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The 7-Days Think of Me Spell: DIY Guide With Pictures


Written by: Tina Caro

If you’re ready to commit to a beginner-friendly yet potent ritual, this 7-Day Think of Me Spell is the perfect choice. It strengthens your connection with someone special, making you a constant presence in their thoughts. Daily dedication over seven days is required, but the results will amaze you!

To perform this spell, you’ll need seven sheets of paper, a red pen or marker and a red candle.

Getting ready

Setting up your altar is a very important first step as it helps you set the right energy and intention for the spell while helping you build the right mood and vibe around it.

Use your intuition and imagination; for example, add pink or red flowers or any other items to symbolize love and emotional connection.

Casting the Spell

Day 1:

Light up the red candle. Write on a piece of paper your name and the name of the person you want to have a romance with.

Also, add a day of birth for both of you.

Rewrite everything three times and draw a heart around the writing.

Fold this paper in half, and after that, fold it in half once again.

Burn this paper with a candle while saying:

“The flame is alive, the fire is burning, my love is coming soon, the hour is late!“

Turn off the candle and repeat the ritual for another six days.

Repeat for 6 More Days:

Each day, repeat the process with a fresh piece of paper, focusing deeply on your intention.

Continue using the same candle for consistency.

Why these ingredients work: Magical correspondences and symbolism

The Red Candle and Pen:

 Red represents passion, love, and desire, serving as a beacon for your intentions. Carving the person’s name into the candle strengthens the link between your energy and theirs.

 The names and the heart symbol:

 Writing names and birth dates creates a symbolic tie, while the heart anchors the energy in love and affection.

What’s the purpose of repeating the spell for seven days?

Repeating the spell daily strengthens the energetic connection between you and your desired person. It builds a consistent focus and reinforces the intention over time.

What happens if I skip a day?

Consistency is key. If you miss a day, take a break and restart the seven-day cycle to maintain the spell’s effectiveness.

Why do I need to write the names and birthdates?

Names and birthdates personalize the spell, making it unique to your intention. This step focuses the energy on the specific connection you want to manifest.

How do I dispose of the ashes?

Scatter the ashes in nature, such as under a tree or into running water, to release your intention to the universe.

What are signs that the spell is working?

Signs include:

  • The candle flame burns steadily or brightly.
  • You notice changes in the person’s behavior toward you.
  • You have dreams or feelings of connection.

What if the candle flame flickers or goes out?

A flickering flame may suggest unresolved emotions or energetic resistance. Take a moment to refocus your intention and ensure your space is free of distractions.

How long will it take to see results?

This spell generally manifests within 7–14 days, but results may vary depending on your belief, focus, and the alignment of energies.

Is this spell safe to perform?

Yes, this is a white magic spell focused on love and connection. It doesn’t force someone’s will but instead strengthens the bond between you.

Can I do something to reinforce the spell?

Chant prayer if that’s your thing or simpy use a love affirmation or prayer daily for added focus.


“May our connection grow strong and true,
Let love flow between us, anew.”


This spell is a beautiful, beginner-friendly way to let someone think of you constantly. Its blend of symbolism, intention, and repetition ensures a powerful connection between your energies.

Remember, the true magic lies in your dedication, positivity, and belief. Commit for seven days, and trust that the universe will align with your desires.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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