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Candle Magic

8 Ways to Use Black Candles in Witchcraft (DIY With Pictures)

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Written by: Tina Caro

A black candle is a potent spiritual tool, often associated with protection, banishing negativity, grounding, and transformation.

Used across various spiritual traditions, black candles serve as powerful aids in clearing out unwanted energy and strengthening one’s personal power.

Whether you need to shield yourself from harmful influences, release the past, or tap into deep inner wisdom, a black candle can be your powerful ally.

Let’s explore the best ways to incorporate black candles into your spiritual practice.

Using Black Candles in Witchcraft

For Banishing Negative Energy

Negativity can accumulate from different sources—stressful environments, toxic relationships, or even our own intrusive thoughts.

black candle for Banishing Negative Energy

If you feel weighed down by stagnant energy or emotional heaviness, a black candle is the perfect tool to clear the way for renewal.

It absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations, making room for fresh, positive energy to flow freely.

How to do it:

  • Light the black candle.
  • Write down on a piece of paper what you want to release—negative habits, fears, toxic influences.
  • Hold the paper and focus on the black candle’s flame, visualizing the energy being absorbed.
  •  Burn the paper in a fire-safe bowl while saying, “I release what no longer serves me.”
  •  Let the black candle burn safely or extinguish it when you feel the energy is cleared.

During Protection Rituals

Life is full of unseen energies, both positive and negative.

Black candles create a strong spiritual shield, preventing harmful forces from interfering with your personal space.

using black candles During Protection Rituals

Whether you want to protect your home, yourself, or a loved one, a black candle can act as a guardian against malevolent intentions and psychic attacks, forming an impenetrable barrier of spiritual defense.

How to do it:

  • Hold the black candle and set the intention for protection.
  •  Light the candle and visualize a dark, impenetrable shield surrounding you or your space.
  • Chant: “I am protected, I am safe, no harm may enter my space.”
  •  If using for home protection, walk through your home while holding the candle, letting its energy infuse every corner.
  • Allow the candle to burn down safely or extinguish it when done.

For Shadow Work and Inner Transformation

Shadow work is a deeply introspective practice that involves confronting hidden aspects of yourself like fears, past traumas, or unresolved emotions.

Black candles serve as guides in this process, illuminating the darkness within so you can acknowledge and heal it.

using black candles For Shadow Work and Inner Transformation

By working with a black candle, you can bring suppressed emotions to light and cultivate self-awareness and inner transformation.

How to do it:

  1. Find a quiet, dimly lit place.
  2. Light the black candle and sit comfortably in front of it.
  3. Close your eyes and focus on areas in your life where you feel stuck or fearful.
  4. Allow emotions to arise without judgment—observe them.
  5. Journal your thoughts, insights, or revelations as you work through your inner blocks.
  6. When you feel ready, thank the candle for its guidance and extinguish it.

Working with the Moon’s Energy

The different phases of the moon influence energy and intention-setting in spiritual practices.

using black candles when Working with the Moon’s Energy

The waning moon, in particular, is ideal for rituals involving release, endings, and deep introspection.

If you wish to rid yourself of lingering attachments, negative patterns, or obstacles blocking your progress, using a black candle during this lunar phase can amplify your results.

How to work with the moon’s energy:

  1. Set up a moon altar with symbols of the waning moon, such as obsidian or onyx.
  2. Light the black candle and visualize the moon’s energy amplifying your intent.
  3. Write down what you want to release and burn the paper in a fire-safe dish.
  4.  Chant: “As the moon wanes, so does all that no longer serves me.”
  5. Allow the candle to burn for a while or extinguish it when done.

Hex & Curse Reversal

Feeling drained, experiencing a streak of bad luck, or sensing unexplained negative energy around you may indicate a spiritual attack or ill-intended energy directed at you.

A black candle is a powerful tool for reversing hexes, curses, or harmful energy sent your way.

using black candles for Hex and Curse Reversal

By using it in a focused ritual, you can break free from spiritual interference and reclaim your power.

How to do it:

  • Carve your full name and “Return to Sender” on the black candle.
  • Anoint it with protective oil like rosemary or frankincense.
  • Light the candle and say: “All harm sent my way returns to its source.”
  • Let the candle burn completely or extinguish it when you feel safe.

For Ancestral Work and Honoring the Dead

Honoring those who came before us allows us to connect with our roots, seek wisdom, and gain spiritual guidance.

using black candles for Ancestral Work and Honoring the Dead

Black candles serve as conduits between the physical and spiritual realms, making them perfect for ancestral work, remembering lost loved ones, and strengthening the bond with the spirit world.

How to do it:

  1. Place a photo or an item belonging to the person you want to honor near the black candle.
  2. Light the candle and say their name, inviting their presence.
  3. Speak your thoughts, ask for guidance, or simply sit in silence to receive messages.
  4.  Let the candle burn safely or extinguish it when you feel complete.

Making an Altar for Ancestors (Easy-To-Follow Guide)

Grounding and Strengthening Spiritual Boundaries

Spiritual work can be energetically exhausting, leaving you feeling scattered or drained. Grounding is essential for rebalancing your energy and reinforcing your spiritual boundaries.

using black candles for Grounding and Strengthening Spiritual Boundaries

A black candle acts as an anchor, helping you restore stability and reclaim your personal strength.

How to do it:

  • Sit with your feet planted on the floor and light the black candle planted in soil.
  • Close your eyes and visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth.
  • As the candle burns, feel yourself becoming stable, strong, and centered.
  • When you feel fully grounded, thank the candle and blow it out.

For Any Banishing or Binding Spell

Banishing and binding spells are powerful forms of energetic protection that help remove harmful influences or restrict negative entities from interfering in your life.

using black candles For Any Banishing or Binding Spell

Black candles enhance the potency of these spells by absorbing negativity and sealing your intentions with strength and finality.

How to do it:

  • Write down the name of the person or situation you need to banish or bind.
  • Wrap the paper around the black candle and secure it with black thread.
  • Light the candle and chant: “Your power fades, your influence ends.”
  •  Let the candle burn down completely or snuff it out when you feel the spell is complete.


A black candle is an essential tool for protection, release, and transformation. Whether you use it for banishing negativity, grounding, connecting with ancestors, or reversing harmful energy, its power is undeniable.

Keep a black candle on hand for any time you need to tap into its potent energy and make way for a stronger, more empowered you!

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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