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By Witchipedia, Herbs & Oils

Olive: Folklore, Spiritual & Magick Uses

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The olive (Olea europaea) is a small evergreen fruit tree native to the Mediterranean area of Europe and the Middle East.

The tree grows to about 25 to 50 feet tall with a lovely, gnarled, twisted trunk and silvery, long, narrow leaves.

The flowers are small, white and feathery and give way to the olive fruit, a drupe that begins green and darkens to a deep purple.


Olive holds significant symbolism and utility across folklore, spirituality, and magick:

Folklore: In various cultures, olive branches and trees symbolize peace, wisdom, and abundance. The olive tree’s resilience and longevity make it a potent symbol of endurance and prosperity in folklore.

Spirituality: In spiritual practices, olive oil is often used for anointing and purification rituals due to its association with purity and divine blessings. Olive branches are also used in ceremonies and rituals to invoke blessings and protection.

Magick Uses: Olive leaves, branches, and oil are incorporated into magickal workings for their protective and healing properties. Olive oil can be used in spellwork to anoint candles, tools, and oneself for blessing and purification rituals. Olive leaves can be carried or placed in sachets for protection, prosperity, and manifestation.

It holds a special place in the world of magick, with various correspondences and symbolic meanings in rituals and spells.

Growing Olive

Olive trees may grow in climate zones 8-11. They need hot, dry summers and mild winters. Any freezing can damage the tree and a freeze that lasts more than a day can kill it.

Too much rain can encourage fungal growth which can also kill a tree. However, olives do like a change in seasons so they can have a period of dormancy to gear up for flowering.

Olives like a sandy loam that isn’t extremely acid or basic in a sheltered, sunny spot. They do like to grow on slopes, the south side is ideal.

ArbequinaSmall to medium-sized fruit with a mild and fruity flavor. Often used for olive oil production.
KalamataLarge and dark purple fruit with a rich, fruity, and slightly tangy flavor. Commonly used for table olives and salads.
ManzanillaMedium-sized fruit with a firm texture and a mild, buttery flavor. Well-suited for both table olives and olive oil production.
PicholineSmall to medium-sized fruit with a crisp texture and a slightly nutty flavor. Popular for both green and black olives.
MissionMedium to large-sized fruit with a mild and buttery flavor. Often used for table olives and olive oil production.
Table 1: Olive Varieties and Characteristics

History and Folklore

The Latin name Olea europaea means “oil of Europe”. The name of the olive relates to the word “oil” in many languages.

According to Greek myth, the city of Athens was won by Athena in a contest with Poseidon. They were challenged to give the people the most useful gift.

Poseidon’s was a salt spring and Athena’s was an olive tree. It is said that the very tree continued to grow in the Acropolis for centuries until the Persians burnt it to the ground but then the same day it grew again. The olive is sacred to Athena and to the city of Athens and an olive tree appeared on Athenian coins.

Pliny the Elder describes a vine, a fig tree and an olive tree growing in the middle of the Roman forum and the Roman poet Horace claimed his diet consisted of olive, endive, and mallow.

Athletes were anointed with olive oil at the Olympic Games and victors were crowned with olive leaves. Olive oil was used as fuel for the Olympic Flame as well as in sacred lamps as temples. Olive oil was also used in sacrificial offerings and to anoint priests and kings, as well as for more mundane purposes such as fuel for household lighting, a base for medicinal ointments and cosmetics, and, of course for cooking.

Olive wood was also extensively used for building and for carving xoanon.

olive tree spiritual meaning and characteristics by magickal spot
Copyright: Tina Caro

Healing Uses for Olive

Olive are loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids which have been proven to be a beneficial part of a weight loss diet as well as being heart-healthy. They may also be helpful for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, hot flashes, and metabolic syndrome.

Olive oil can be used as a base for any salve, ointment or massage oil.

Combine olive oil with salt or sugar to make a delicious exfoliating scrub for your hands and body.

