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An Enchanting Prayer for Mabon [5 Min Chant]

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Written by: Tina Caro

If you love autumn vibes and you want to celebrate and honor Mabon, this is your chance to know all about it! With this article, I am going to share with you some tips and tricks on how to celebrate Mabon with prayer and so much more.


This sacred act involves lighting an orange or brown candle to symbolize the season, creating an atmosphere of warmth and gratitude.

Honoring Mabon with a prayer helps you connect with nature, fostering a deep appreciation for the changing seasons and the abundance they bring.

Preparation involves decorating your sacred space with autumnal symbols, practicing kindness through gifting, and connecting with nature by spending time outdoors.

After the prayer, continue to celebrate the season by embracing the bountiful gifts of Mabon and maintaining a sense of gratitude throughout the autumn months.

What is a prayer for Mabon?

A prayer for Mabon is the easiest and more practical way to celebrate and honor this special pagan holiday. It’s beginner-friendly so you don’t need to be a witch to do it!

How does it work?

A prayer for Mabon can help you connect with this moment of transition, changing seasons, and getting ready for the upcoming next phase with Samhain.

Why should I honor Mabon with a prayer?

Suppose Lughnasadh is the beginning of the harvest, representing the sacrificial aspect. In that case, Mabon is the end of the harvest, its completion, but also the second harvest after that of cereals, fruit, and grapes. Do you know what Mabon is? It is a Celtic anniversary, the 21st of September, or the autumn equinox.

In ancient times it was celebrated by pagans and non-pagans, but this custom has been lost and now only the Wiccans remember it. This is all well and good, but what if you are a Christian?

It is not a question of worshiping the Mother goddess or another god but only of meditating on the changes, on the new season that is coming, and therefore of finding a way to feel good about yourself and to reflect. This is the day dedicated to balance: day and night are the same, a portion of good food for thought.

By dedicating this day to reflections on balance, on the rest to which nature begins, on the way in which we approach our commitments, and on our projects for the winter, many things can be done. This is a night to honor the balance of God and Goddess is the harmony of matter and spirit. Both the spiritual life of the next world and the physical life of this world are celebrated.

It’s the time to put an end to old projects and prepare for the rest period. Magical work should be about protection, prosperity, security, self-confidence. Mabon is considered a time of mystery. Time to honor the elder gods and the Spirit. The deities are thanked for their gifts, hoping for the return of abundance.

What is the best time to do it?

Mabon’s night has equal hours of light and dark so it’s the perfect time to do your prayer for Mabon. If you can’t do it on that very same night, you can do it on a night following Mabon when you can relax and commit to a few hours of dedication and a moment of heartfelt prayer.

How to prepare for a prayer?

These steps below aren’t a must, but they’ll help you make your prayer work.

Light up an orange or a brown candle

Light up an orange or a brown candle to let the Mabon vibes be around you spreading their energies around you.

Practice kindness with gifts

Give baskets of autumn fruit to friends, decorating them with autumn leaves and acorns. You can even make an apple pie and/or a pomegranate pie for a delicious and traditional treat!

Decorate and celebrate


Have dinner with friends and decorate the house with baskets of colorful autumn leaves, wreaths and ears of wheat. You can also pick up some leaves and put them to dry between the pages of a book.

Connect with nature

Take a walk in the woods and the countryside to relax and meditate outdoors.

Thank Mother Earth and burn some herbs

Leave part of our banquet to Earth to thank her. Burn aromas of pine, sage, hibiscus, and rose petals also used to decorate the table as long as they are fresh. Its herbs are wheat, grape and oak leaves.

Prayer for Mabon

“Mother Earth, thank you for being my root, my anchor my strength
Help me maintain having a rooted and centered home, health, work, and well-being.
Thank you spirit of the air
For your knowledge and understanding.
Thank you spirit of the fire for energy
For the constant support for the drive of ambition to complete our projects.
Thank you spirit of Water for gentle flowing
which helps to maintain calm and balance emotion.
Might this night be the night where the spiritual and the mundane world reconcile
In the name of gratitude
Your work is done…
It’s time to recollect in peace…
Blessed be “

What should you do after prayer?

After prayer, you can let the candle burn out completely or you can use it for more prayers, in case you decide to make it like a part of a daily ritual. As always, this is your call! Leave the offerings to the spirits and for the earth overnight and try to spend more time reflecting on how you feel and who you would like to be.

This is the perfect time for some introspection and there is nothing bad about it! Don’t consider it selfish, it’s the ultimate act of love and kindness! Go for it while the Mabon’s energy is at its peak!

If you want to attract something into your life and prayers are not your thing, don’t forget you can rely on my professional spell casting services! I have many options available to help you create the life you’ve always wanted, surrounded by amazing, powerful energy to attract what you truly need to make the most of life.

Instead, if you are curious to know what your future life holds or what you need to know about specific events or situations in your life, you can order a tarot reading by Mystic Amber.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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