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By Moody Moons, Spells

10 Ways to Use Ginger in Witchcraft

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Versatile, powerful and beautifully fragrant, ginger’s use in witchcraft, its magical properties and its metaphysical benefits make this fiery spice must-have in any practitioners cabinet.  Chances are, it’s already in yours!  Let ginger help you fight nightmares, inspire romance and heal stomach ailments.  Take a look at the list below for some creative ideas on how to use this powerful ingredient to “heat up” your magical practice!

Include in spells for situations that require immediate attention.

Ginger enjoys a legendary reputation for accelerating spell craft, find a way to incorporate into matters you want expedited.

Throw a piece into an attraction spell bag.

Inspire passion and bring “heat” into a relationship with the help of ginger in a spell bag.

Boil ginger in your cauldron.

Warm the hearth and home with this magical brew.  Include some nutmeg and cinnamon stick for the yummiest, most heart-warming aroma ever!

Fill up your chalice with real, natural ginger ale.

During fall and winter Sabbats to cultivate warmth between coven members and family.

Chew on a piece to inspire confidence.

Feeling sheepish before a big presentation?  In need of a dose of bravery before a first date?  If you plan to go way outside your comfort zone, chew on some ginger root beforehand to stir your courage.

Magical Uses of Ginger in Witchcraft

Include in healing poppets for stomach ailments.

Of course, you should always seek medical attention for medical matters, but I firmly believe sickness has a spiritual component as well.  With its reputation for soothing upset stomachs, this spice is an appropriate addition to poppets and spells for this purpose.

Stop nightmares.

Place a piece of ginger under your child’s bed (or even sew it into a cherished stuffed animal) to halt nightmares in their tracks and inspire a sense of safety and protection at bedtime.

Make an infusion out of it.

Sprinkle it on something you want to banish.  To make an infusion, boil a piece of the root in water for 10-20 minutes.  Sprinkle in cigarettes, candy, a photo of someone you want out of your life, ect.

Use it in kitchen witch spells for “spicing up” long-term relationships.

You know what they say about men and their stomachs.  Get into his heart and consider using ginger in meals for your anniversary, Valentine’s, hand fasting or other romantic occasions.

Honor your fire sign.

Ruled by the Element of Fire, this spice ignites the best qualities of a fire sign.Carry it with you or leave it on the altar to embolden your fire sign.


Ginger has a rich history in folklore, celebrated for its magical and medicinal qualities. In ancient times, ginger was considered a sacred root in many cultures, used to invoke strength, protection, and prosperity. In Asian folklore, it was believed that ginger could ward off evil spirits and protect against bad luck, making it a common offering in spiritual rituals. In medieval Europe, ginger was prized for its ability to heal ailments and was often used in potions to boost vitality and prevent illness.

In many cultures, ginger is also associated with love and passion. Folklore suggests that consuming ginger could spark romance or deepen the bond between lovers. It was often used in love charms or brewed into teas to enhance attraction. Some traditions also held that carrying ginger could bring good fortune, speed success in ventures, and ensure safe travels. These rich tales reflect ginger’s long-standing role in both magical and everyday life.


Ginger magical properties

Ginger is a fiery herb known for its powerful magical properties related to strength, energy, and success. It is often used in spells to speed up results, adding extra potency to any ritual or manifestation work.

Associated with courage and personal power, ginger is believed to help overcome obstacles and boost confidence. Many use it to ignite passion and desire in love spells, amplifying attraction and intimacy between partners.

Ginger is also linked to prosperity and abundance, making it a popular ingredient in money-drawing rituals. Its warming energy is thought to enhance physical vitality, helping to ward off illness and promote overall health. When used in protection magic, ginger acts as a shield against negativity and harmful influences.

It can be added to baths or teas to cleanse the body and spirit, promoting renewal and positive energy.

In divination, ginger is said to sharpen intuition and provide clarity during readings. Overall, ginger’s magical properties are tied to energy, passion, protection, and success.

Magical correspondences for ginger:

DeitiesSekhmet, Ares, Hecate
ZodiacAries, Leo
ChakraSolar Plexus (Energy, Confidence), Sacral (Passion)
Magical PropertiesPower, Courage, Passion, Prosperity, Protection, Success
UsesSpellwork, Incense, Potions, Ritual Baths, Cooking
EnergyEnergizing, Stimulating, Warming
RitualsProsperity, Love Spells, Success, Healing
Associated StonesCarnelian, Citrine, Garnet
Associated PlantsCinnamon, Clove, Cardamom
Best Time for UseNew Moon, Sundays (Sun’s Day), Tuesdays (Mars’ Day)
ColorsRed, Orange, Gold
10 Ways to Use Ginger in Witchcraft

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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