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Beltane Tarot Spread: Explore Your Spiritual Dimension

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Written by: Tina Caro

Beltane comes around a time when we start getting back to life, just like nature. Working with tarot cards is one of those practices that can help you see things from a deeper, more spiritual perspective without living your life in a superficial way.

With the Beltane tarot spread, you can learn more about who you are, what to expect from this time of the year, and how to appreciate the blessings of this time of light, fertility, and abundance.


The Beltane Tarot spread offers a spiritual exploration during the Beltane festival, providing insight into your true self and the energies of the season.

By connecting with Beltane’s energy and using the spread, you can gain introspective clues and awareness, enhancing your spiritual dimension and inner connection.

Beltane Tarot Spread

Beltane Tarot Spread, Copyright: Tina Caro

Beltane is a festival full of energy and magic, and even in ancient times, it was a day dedicated to predictions of the future and divination, with magical formulas made with water, fire, and plants collected at dawn by women.

In my way of using and teaching the Tarot, I don’t deal with forecasting, but I prefer to talk about exploration and introspection.

You can take advantage of this magical moment of the year to dedicate yourself to a Tarot spread that allows you to explore its themes and make them your own.

Don’t expect fixed answers, but rather a few clues to work a bit more on them and learn more about yourself. It’s not the answer you receive; it’s the message you have to work on that truly matters.

I leave here the pattern of the Beltane Tarot spread inspired by its themes and the Maypole. It is a great way to investigate our spiritual dimension while becoming more aware of the special energy available during this time of the pagan year.

You will become aware of how you truly feel, with some tips and tricks on how to dedicate the right energy and time to yourself while prioritizing what is important and letting go of what no longer serves you, and the vision the universe has in store for you.

With this spread, you also have the opportunity to be more present in the moment, aware and conscious of what is going on around and inside of you.

beltane tarot spread questions by tina caro magickal spot copyright
Beltane Tarot Spread, Copyright: Tina Caro

How to prepare for your tarot spread?

To connect with the Beltane energy, right before the tarot spread, you can do a few things to establish a connection with this energy.

Use bright colors such as the yellow of daffodils or the purple of lilacs to decorate your home, with tablecloths, candles, and everything your imagination suggests.

The Beltane period is the time when the masculine energy of God is at its peak and is often depicted with different male phallic symbols, represented by horns, sticks, acorns, and seeds, for example, that you can place in your homes.

The best-known symbol of May and perhaps also the oldest in the world is the Maypole, a large pole to whose top ribbons are tied, symbolizing the union between heaven and earth.

Light bonfires, where possible, and dance around them or use red candles saying:

“Lord of the wood, bring your gifts of fertility so that the earth awakes from its sleep.”

Then light a green candle and say:

”Beautiful lady of the earth, rejoice. The great Stag comes looking for his bride because summer has come.”

After that, spend a few minutes in silence, meditating on the mystery of fertility, where life itself is constantly renewed, and on your inner harvest.

In any case, you can also simply say a thank you aloud and with the heart, for all that you have and for all the experiences you have lived (good or bad…) because they have brought you to where you are now and affirm what you are today.

Additional Tips

Set a clear intention for the readingDetermine what you want to explore during Beltane.
Connect with the Beltane energyMeditate or light a candle to tune into the season.
Shuffle the cards mindfullyFocus on your question as you shuffle the Tarot deck.
Trust your intuitionLet your inner guidance guide you through the reading.
Reflect on the cards and their messagesTake time to contemplate the meanings of each card.

What is Beltane?

Beltane (bright fire) or May 1st is the day that marks the start of the summer phase and all activities related to the land.

In ancient times, it was the moment when cattle were taken to the pastures after the harsh winter period, while the bonfires – called the Beltane fires – were lit and blessed. It was also customary to jump across bonfires to predict the height of the crop, based on the jumps made.

Symbolically, this holiday represents the energies of Light and life in their most joyful and triumphal aspect. It is a time to celebrate the return of summer, fertility in all its aspects, and to thank Mother Earth for her gifts.

Beltane is the full awakening of nature, and if we observe what surrounds us, everything is an explosion of beauty and sensuality, with the Sun God warming the Earth, and spring bearing its fruits. This atmosphere envelops us with wonderful colors and scents, while the Goddess smiles at all forms of love.

The symbolism of Beltane

In ancient pagan populations, a young couple was elected to represent the King and Queen of May, or the sacred union of God and Goddess.

The people of the villages danced around a pole planted in the center of an open space, where the festival was held, as a symbol of fertility and vitality, planted in the womb of Mother Earth.

They gathered flowers and spent the nights together in the woods, under a starry sky. Beltane was the time of milk and honey, the main period in which pagan populations dedicated themselves to pleasure. After the spring awakening, bodies are full of energy, making it the best time to blossom and let desires and talents flourish again.


This Maypole-inspired Beltane tarot spread can provide spiritual insight into your life. We are often called to focus on the outer aspects of our lives, while, on the contrary, to give our best on the outside, we should feel comfortable and connected with our true selves.

That’s why this tarot spread can be so helpful. You can use it to establish a deeper connection with yourself while honoring and enhancing the energy of Beltane in your life.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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