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Waning Moon: Symbolism, Astrology, Witchcraft & Magick

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

As the full moon wanes, the lunar light gradually fades, its curve becoming more subtle. During this phase, the moon’s energy shifts from outward activity to introspection and release.

It’s an ideal time for certain types of magick and personal tasks, aligning with the natural flow of the universe.


The Waning Moon, which occurs after the Full Moon and before the New Moon, symbolizes release, reflection, and closure.

In astrology, it is a time to let go of what no longer serves you, finish projects, and prepare for new beginnings.

In witchcraft and magick, the Waning Moon is ideal for banishing spells, breaking habits, and cleansing rituals. Practitioners use this phase to release negativity, cut ties with harmful influences, and peacefully end situations.

Symbolically, the Waning Moon encourages introspection and the shedding of burdens, making way for renewal in the next lunar cycle.

What is the Waning Moon?

The waning moon is the phase of the lunar cycle that occurs after the full moon, when the moon’s light gradually diminishes until it reaches the new moon.

During this time, the moon’s energy shifts from outward expansion to inward reflection, promoting release, cleansing and letting go.

Waning gibbous moon over Tuntorp, Brastad, Lysekil Municipality, Sweden.

It’s a period of contraction and introspection, where energies naturally support activities like banishing negativity, breaking bad habits, and completing unfinished tasks.

The waning moon’s energy is about conserving strength, focusing on what truly matters, and preparing for the new beginnings that will follow in the next lunar cycle.

Astrological PhaseDescriptionInfluence
Waning GibbousOccurs right after the Full Moon; a time of sharing and gratitude.Encourages expressing gratitude for achievements and learning from recent experiences.
Last QuarterThe Moon is half-illuminated and half in shadow; a time of evaluation and balance.Promotes decision-making, addressing challenges, and letting go of the past.
Waning Crescent (Balsamic Moon)The final phase before the New Moon; a time of rest and surrender.Encourages deep introspection, rest, and preparing for new beginnings.
Table: Astrological Significance of the Waning Moon

Waning Moon Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism

The waning moon symbolizes the process of release, introspection, and endings. As the moon’s light diminishes, it represents the gradual letting go of what is no longer needed, whether that be old habits, relationships, or situations.

This phase is associated with cleansing, purification, and the completion of cycles, making it a powerful time for banishment and removal.

Symbolically, the waning moon mirrors the natural cycles of decline and decay, which are necessary for renewal and transformation.

It embodies the energy of retreat and withdrawal, encouraging us to focus inward, reassess our lives, and prepare for the new beginnings that will come with the new moon.

Release and Letting GoThe Waning Moon symbolizes a time to release negativity, bad habits, and things that no longer serve you.Ideal for rituals focused on banishing, cleansing, and emotional release.
Reflection and IntrospectionA period for looking inward, reflecting on past actions, and gaining insight.Encourages self-examination, meditation, and deep personal reflection.
Closure and EndingsRepresents the end of cycles, completion, and closure.An ideal time to finish projects, resolve issues, and bring closure to situations.
Preparation for RenewalPrepares for the new beginnings that come with the New Moon.A time to clear space, physically and mentally, for future growth and new opportunities.
Table: Symbolism of the Waning Moon

Magickal practices for the Waning Moon

During this lunar phase there are some practices that suit it the most to enhance the moon’s energy and manifest specific goals. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Banishing and Cleansing Spells: This is the perfect time for any magick focused on banishing negative influences, breaking bad habits, or removing obstacles. Cleanse your home and sacred spaces to rid them of stagnant energies.
  • Detox and purification rituals: Engage in detoxifying rituals for both the body and mind. Start a cleansing diet, practice purging rituals, or perform spiritual baths to wash away what no longer serves you.
  • Cord-Cutting rituals: If you need to sever ties with toxic relationships or situations, the waning moon supports this work. Perform cord-cutting rituals to release emotional attachments and regain personal power.
  • Forgive and Forget meditations: Reflect on your recent experiences and let go of any lingering negativity. Use meditation to re-evaluate your goals and discard what no longer aligns with your path.
  • House cleansing and decluttering: The waning moon is excellent for physical cleaning. Declutter your living space, removing items that no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose. This creates space for new energy to flow in the upcoming lunar cycle.
Banishing SpellsIdeal time for rituals focused on removing unwanted influences or energies.Use black candles, protective herbs, and symbols of release to cast out negativity.
Cleansing and PurificationThe Waning Moon is perfect for cleansing spaces, tools, and the aura.Burn sage, use salt, or cleanse with water under the Waning Moon to purify and clear energy.
Breaking Bad HabitsFocus on letting go of habits or behaviors that hinder growth.Create a ritual where you symbolically cut ties with the habit, using tools like scissors, candles, or a written list.
Protection MagickStrengthen protective barriers and ward off negative influences.Cast a protective circle, reinforce wards, or carry protective amulets charged under the Waning Moon.
Table: Magickal Uses of the Waning Moon

