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Demon Beelzebub: Origins, Symbolism & Witchcraft

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Written by: Tina Caro

To grasp the significance of Beelzebub (also spelled as Beelzebu, Beelzebub, Beelzeboul), one only needs to know that, according to medieval Christian beliefs, he commands a legion of 6,666 demons.

This particular number is not coincidental but rather a result of prophecies attributed to the Nun of Dresden, a 17th- and 18th-century nun who wrote her prophecies in German and Latin.

She prophesied that Satan would reign on Earth for exactly 6,666 days, which directly links this number to the infamous apocalyptic 666 (the number of the beast, associated with the Antichrist) and the number of infernal beings under Beelzebub’s command.


Beelzebub, often referred to as “Lord of the Flies,” has a complex and multifaceted history in various cultures, religions, and mythologies.

Originally, Beelzebub was a Philistine god worshipped in the city of Ekron. In Christian demonology, Beelzebub is often considered one of the seven princes of Hell and is associated with the sin of gluttony.

In witchcraft and occult practices, Beelzebub may be invoked or used symbolically by some practitioners, although its usage varies widely and is not a central figure in most witchcraft traditions.

It’s important to note that the interpretation and use of such figures in witchcraft can differ significantly among individuals and covens.

Always approach such topics with an understanding of their historical and cultural context and with respect for diverse beliefs within the witchcraft community.

Beelzebub’s Position in the Infernal Hierarchy

Beelzebub holds a prominent position in the infernal hierarchy, second only to Satan and Astaroth. According to Kabbalistic tradition, Beelzebub, along with Bodon, commands a group of spirits of lies known as chaigidel.

Two Eminent Devils. Satan and Beelzebub. Original stipple engraving of “The life of Milton: in three parts. To which are added, Conjectures on the origin of Paradise lost: with an appendix. By William Hayley, Esq.

The Origins of Beelzebub’s Name

The origins of Beelzebub’s name are a subject of debate, but a commonly accepted hypothesis suggests that it derives from the great white bull god Baal Zephon, worshipped in Canaan.

The Canaanites regarded him as the king of the northern Underworld, and the Philistines of Ekron had adopted this cult. He was also known as Baal-Zebul, the “Lord of the abode of the North,” and was worshipped on Mount Tabor.

When the King of Israel, Ahaziah, consulted the oracle in Ekron, he was rebuked by the prophet Elijah for not seeking guidance from the oracle of Israel. Elijah suspected that Baal-Zebul might be an autumn Dionysus, worshipped at Mount Tabor by faithful who consumed Amanita muscaria (a poisonous mushroom), inducing strong hallucinations and trance states.

Beelzebub and them that are with him shoot arrows.” an illustration from the Henry Altemus edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, published in 1678. Illustrations by Fred Barnard, J.D. Linton, W. Small, etc
OriginHistorical References
Name OriginsDerived from Ba’al-Zebub in ancient texts.
Ancient TextsMentioned in the Hebrew Bible and Christian demonology.
Evolution of BeliefsEvolution of beliefs and symbolism over time.
Table: Origins and Historical References

Transformation from a God to a Malevolent Demon

During the time of Jesus, who was accused of consorting with Beelzebub, the kingdoms of Israel and Philistia had long been abolished, and the sanctuaries of Ekron and Tabor were completely destroyed.

Baal-Zebul’s functions had been assumed by the archangel Gabriel, relegating the once glorious god to a malevolent demon, sarcastically named Baal-Zebub, “lord of the flies.” In the New Testament, Baal-Zebub became the prince of demons.

Tradition holds that Levite priests had preserved the ancient and pagan ritual of turning the victim’s head northward during sacrifices.

The Meaning of the Name Beelzebub

The name Beelzebub is thought to be a compound of “Baal,” which can be translated from Phoenician as “lord,” and “Zebub,” which some scholars suggest means “flies,” while others interpret it as “dunghill.”

Symbolism of Flies in Ancient Cultures

In many ancient cultures, flies were considered imperfect creatures spawned from decay and associated with disease and food contamination. Especially in Eastern cultures, these insects were seen as a real scourge.

The Zoroastrian demonological vision symbolized this calamity with Nasu, a she-devil representing putrefaction, impurity, and decay.

In this vision, dogs and birds that fed on corpses (necrophages) could drive Nasu away with a single glance, causing the demon to flee from the corpses, taking on the form of a grotesque fly.

