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Crystals Associated with a Planet Uranus: Best Choices


Written by: Tina Caro

Uranus has a chaotic, strong and evolutive energy attached to it and connecting with it, mastering it can be a life-changing occasion for you to see your entire existence from a different perspective.


Crystals associated with Uranus, such as Black Opal, Black Tourmaline, and Obsidian, resonate with its revolutionary energy.

Black Opal stimulates creativity and intuition, fostering innovative thinking and embracing change.

Black Tourmaline provides grounding and protection, aiding in navigating transformation with stability and resilience.

Obsidian promotes inner strength and transformation, helping individuals break free from limitations and embrace their true selves.

Together, these crystals support individuals in embracing change, innovation, and personal growth in alignment with Uranus’ energy.

The Energy of the Planet Uranus

Uranus expresses the impact of earthly experience on consciousness: the awakening of reality through the knowledge of what happens on both a physical and spiritual level.

Uranus helps to understand some of the conflicts to which collective man and man as an individual are exposed.

Many problems arise when we are not honest with ourselves, but the greatest difficulty is precisely discovering who we are.

There is a factor in human nature that aspires to unity with the rest of humanity without giving up that cosmic force that is individuality. Everyone knows that disagreeing with others is sometimes interpreted as fighting against society.

Thus, we often find Uranus in a position of pre-eminence in the horoscope of notoriously eccentric or strange people, who live entire periods of their lives during which they encounter disapproval, resentment, and hostility from others.

In astrology Uranus represents the strength of decision, progress, intuition, the taste for the new and the different.

During its passages its transformative force can express itself in such a powerful way that it suddenly destroys all old mental habits. Uranus renews the rhythm of existence and overturns the status quo in order to change what is no longer useful and is not useful for personal evolution.

crystals associated with the planet Uranus
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Best Crystals for Honoring Planet Uranus

Black Opal, Black Tourmaline, and Obsidian are the best crystals for honoring Uranus.

Black Opal

Black Opal is a crystal with shades of intense black and multicolored veins. This stone is known for its properties of protection, spiritual growth and stimulation of intuition.

Its energy is recognized for promoting transformation and deep connection with the higher self.

Black Tourmaline

Here is a precious stone that helps to merge spirit, mind, emotions and body into a harmonious unity, from which wisdom and creativity develop. Black tourmaline stones have the property of stimulating the joy of living, emphasizing all the positive aspects of life.

This powerful stone provides a balance of male-female energies within our body, and is excellent for balancing the hemispheres of the brain. It increases physical vitality, replacing tension and stress with the ability to see the world objectively with clear, rational thinking and neutrality.

It inspires a positive attitude, regardless of circumstances, and stimulates altruism and practical creativity.

black tourmaline
Black tourmaline

It is well known as a black stone with the meaning of purification, because it has the power to divert and transform negative energy (including that generated by electric and magnetic fields and radiation) and is widely used as a grounding stone. It is able to improve one’s awareness, increase self-esteem and amplify one’s psychic energies.

It is an excellent gem for concentration and communication, but it is also useful in relaxing the physical body and the mind crowded with too many thoughts.

It is also used as a purifier for our aura and is an excellent stone for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing freshness and emotional stability.

A stone particularly suitable for periods of extreme chaos, this is the crystal that absolutely must not be missing for those who work with crystal therapy and for those who are in a lot of contact, even physically, with other people for work reasons.


Obsidian helps to courageously face fears, to resurface and overcome the blocks and traumas of the past. Protects from negative energies and purifies the environment.

A deeply spiritual stone, it promotes inner growth and the awakening of awareness. It has a revitalizing action and brings out ideas and images from deep within.

obsidian close up by tina caro magickal spot
Copyright: Tina Caro

It gives sensations an unexpected depth and helps to overcome any type of fanaticism.

Finally, it purifies the environment, eliminating any negative influences. It makes the subject more aware and pushes him to change his behavior patterns. It promotes his sensitivity and helps him understand how mysterious there is in phenomena and events.

How to Use Crystals?

  • Carry a piece of black opal with you during periods of introspection or meditation. Allow its mysterious and transformative energy to help you explore your inner depths and connect with Uranian insights.
  • Create a cosmic-inspired altar dedicated to Uranus, adorned with celestial imagery and a prominent piece of black opal. Spend time in contemplation or ritual at the altar, inviting Uranus’ innovative and visionary energy into your life.
  • Perform a grounding and protective ritual with black tourmaline. Sit quietly with a piece of black tourmaline in your hand, visualizing roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you to the stability and resilience of Uranian energy.

    Also read:
    125 Positive Affirmations for Black Tourmaline: Crystal Work
    Meaning of Black Tourmaline Breaking Explained
  • Wear black tourmaline jewelry or carry a small piece in your pocket as a talisman of protection and empowerment, helping you navigate Uranus’ transformative influence with courage and strength.
  • Practice scrying or divination with a black obsidian mirror or sphere to tap into Uranus’ intuitive and visionary energy. Allow the reflective surface of the obsidian to serve as a portal for accessing insights and revelations from the depths of your subconscious mind.
  • Conduct a ritual for releasing old patterns and embracing change with obsidian. Write down limiting beliefs or stagnant energies on a piece of paper, then burn it in a fireproof container while holding a piece of obsidian, symbolizing your willingness to let go and invite Uranus’ liberating energy into your life.

    Also read:
    Obsidian Crystal Combinations: Positive & Other Stones
    Benefits of Wearing a Black Obsidian Bracelet: Good to Know
  • Create a visionary vision board or collage representing your aspirations, dreams, and ideals inspired by Uranus’ innovative energy. Use images, words, and symbols that resonate with your highest aspirations and place them prominently where you can see them daily, reminding you to embrace change and pursue your unique path.
  • Spend time stargazing or observing the night sky during celestial events such as meteor showers or planetary alignments associated with Uranus. Use this opportunity to reflect on the vastness of the universe and your connection to the cosmic forces that Uranus represents, fostering a sense of awe, inspiration, and wonder.


Crystals for Uranus are so incredibly useful for us to handle chaos, embrace change and find a new way to connect with our spirituality. Use them wisely to make it work.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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