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Altars, By Moody Moons, Spring Magic

Your Ostara Altar: 8 Elegant Ideas

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Enchant your Ostara altar with these subtle-yet-elegant ideas.

From fresh, tender wildflowers to bright green moss gathered by hand, curate the items on your Spring Equinox altar and adorn it with beautiful, natural materials and artwork.

Setting your Ostara altar.

Ultimately, Ostara is a celebration of the regenerative power of life.

Major themes of this holiday include fertility, renewal, and rebirth.

While winter is a time for reflection and deep contemplation, the Spring Equinox inspires us to focus on our creative spirit.

If we contemplate our success and failures for too long, too deeply, we begin to sink into self-doubt and become paralyzed by the compulsion to overthink our next steps.

During the season of Ostara, try to let go and move swiftly forward!  It’s okay to indulge in your latest impulse to try something new even if you think you won’t be good at it or take a trip to a new place even if you’re nervous about the journey.

The Ostara altar serves as a reminder that beginnings are full of folly, and all success in life begins with a series of risks that sometimes succeed, and sometimes don’t.

Place things on the altar that remind us of the fertility of creative energy and be inspired!

Ostara Altar Flatlay

(Please note:  This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.  All items were hand-curated!).


I love adding eggs to the altar for the Spring Equinox. They're so fresh and pretty!

Eggs are such a ubiquitous symbol of the Equinox, it’s almost too obvious to mention–but also too obvious not to mention!

Place them on your Ostara altar and learn about all the ways to use eggs in witchcraft.

Symbols of the bunny or hare.

Bunny Tarot Card

The bunny or hare represents fertility—a key theme during the Spring Equinox.

This year, I chose to use the bunny card from the absolutely meticulously created Spiritsong Tarot.   I love all the gorgeous, intricately crafted visual details in this deck, and the soft, pretty colors are so perfect for Ostara!

But you can use ceramic bunnies from the thrift store and spray-paint them gold, or even chocolate bunnies to be saved and shared on the Spring Equinox.

Bird nests.

Birds nests make lovely natural additions to your altar for Ostara or the Spring Equinox!

Nothing reminds me of new life emerging like birds building nests to welcome their spring hatchlings.

No Ostara altar feels complete without a few.  You can make them yourself from yard scraps or pick them up at the craft store.


Bright green and shade-tolerant, moss makes a lovely, living addition to your spring altar.

Nestle eggs in your moss or add it to a foraged spring floral arrangement.

Use wood slices to display special items.

Wood slices.

This is one of my favorite ideas this year!

Place special items on wood slices.  Display your grandmother’s heirloom porcelain eggs or ceramic bunnies on them to create a natural, fresh-from-the-woodlands look.

Vintage gardening books and tools.

There’s something about vintage gardening books that brings out my inner Martha Stewart.

Place them on the altar and thumb through them during your downtime to get inspiration for your witchy garden.

Pastel candles with spring florals.

Pastel candles and spring florals make an elegant addition to your Ostara table.

Pale pink, yellow or blue candles with tender spring flowers look so lovely for Ostara!  Make use of the wildflowers that often get yanked from the garden as weeds or grab an inexpensive bouquet from the grocer.

Classic spring art.

Spring-themed art with magical themes or ancient goddesses elevates your altar into something ethereal.

I love Botecelli’s La Primavera for Ostara.

But select something that suits your taste in art or mythological interests!

What to include on your spring altar.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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