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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats, Pagan Crafts, Spring Magic

Beltane Ritual Candle DIY Craft

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

It’s easy to DIY a Beltane ritual candle (or 10!).  All you need is a few basic, seasonal herbs, some unscented tea candles, and a lazy spring afternoon.

Beltane Ritual Candle Craft

This witchy craft idea incorporates seasonal herbs, oils and flowers to create a magical candle for your spring altar or solitary Beltane ritual.

You can use your Beltane ritual candle:

*To adorn your seasonal home altar.

*Raise the vibrations before a spring moon ritual.

*Enchant a Beltane ritual bath.

*Enhance a beauty or glamour spell.

How to make sacred candles for your Beltane ritual.

Magical Correspondences 

We chose all of the ingredients in this project for their association with the season of spring, Beltane and the cultivation of fertile ground for your aspirations and goals.


In the early, freshly thawed earth of springtime, mint appears in the garden as one of the earliest signs of spring.

Magically, mint symbolizes new beginnings, fresh ideas, and an openness to change.


A favorite flower in fairy gardens, soft pink roses represent innocence, purity, and trust.  We use them in this spell candle to attract the mystical allure of woodland spirits on the night of Beltane.

Lavender Flowers

When I see lavender flowers in late spring, I think of the tender purple of dyed eggs and late spring sunsets.

In modern witchcraft, lavender cultivates a deep sense of mystical awareness, enhances dreams and encourages the tender feelings of lifelong friendship.

Lemon Peels

Lemon is a classic sun symbol and an ode to the return of the light.

We add it to this candle project to welcome back the solar reign of the sky.

Damiana (optional)

Damiana is a potent vision herb.  If you have access to some dried damiana, use it rituals for both Beltane and Litha to make the most of the thinning of the Veil during the spring Sabbats.

Spell Candle Ingredients

*4 unscented tea candles (soy, beeswax or natural candle way preferred)

*8 drops lemon essential oil

*4 drops lavender essential oil

*dried roses (pinch for each candle)

*dried mint (pinch for each candle)

  • (optional) dried damiana (pinch for each candle)

Step 1

Put a small amount of water in a small saucepan on low or very heat.  When you place the candles in the pan, the water should not come up higher than halfway.

Wait for the wax to melt.  Do not leave it unattended.  It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Step 2

Remove the candles from the heat, taking care not to let the wax spill over the size of the tea candle containers, and not to allow the water to get mixed in with the wax.  Place the pan on a heat-safe surface.

Step 3

Leave the candles in the water.  Trust me—it’s more trouble than it’s worth at this stage to try and remove them.

To each candle, add two drops of lemon essential oil, one drop of lavender essential oil, and a pinch each of dried roses, dried mint, and (if using) dried damiana.

Step 4

Allow the candles to cool for at least 48 hours before you burn them!

Happy Beltane, everyone!

Easy, DIY Beltane ritual candle that you can easilhy whip up on a lazy spring afternoon.

Beltane ritual candles for beginners.

How to make ritual candles for May Day.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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