Litha is such a great time to do a bit of introspection, becoming more aware of what is coming into our life during this special time of the year.
The Litha tarot spread can help us shed some light on our reality while practicing gratitude and openness.
The Litha tarot spread enhances your connection with the summer solstice energy, offering a unique perspective and deeper understanding of yourself.
To prepare for the reading, work with your intuition, gather seasonal herbs, take a walk in nature, and celebrate the Goddess of Summer to embrace the magic of this special time fully.
Litha Tarot Spread

Divination, the art of reading signs and interpreting symbols, is an ancient and widespread practice in many cultures and spiritual traditions.
It represents a means of communication with the spiritual world, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of the present and future and to consciously navigate our life path.
During the celebration of Litha, the practice of divination becomes even more powerful, thanks to the vital energy of nature reaching its peak.
Nature communicates with us through its signs and symbols, offering us a broader and deeper vision of our reality.
This divination practice connects with nature and spirituality, enabling a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
The questions below are about this higher connection with our true selves and reality.

How to prepare for your tarot spread?
Before doing your reading, you can work with your intuition to enhance spirituality and establish a deeper connection with the cards and the surrounding energy of Litha.
Intuition is a fantastic resource that we all have, but not everyone knows how to appreciate, develop, or value it. Intuition is a gut feeling that guides us towards one thing over another.
We nurture it every time we listen to it.
- Take your tarot deck, find a quiet moment for yourself, close your eyes, listen to yourself, and play with the cards. Let yourself be inspired and guided by the symbols and colors that will lead you to the next spin of the wheel.
- Gather seasonal herbs like Hypericum, lavender, and rosemary, and prepare St. John’s water, said to maintain beauty and youth.
- Collect oregano, thyme, marjoram, sage, rosemary, basil, and mint to dry; use them in the kitchen, create incense, or purification rituals.
- Put on your freshest and lightest dress and take a walk, focusing on the colors, perfumes, and everything that makes you feel the magic of this special moment.
- Train your intuition with Tarot, meditation, research, or study if you don’t know how to nourish it, rediscover it, and understand why it’s so important to cherish this resource.
- Celebrate the Goddess of Summer, Demeter, the one who grows the crop and symbolizes not only the love of children and family but also the love you can feel towards yourself.
- Be grateful for all the goals achieved so far, start a gratitude journal, take stock of these six months, and celebrate the goals achieved.
- Decorate the altar or a corner of the house with seasonal buds and flowers, garlands, and red, yellow, orange, and green ribbons, candles.
Additional Tips
Tip | Description |
Set your intention for the Litha reading | Determine what you want to explore during this season. |
Connect with the energy of Litha | Meditate or perform a ritual to attune to Litha’s energies. |
Use Tarot decks with summery artwork | Choose decks that resonate with the vibrant energy of summer. |
Shuffle the cards with gratitude | Express gratitude for the guidance you will receive. |
Reflect on the Sun’s transformative power | Consider how the Sun’s energy influences your life. |
What is Litha?
The summer solstice is a magical celebration, marking the longest day of the year, celebrated with time spent outdoors, sacred bonfires, propitiatory rituals, dances, and gratitude.
For the Celts, this time of year was known as Litha, when summer reaches its maximum strength and splendor. A pagan ritual intertwined with Christian traditions and the harvesting of the hundred herbs, also known as the water of San Giovanni.
Despite being imperceptible, from this date onwards, the sunny days begin to decrease. It is the time of the first harvest, and farmers loved to celebrate this date with propitiatory and abundance rites, jumping over the fires as a wish for the next harvest.
Litha’s characteristics of being a “day out of time” are very different from those of Samhain. Litha has the reverse qualities, where things are often reversed or confused, with the power of opposites, such as setting candles to float on water.
June 21st is the peak of summer, which is why Litha is often called Midsummer.
The symbolism of Litha
Litha is the Wiccan holiday celebrated around the summer solstice when the sun reaches its maximum power, giving us the brightest day of the year (commonly known as the Midsummer Festival).
In this period, we can enjoy long days, abundant harvests, flowery meadows, mild temperatures, and a series of natural phenomena worth celebrating.
The Litha tarot spread can help you see things from a unique perspective while creating a deeper connection with this sabbat and its incredible energy.
It is a divination practice and a way to learn more about yourself while manifesting more blessings into your life.