Best Crystals to Connect with the Waning Moon and Work with its Energy

During the waning moon, certain crystals align well with the energy of release, cleansing, and introspection. Here are some of the best crystals to work with during this lunar phase:

  • Black Tourmaline: Known for its powerful protective and grounding properties, Black Tourmaline helps to absorb and transmute negative energy, making it ideal for banishing and protective rituals during the waning moon.
  • Obsidian: This crystal is excellent for deep inner work and cutting through illusions. It aids in releasing emotional baggage, uncovering hidden truths, and facilitating shadow work, which is well-suited to the introspective energy of the waning moon.
  • Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal that helps in detoxifying the mind, body, and spirit. It assists in letting go of what no longer serves you, making it ideal for releasing negativity and moving forward with clarity.

Using these crystals during the waning moon can enhance your rituals and practices, supporting you in your journey of release and renewal.

Dividing the Waning Moon

Waning moon can be described and divided in more phases, each one of them is linked to a specific type of driving ruling force that can change the way yoi can work with its energy to manifest what you want.

  • Dry Moon (Full Moon to Last Quarter):

Focus on refinement and letting go. This phase is ideal for thinning out unnecessary elements in your life—whether it’s habits, possessions, or relationships. Use this time for making choices that help you move forward more efficiently.

  • Last Quarter Moon:

This is a time for critical evaluation. Assess what’s working and what’s not. It’s perfect for completing unfinished projects and letting go of anything obsolete. Perform rituals that focus on sorting and purging.

  • Cold Moon (Last Quarter to New Moon):

As the moon’s light diminishes, so too should your outward activity. Conserve your energy and focus on inner work, such as introspection and planning for the future. Use this phase for deep meditation and working on your spiritual growth.

Using the Waning Moon’s energy the right way

  • Avoid starting new projects: The energy of the waning moon is not conducive to new beginnings. Instead, focus on finishing what you’ve started and releasing anything that is holding you back.
  • Take a break! Healing, rest and recovery: If you or someone you care about is recovering from illness or surgery, the waning moon supports healing processes. It’s also a good time for self-care and recuperation.
  • Energy conservation: Just as nature prepares for winter, use this phase to conserve your energy. Don’t push yourself too hard; instead, focus on what truly matters and let go of everything else.

Waning Moon Effects on Different Zodiac Signs

Zodiac SignInfluenceInterpretation
AriesMay feel restless or impatient as energy wanes.Encourages slowing down, focusing on completing tasks, and letting go of unnecessary stress.
TaurusMight feel the need to declutter and simplify.Promotes grounding, letting go of material attachments, and focusing on inner peace.
GeminiCould experience heightened introspection and communication challenges.Encourages reflecting on thoughts, communicating clearly, and resolving misunderstandings.
CancerMay feel emotionally vulnerable or reflective.Promotes emotional healing, nurturing oneself, and releasing past hurts.
LeoMight need to focus on humility and releasing ego-driven desires.Encourages letting go of the need for attention and focusing on inner confidence.
VirgoLikely to focus on organization and self-improvement.Promotes clearing out old routines, habits, and mental clutter to make way for better practices.
LibraCould experience a need for balance and harmony in relationships.Encourages resolving conflicts, letting go of toxic relationships, and seeking inner balance.
ScorpioMay feel drawn to deep emotional or spiritual transformation.Promotes releasing intense emotions, past traumas, and embracing renewal.
SagittariusMight feel the urge to retreat and reflect on personal beliefs.Encourages letting go of outdated beliefs and exploring new philosophical perspectives.
CapricornLikely to focus on reassessing goals and ambitions.Promotes releasing unnecessary burdens, reassessing long-term goals, and preparing for future success.
AquariusMay feel the need to withdraw and reflect on social connections.Encourages letting go of group pressures, focusing on personal ideals, and preparing for new collaborations.
PiscesCould experience heightened intuition and emotional sensitivity.Promotes spiritual cleansing, releasing emotional baggage, and embracing inner peace.


Here you have a few ideas and inspirational practices for you to explore to make the most of the Waning Moon.

By aligning your activities and magick with the waning moon, you can feel good, harmonizing with the natural rhythms of the universe, making this phase one of deep strong release and preparation for the new beginnings that follow, the ones associated with the new moon phase where we are ready to set new intentions and embrace new chapters of our lives.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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