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Crystals Associated with a Planet Mars: Best Choices

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Written by: Tina Caro

Mars is a planet with a powerful energy. Honoring it and connecting with it can be a massive opportunity for you to embrace new perspectives and a new life.


Crystals associated with Mars, like Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Hematite, and Ruby, resonate with its fiery energy and warrior spirit.

Red Jasper enhances courage and determination, empowering action and overcoming obstacles.

Bloodstone boosts physical energy and resilience, aligning with Mars’ dynamic energy.

Carnelian ignites passion and creativity, encouraging bold actions and leadership.

Hematite channels Mars’ assertiveness into disciplined focus and strength, while Ruby inspires courage and decisive decision-making.

Together, they embody Mars’ fiery essence, empowering individuals with vitality, courage, and determination to pursue their goals with vigor.

The Energy of a planet Mars

The planet Mars in the star chart reinforces some characteristics already present in the signs and brings with it a lot of strength and action, characteristics that can be brought to a more aggressive side, so to speak.

The nature of Mars is masculine and therefore symbolizes the impulsiveness of the great star, the Sun, showing more than anything the human needs for survival and also exhibiting great sexuality.

There are no barriers for Mars: this planet, with all its strength and aptitudes, demonstrates that it is capable of making everything happen, even what is considered impossible.

Mars in the birth chart indicates the need to act and the way in which one acts.

Responsible for most of our impulses, it is the planet that guides the will, whether it is thought or not.

Its deeper meanings can be seen through desires, especially sexual ones, as this planet in the astrological chart clearly reveals the sexual profile of the native who has it in specific positions.

Full of energy, Mars in the birth chart makes a difference for natives in relation to their deepest and most primary feelings.

crystals associated with the planet Mars
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Best Crystals for Honoring Planet Mars

For Mars the best crystals are Magnetite and the “bloodstone” i.e. red Jasper and all its varieties.


It is very suitable for those who need to develop perception, love, friendship, recovery, strength, and courage.

It brings various benefits to the bones, relieves problems of bone joints, muscle contractions, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, bladder. In the human psyche, Magnetite purifies the entire body and eliminates blockages caused by the brain. It is a harmonizing stone, which protects against lightning and has an extraordinarily relaxing effect on the aura.

In the field of meditation, this stone is highly appreciated, thanks to its intuitive perception and rapid transformation on a higher plane. It has an inexplicable power of attraction and dispersion of energies.

That is, it manages to capture positive energies from the environment and absorb the body at the same time as it disperses the negative energies trapped in the body into the cosmos.

As regards the emotional aspect, magnetite helps with problems related to excessive shyness. And already in the spiritual field, the stone has the power to renew the forces of the soul, once it activates all the chakras.

collage showcasing magnetite by tina caro magickal spot
Copyright: Tina Caro

Red Jasper

Red jasper stones have been used for thousands of years by people of different cultures and religions.

They are believed to have special healing and protective powers and are associated with the heart chakra. Ancient civilizations believed that jasper was formed when the blood of the god of war fell to the earth.

They also associated the stone with the god of love and passion, considering it a stone of romance and sexuality.

They believed the stone could increase fertility and cure infertility. The ancient people of Mesopotamia believed that the stone could increase wisdom and knowledge and often used it to create amulets.

How to Use Crystals?

  • Sit in a comfortable position with a piece of magnetite in your hand or placed on your lap. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Visualize yourself drawing in the powerful magnetic energy of Mars with each inhale, and releasing any tension or negativity with each exhale. Allow the magnetite to amplify your connection to Mars’ energetic vibrations.
  • Hold a piece of magnetite in your hand and visualize a protective shield of magnetic energy surrounding you. Envision this shield repelling negativity and providing you with strength and resilience. Carry the magnetite with you throughout the day as a talisman of protection and empowerment.
  • Lie down on the ground outdoors or indoors where you feel comfortable. Place a piece of magnetite on your root chakra (located at the base of your spine) and allow its grounding energy to anchor you to the Earth. Visualize roots extending from your body into the ground, connecting you to the stability and vitality of the planet.
  • Sit in a quiet space with a piece of magnetite in your hand. Close your eyes and visualize your goals or desires with clarity and intensity. Feel the magnetic pull of the magnetite drawing your intentions towards manifestation. Meditate on the actions you can take to bring your dreams into reality, harnessing the assertive energy of Mars.
  •  Lie down comfortably and place a piece of red jasper on your sacral chakra (located below the navel). Close your eyes and visualize the vibrant red energy of the stone infusing your sacral chakra, igniting your creativity, passion, and vitality. Allow yourself to connect deeply with your inner desires and creative potential.
  • Build a small bonfire or light candles in a safe and controlled environment. Sit beside the flames with a piece of red jasper in your hand. Meditate on the transformative power of fire and its connection to Mars’ energy of action and courage. Offer your intentions to the flames, allowing them to be carried to the universe.
  • Hold a piece of red jasper in your hand and stand in a strong, confident posture. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, visualizing yourself embodying the bold and assertive energy of Mars. Feel the strength and determination coursing through your veins, empowering you to overcome obstacles and pursue your goals with vigor.
  • Practice yoga poses that invoke the warrior spirit, such as Warrior I, Warrior II, and Warrior III. Hold a piece of red jasper in your hand or place it near your yoga mat to amplify your connection to Mars’ energy of strength and courage. Allow each pose to ignite your inner fire and determination, inspiring you to face challenges with resilience and grace.


Use these crystals to work the mars energy and channel it into your body and spirit. Do it with an open mind and you will welcome new vibes and perspective into your life.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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