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Obsession Spell with Balls of Cotton


Written by: Tina Caro

This spell strengthens your relationship by encouraging your partner to remain devoted to you, resist temptations, and deepen their connection with you.

Whether you intend to enhance commitment, foster intimacy, or even take the next step like marriage, this spell channels energy to align your desires with your partner’s feelings.

Things You Need

  • A box
  • Cotton balls
  • A piece of paper
  • A candle (red or white)

How to Do It:

  1. Set Your Intention: Before starting, take a moment to focus on your intention. Visualize your desired outcome—whether it’s long-term commitment, fidelity, or a stronger emotional bond. Keep this intention clear in your mind throughout the ritual.
  2. Prepare the Paper: Write your name and your partner’s name on a piece of paper. Ensure the names are written with love and positive energy.
  1. Assemble the Box: Place the paper inside the box and cover it with cotton balls until the paper is completely hidden. The cotton balls represent softness and nurturing energy, symbolizing the protection and care in your relationship.
  1. Set the Scene: Light the candle and place the box in front of it. Midnight on a Friday is the ideal time, as Fridays are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, and midnight enhances the spell’s power.
  2. Focus Your Energy: Sit quietly in front of the candle and box. While the candle burns, hold a powerful thought in your mind, imagining your partner becoming deeply connected, devoted, and focused on you. Feel this energy radiating from the candle flame and into the box.
  1. Store the Box: Once the candle has burned completely, close the box tightly and place it somewhere secret and safe where no one will disturb it. This locks in the energy of your intention.

How long does it take to manifest?

After ten days, you may begin to notice signs of your spell manifesting, such as a shift in your partner’s behavior or increased closeness in your relationship.

How can I dispose of the ingredients?

The box should remain hidden for as long as you want the spell’s effects to last. If you ever decide to undo the spell, simply retrieve the box, open it, and dispose of the contents in running water or bury them in the earth to release the energy.

Why does this spell work?

Magickal correspondences and symbolism of the ingredients:

  • The Box: Represents containment and focus, keeping your intention and energy directed toward your desired outcome.
  • Cotton Balls: Symbolize softness, comfort, and nurturing, creating a foundation of loving energy within the spell.
  • The Candle: Serves as a conduit for energy, connecting your intention to the spiritual realm and setting your desires into motion.

Why should I cast it on a Friday?

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, rules Fridays. Performing this spell on a Friday enhances its potency, making it ideal for fostering devotion and romance.


This Obsession Spell for Relationships is a beginner-friendly ritual designed to strengthen your bond and keep your partner devoted to you.

By combining simple ingredients with focused intention, you can manifest a loving, faithful relationship. Trust in your power, and let the magic guide your love life.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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