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How to Cast a Love Spell Without Candles? [Explained]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Let’s suppose you would like to cast a love spell, but you are out of candles. Or maybe candle magic is not your thing and you would like to change things up to create a custom magickal experience to enjoy the benefits of magic but without using candles as the main tool. Is it possible to cast a love spell without candles? Let’s find out in this article!


Candleless love spells can be effective if performed with intention and focus, as they tap into the power of visualization and energy manipulation.

Top alternatives to candles in love spellcasting include crystals like rose quartz, essential oils such as lavender and rose, and photographs or personal items of the target.

When using multiple candles for a love spell, choose colors wisely: red for passion, pink for romance, and white for purity and spiritual connection.

Candles play a vital role in love spells as they symbolize the element of fire, representing transformation, passion, and the burning desire for love.

Casting a love spell without candles. Does it work?

Yes, it works but you have to replace the energy of a caandle with some other similar energy to attract what you truly want. Without the right candle with its color and scent to direct the energy, you must work harder with your intuition to let it be the guide to the universe and the magical flow to realize what you want.

Top 3 tools that can replace a candle

If you have to cast a love spell without candles, you should bring some other magickal tools to attract the same energy a candle would. Here are my favorite items to use to substitute candle magic:

  1. Tarot cards

Using the lovers cards can be a great way to substitute the energy of a red candle, which is all about passion, union, and feelings. Another great card to use might be the two of cups, which is all about a strong, solid relationship. How does it work? Each card has a particular message. You can easily meditate on that card or use it as a reminder of the love vision you would like to embrace.

  1. Crystals

If you would like to use crystals, use a pink one as pink is considered to be the color of pure, spiritual, and maternal love. It symbolizes the ability to love with passion and dedication and to know how to give oneself, it helps men to rediscover their feminine side (necessary to achieve balance). Pink crystals stimulate forgiveness, openness to others, generosity, and the ability to express feelings and tenderness.

  1. A red item

You can use a red item like a flower, a piece of cloth, basically anything that is red in color and that inspires love and passion in you. Once you have this tool, use it as a divinatory item like a candle. Use it as the main element of the spell and channel your energy into it.

Did You Know?

I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.

You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Cupid’s Flaming Arrow Spell

Cupids Flaming Arrow Spell casting

The Cupid’s Flaming Arrow Spell Casting is a powerful combination of many spells in one. It mainly consists of an attraction spell and beauty and charisma spell.

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My love spell requires more than one candle. What color should I choose?

The color red has traditionally been used for all kinds of ceremonies and rituals related to love. Red is the color of the heart, of the organ that gives life. A candle of this color will appeal to everything related to health and physical strength. The presence of the warm color flooding a house is a good way to bring good vibrations to the physical state.


But the red color in candles is widely used to promote personal value, especially in situations of danger, decisive changes, or obvious risks. This light can be key to protect yourself and not lose all your energy.

self love spell candle and flower
By: Tina Caro

Red candles are also very effective at regenerating and activating something that is stagnant or dead. If there is a personal or professional project that has not yet started, you may be able to give it a boost with a candle of this shade. Red is also the color of success and triumph. If you need to bring some good luck to your life, light a red candle. There is a potential in the color red that goes beyond love. If you put red candles in your house, you will see how you get the strength to face any vital challenge.

The red color attracts all kinds of positive energy and, thanks to it, you will find the motivation to get what you want. If you gather more than one red candle, you will strengthen its powers and transmit more lucidity.

Apart from all these emotions beneficial to the soul, the color red is synonymous with love and sensuality. If you want to get the love of your life, make your relationship stronger, or even make sexual attraction stronger, go for this shade. It is a tone full of warmth that will help you to excel and succeed on the sentimental level.

If you want to fill your house with the best of energies, love, strength, and unbridled passion, light one or more red candles and you will attract all its positive potential into your life.

It will give you courage, motivation, good health, and even good luck. And in case you did not know, it is the astral candle of Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Pisces, Capricorn, and Taurus. If your zodiac sign is one of these, don’t hesitate to put red candles in your home.

Also read:
Strongest Candles for Good Luck [Colors Explained]
A List of Powerful Candles for Healing [With Rituals]

Why are candles so important?

The candles, which are very important and useful in divination, can help us illuminate our journey if we find ourselves stuck in a particular moment when everything seems difficult with no way out. They can foster a couple’s harmony and conquests, mend disagreements, help us find a more concrete way, and they are able to purify the body and revive our vital functions.

When it comes to love spells, we usually use red candles or pink candles for common white or red magic and a black candle for darker crafts.

We have to keep in mind that candles are so important because each color sends specific vibrations out with the energy to attract what you want, and they contain the four basic elements of life:

  • the Earth is represented by solid wax;
  • Water is represented by liquid wax;
  • Fire is represented by the flame;
  • Air allows them to live.

An example of a love spell without candles

If you want to give a love spell with no candles a try, this is the right one!

This spell should be cast on a Friday, the best day to cast a love spell.


  • A rose
  • A photo of the person you want in your life
  • A pen

How to perform the spell:

You should take the photo and write the name of the person you would like to attract.

Then take the rose between your hands and say these words:
“I ask the stars to guide your soul
Be with me and go away no more
This rose is the way we connect
Our union is one you won’t regret.”

Now fold the picture on itself and between the fold you should place the rose.

Close the picture with the rose inside and leave it in a hidden place for up to 10 days.

My thoughts

I don’t know if it’s because I am so in love with candles, but I really don’t like casting spells without a proper candle. I usually try to follow the basic rules for colors and properties of each candle as they’ve always been there to support my craft and help my spells be successful.

I really think that there is nothing more powerful than a good candle to cast a spell and this is the reason why I always check the ingredients for my next spells prior to casting to have everything I need to cast a love spell. It has happened that I had to cast spells without candles, but it didn’t work.

I don’t think that was because there weren’t candles on my altar; instead, I think that this happened because I wasn’t really in tune with my practice without candles around me to create that safe, soothing, sacred space I always rely on to cast my spells. Of course, each experience is different and we all have different approaches and preferences.

What’s yours? Would you like to cast a love spell without candles? Or is candle magic your thing? Let me know!

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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