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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats

Samhain Decorations: Easy & Beautiful Autumn Adornments

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Your Samhain decorations are an expression of your creativity, your practice and your enthusiasm for this special time of year.  Consider these simple, elegant ideas.  

Samhain decorations vs. Halloween decorations

Halloween and Samhain fall on the same day and share a common history.

But celebrating Samhain is a uniquely spiritual experience.  The Samhain decorations below celebrate this subtle distinction, honoring the dead, ancestors, the fall season and the Veil Between Worlds

Corn dolls.

Corn Dolly featured image

This classic fall ritual item appears on altars starting from Lammas all the way to Samhain.

Pick one up on Etsy or make one yourself.  

It’s a great craft to make with the kids after an afternoon at the pumpkin patch or haunted corn maze.

Display photos of your ancestors.

During the time between Mabon and Samhain, the Veil Between Worlds thins, making it an ideal season to honor your ancestors and celebrate your heritage.  

Display photos of deceased loved ones or heirloom photos of your ancestors.  If you don’t have any, ask the eldest member of your family if you can borrow some.


Especially bones found in the wild or on nature walks.

But also, old chicken bones or rib bones (cleaned and sanitized so they don’t smell!) are just as compelling in Samhain decorations.

Black candles.

Black candles and Samhain decor.

A symbol of protection, going within and honoring the dead, black candles are a classic altar item and Samhain decoration.

Place them everywhere—especially on the altar or your dinner table if you plan to host a Dumb Supper.


Don’t sleep on the classics!

Use pumpkins abundantly in your Samhain decorations.  Throughout the season, try incorporating them into your spell craft and in your kitchen witch projects.

Fall leaves.

Using Leaves in Witchcraft

Free, abundant and beautiful, autumn leaves dazzle any sacred space with the rich, warm colors of fall.

Go on a walk and look for the brightest, most beautiful ones to take home.

When you’re done with them, check out all the ways to use fall leaves in witchcraft.


Pile apples everywhere during the month of Samhain.

The apple tree is a notoriously enchanted wonder and its history is rich with magical folklore.

If you live near an apple orchard, go apple picking!

Then, use this season to discover all the ways to use apples in witchcraft.

Pine cones.

Natural, DIY pinecone garland.

Get crafty with pine cones.

String them and hang them like garland, spray paint them fall colors, fill bowls with them or sprinkle them with gold glitter for an enchanted Samhain.

Pay homage to a pop culture witch.

If you love an iconic pop culture witch, give yourself permission to indulge your fondness for her.

Place a pair of ruby red slippers near your Samhain decorations and wait to see if anyone gets the joke.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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