive throughout.

Why use onion and toothpicks?

Onions symbolize layers of a relationship that need to be peeled back, while toothpicks act as physical barriers that help seal the separation. Together, they amplify the intent of severing ties between two people.

Why perform this spell on Tuesday during the waning moon?

Tuesday, associated with Mars, brings an energy of conflict and action. The waning moon phase supports banishment and removal of negative influences, making it the perfect time to break up relationships or ties that no longer serve you.

What should I do after the spell?

Once the onion is buried, refrain from thinking about the situation or the individuals involved. Trust the process and let the energy of the spell work in the background. The more detached you are, the more successful the spell will be.

What if it doesn’t work?

 If the spell does not manifest as hoped, it could be due to emotional blocks, unclear intention, or improper execution of the steps. Reflect on your emotional state, adjust your focus, and consider trying again with a clearer mindset.


The Onion Break Up Spell is a powerful way to sever emotional connections and break up a relationship. Using simple ingredients like an onion, paper, and toothpicks, you can create a focused ritual that amplifies your intent to remove someone from your life.

Remember to stay emotionally clear, and trust in the process of the spell working its magic.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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