Symbol or AttributeDescription
Lord of the FliesAssociated with swarms of flies in some interpretations.
DemonologyRole and attributes in Christian demonology.
TransformationSymbolism related to transformation and change.
Insect SymbolismThe significance of insects and flies in symbolism.
Table: Symbolism and Attributes

Beelzebub in Apocryphal Texts

Beelzebub is featured in various apocryphal texts, such as the Gospel of Gamaliel and the Essene Gospel of Peace, where he is described as the “prince of all demons and source of all evil.”

Beelzebub is depicted as luring humanity with false promises, only to deceive them.

Rabban Gamliel seated in a niche flanked by two of his disciples. From the Haggadah for Passover (the ‘Sister Haggadah’).

Beelzebub’s Influence in the West

Beelzebub’s fame extended to the West.

For instance, Pierre Le Loyer, an occultist and demonologist who served as the first adviser to the King of France, recounted a story of a possessed woman in Laon, from whose mouth Beelzebub emerged during an exorcism, taking on the form of a fly.

Beelzebub During the Period of Christianity

During the period of Christianity, Beelzebub was considered the ruler of the empire of darkness. His notoriety led to the creation of other diabolical flies and goblins that were allegedly fed by English witches.

He was even associated with a gigantic fly that stung Cunibert, King of the Lombards, while he was discussing the murder of two gentlemen who had previously insulted him.

The courtiers attempted to capture the monstrous creature but only succeeded in cutting off one of its legs.

Strangely, the two gentlemen were later approached by a legless man who warned them of the king’s anger, enabling them to escape.

Beelzebub’s Prominence in the Infernal Hierarchy

Beelzebub’s significance in the infernal hierarchy is evident in the work “Red Dragon” (Lille, 1521), which places him second only to Lucifer. Intriguingly, in John Wier’s “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (an appendix to “De Praestigiis Daemonum” from 1577), Beelzebub is not explicitly mentioned among the 69 demons described.

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum: The False Monarchy of Demons
  • Weyer, Johann (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 50 Pages – 07/16/2017 (Publication Date) – CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Publisher)

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This omission may be because Beelzebub is often identified with the demon Bael, and the two demons are sometimes confused.

Beelzebub in the “Dictionnaire Infernal”

In the famous “Dictionnaire Infernal” by J.A.S. Collin de Plancy (Paris, 1863), Beelzebub is depicted as a demon of primary importance. He is portrayed as a massive and terrifying fly adorned with skull and crossbones designs on its wings.

Beelzebub from the Dictionnaire Infernal

Beelzebub in the “Goetia” Grimoire

In the “Goetia” grimoire, which involves the invocation and evocation of demons and contains descriptions of the 72 demons summoned by Solomon, Beelzebub’s significance is emphasized. Two seals are associated with his evocation, and his manifestation is often accompanied by a buzzing sound reminiscent of flies and a foul stench.

Beelzebub in Witchcraft and Black Masses

During medieval times, Beelzebub was reportedly favored by witches and frequently invoked during Sabbaths.

Many stories describe him participating in wild orgies with witches. He was also summoned during the black masses popular among high society in the 17th century.

However, even experienced sorcerers had to exercise caution when evoking Beelzebub, as his appearance often resulted in death from epilepsy, apoplexy, or strangulation.

Once summoned, he was notoriously challenging to banish.

Beelzebub in Cases of Possession

Beelzebub continues to be a prominent figure in cases of possession, often proving difficult to cast out.

Exorcists claim that he is one of the primary demons responsible for possessions, often leading entire legions of demons due to his high rank. Beelzebub is considered the devil of discord and particularly opposes the Creed.

Interacting with Beelzebub

If Beelzebub manifests, it may be a sign that a prayer or invocation has been effective, or that his energy is present and seeks a connection.

To create a positive connection with Beelzebub, one must approach this interaction with dedication, while safeguarding their own inner light.

Handling his darkness requires caution and commitment.

Is Beelzebub dangerous?

Like many entities, Beelzebub can be dangerous, but your connection with him largely depends on your intent and approach.

If you wish to connect with Beelzebub, do so from a place of openness and positivity.

Before engaging in any practice, consider casting a protection spell. If Beelzebub’s presence becomes unwelcome, cleanse the energy and space around you.

If you remain uncomfortable, consider seeking assistance from a spellcaster or a religious authority.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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