Sometimes called the Strawberry Moon, the full moon of June symbolizes a time of ripeness, dreams fully realized, and the magic of unseen spirits.
So today, we offer you a recipe for strawberry moon cookies.
Leave them in the woodlands as an offering to the spirits, or serve them for cakes & ale at your next moon circle.

Strawberry Moon Spiritual Meaning
The Strawberry Moon symbolizes the fullness of success, the depth of lifelong dreams, and the invisible forces that guide us towards our destiny.
While early spring moons are best for deciding what you want, the Strawberry Moon is for going after it.
This moon is also an ideal time for love spells and attraction magic. Along with Beltane and Valentine’s, the month of June is considered among the most optimal times of the year for love spells.
(There’s a reason Shakespeare chose the Summer Solstice as the backdrop for his romantic comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream!)
A Recipe
Strawberry Moon Goddess Cookies
1 part cream cheese
1 part sugar
1 part butter, softened
2 parts all-purpose flour
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp strawberry jam or jelly
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine cream cheese, butter, sugar, honey and flour in a mixing bowl until well blended.
- Divide batter equally into 1-inch balls. Using your thumb, press a small indentation into each ball. (This is where the jam will go).
- Using a spoon or pastry bag, fill each indentation with jam.
- Bake for 9-11 minutes.
- Optional: Switch to broil for 1-2 minutes to lightly brown.
- Cool and serve immediately, or freeze for up to 2 months.

Magical Correspondences
In kitchen witchery, understanding the magical correspondences of the key ingredients helps to foster their mindful use.
This recipe focuses on the manifestation of goals and powerful intentions.
Of course, it probably goes without saying that the strawberries in this recipe symbolize the Strawberry Moon.
But also, strawberries represent the power of solar magic at this time of year.
Their red color embodies the kind of passion and determination it takes to push through obstacles and realize dreams that seem daunting or impossible in their infancy.
Cream Cheese
All dairy items used in magic impart a connection to motherhood and the nourishment of the divine feminine.
In particular, cream cheese is an especially rich element in kitchen spells and symbolizes your “inner mother”—the guiding voice that helps you to continue your journey even in the face of adversity.
Using Your Strawberry Moon Cookies
You may, of course, simply enjoy your strawberry moon cookies in plain celebration of the lunar cycle.
But you want to make something more of them, consider:
-Leaving one somewhere along the path of your nature walk as an offering. You can ask the woodland spirits to guide you on your journey in whatever your current goals are.
-Give them away to your closest friend in honor of the fullness of a long-term friendship.
-Freeze them for up to 2 months and enjoy them in celebration of small successes along the journey of a long-term goal.
-Incorporate them into a kitchen-based love spell.
Substitutions & Optional Ingredients
Both raspberry and cherry jam or jelly are acceptable substitutions in this recipe.
You may also consider adding any of the following:
-ground ginger
-ground cinnamon
-ground nutmeg

I would love to try to make the Strawberry Moon Goddess Cookies for our Litha Gathering. Would you be able to tell me the measurements for the cream cheese, sugar, butter and flour? They are just given as 1 or 2 parts of each. Thanks so much.
I think it means 1 part = 1/2 or 1c depending on what your yield to be, however, I have no idea how many cookies I’m making without knowing either the parts conversion or the yield amount. Wish me luck!