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Think of Me Spell With Athame: DIY Guide With Pictures

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Written by: Tina Caro

This spell is powerful and effective and helps you attract someone who constantly thinks about you.

How to do it

Set up your altar facing north. Place a vase of pink or red flowers in the center and light incense with rose essential oil to create a loving, peaceful atmosphere.

Use a consecrated tool, like an Athame or knife, to draw a protective circle around your space.

    Make sure the moonlight is visible from a window or terrace.

    Take a red candle, rub it with rose oil and carve the name of the person you desire into the wax.

     Hold the candle towards the moon, close your eyes, and say:

    “Bright Goddess, Goddess of Love,
    Hear me.
    Touch the heart of [Name],
    Help love grow between us.
    Let our souls unite in the light of love.
    So be it.”

    Light the candle and incense. Then say:

    “[Name], feel my love and think of me.
    Keep me in your thoughts, day and night.”

    Kiss the burning candle and imagine yourself with this person, sharing love and happiness.

    Hold this vision strongly in your mind. Let the candle burn completely.

      What to do after the spell?

      When it’s done, look at the wax remains for signs as a rounded shape suggests success.

      How to dispose of the ingredients?

      Place the leftover wax and some rose petals in a small box and keep it in a meaningful place. Believe in your intention, and trust the spell to work.

      What can I do to reinforce the spell?

      You can chant a prayer right after the casting and the days after to enhance the intention and the energy and make it manifest faster.

      When to cast this spell?

      Cast this spell on a Friday if you can or on another day but at night.

      How long does it take to manifest?

      Being a white magic spell it takes between 7-14 days to fully manifest.

      Why the athame?

      The Athame, or consecrated knife, is a powerful symbol of will and focus, used to direct energy and create sacred boundaries.

      Why the red candle?

       The red candle embodies passion, love, and desire, its flame acting as a bridge between your intention and the universe. Anointing it with rose essential oil, an essence tied to Venus and emotional connection, enhances its power to attract love.

      Why the incense?

      The incense, with its rose fragrance, purifies the space while invoking an aura of romance and harmony.

      Why pink or red flowers?

      The pink or red flowers, particularly roses, represent love in its purest and most beautiful form, anchoring the ritual in the energy of emotional and spiritual connection.

      Why salt?

      Salt, a symbol of purification and protection, grounds the ritual, creating a stable foundation for your intentions.

      How do the ingredients work together?

      The tools and ingredients in this ritual each carry specific energies and magical correspondences that amplify its intent. Together, these elements weave a tapestry of love, passion, and clarity, aligning your desires with the natural forces around you.


      Here, you have a powerful spell that can help you in your mission of having someone thinking of you nonstop!

      As you might have noticed, the few ingredients involved are pretty powerful and rich in symbolism and energy. Use them with an open mind, and you will see amazing results.

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      Tina Caro

      Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

      Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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