Healing PropertyDescription
MoisturizingOlive oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants, making it an excellent natural moisturizer for skin and hair.
Anti-inflammatoryThe anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil can help reduce inflammation and soothe skin conditions like eczema.
Heart HealthConsuming olive oil as part of a balanced diet has been associated with numerous cardiovascular health benefits.
AntioxidantThe antioxidants in olive oil help protect the body against free radicals, promoting overall health and well-being.
Wound HealingThe application of olive oil on wounds can help accelerate the healing process and prevent infection.
Table 2: Healing Properties of Olive Oil

Rub olive oil into the scalp and let rest for 30 minutes before shampooing for soft, shiny, dandruff-free hair.

Massage olive oil into your nails and cuticles for strength and shine.

Olive leaf tea is said to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure and to help the body fight all sorts of infections including the common cold.

Olive in Magick

Draw a pentagram in olive oil on an item you would like to protect.

Wear olive leaves to bring good luck.

Hang branches over the door to prevent lightning strikes and keep evil from entering, or place the leaves in a bag or add them to a wreath and hang on the door or the chimney for the same purpose

Steep olive leaves in rainwater and asperge your house after you’ve cleaned and blessed it, or stash leaves in the corners of a room to keep a peaceful household and prevent or bring an end to family arguments.

Magickal UseDescription
ProtectionOlives are often used in protective spells and rituals to ward off negative energy and provide spiritual protection.
Peace and HarmonyThe olive tree symbolizes peace and harmony, making it suitable for rituals and spells aimed at fostering tranquility.
Wisdom and AbundanceOlives are associated with wisdom, abundance, and prosperity. They can be used in spells to attract these energies.
Divine ConnectionOlive branches and leaves are used to create sacred spaces and enhance connections with deities or spiritual forces.
Healing and RenewalOlives and olive oil can be incorporated into healing rituals or spells to promote physical and emotional well-being.
Table 3: Magickal Uses of Olives

Wear a wreath of olive leaves to ensure female fertility.

Eat olives to ensure male fertility and potency.

Use olive leaves to decorate an altar in honor of a God or honored ancestor.

Use olives and olive oil as offerings to Gods and honored ancestors

Olive oil is an excellent base for any oil blends and anointing oils, but note that its distinctive fragrance will be quite noticeable in your blend.

Write Athena’s name on an olive leaf and press it to your forehead to make a headache go away.

Olive Correspondences

Create a Magickal Herb-Infused Money Oil for a Candle Spell

As part of a candle spell, many magickal practitioners like to lightly anoint their candle with oil before lighting it.

Follow the steps below to create a money oil that’ll draw financial abundance to you. As you prepare this oil, keep your intent firmly in mind. You’ll need:

  • A glass jar with a tightly-fitting lid
  • Olive oil
  • Dried basil
  • Dried mint
  • Cinnamon – either chips or powder is fine
  • Vitamin E oil, to preserve
Magickal Herb-Infused Money Oil for a Candle Spell by magickal spot
Copyright: Tina Caro

Start by filling your jar with equal parts of basil, mint, and cinnamon until it’s about three-quarters full. Now top up the jar with olive oil until it’s nearly full. Add a few drops of the Vitamin E oil, close the jar tightly, and gently give it a shake.

Now your money oil is mixed, place it in a cool, dark, dry place. Every day, for two weeks, give it a gentle shake. At the end of this time, strain the liquid to remove the herbs and powder and either bottle it or jar it back up. It’s now ready!

Anoint your candles, wallet, tools, and other items to draw wealth to you. Get ready for abundance!

Try a Relaxing Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil – particularly extra virgin olive oil – is not only good for the body, it’s great for alleviating stress and helping to relax the mind. As part of a mindfulness routine, which may also incorporate regular meditation, an olive oil massage can help boost feelings of wellness and rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.

If you’ve got an obliging partner, ask them to give you a massage – otherwise, find out whether there’s a masseuse service local to you offering this type of massage. Don’t forget to light a candle and play some gentle, soothing music to get the ambiance just right.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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