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10 Ways to Celebrate Imbolc

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Plummeting temperatures and snow flurries make Imbolc the perfect time to curl up in the candlelight and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the indoors.

From making snow cakes to making your own candles, it’s a moment to pause, reflect and create.

Check out these ideas for lighting up the waning winter season with these simple, joyful activities.

(Are you just starting your journey in the Craft?  Or maybe you want to expand your spell craft skills and take your practice to the next level?  Check out Moody Moons School of Metaphysical Arts for high quality, online, self-paced classes and start living a more enchanted life today.)

Make an ice lantern. 

Imbolc Craft: DIY Ice Lanterns

The elemental combination of fire and ice perfectly captures the spirit of Imbolc.

Try this ice lantern project for a unique winter craft to illuminate your winter rites.

Bake some creme brulee.

Imbolc White Magic Creme Brulee

I sometimes call Imbolc the “dairy queen holiday” because dairy and milk are so central to its symbolism.

But it’s actually pretty hard to find dishes in which creme is the primary ingredient.

Creme brulee captures all that milky symbolism.

Bonus?  Creme brulee requires you to play with fire in the kitchen.

For my pyros out there, trust me, this is your jam.

Visit a dairy farm.

While we’re on that topic, why not just go to a dairy farm?

In the winter, all the pick-your-own fruit and vegetable farms shut down for months.

But most dairy farms remain active year-round.

Most small, local farms allow patrons to visit.  Pick up a gallon jug of fresh milk or butter and bake something amazing with it.

Make your own candles.

How to use white candles in witchcraft, ritual, wicca, spells and magic.

It is, after all, Candlemas. 

Every witch ought to know the basics of candle making for spell craft. 

The primary advantages include being able to customize spell and ritual candles by color and the inclusion of specific herbs or oils. 

Spirit Crafts even carries some amazing molds especially for witchcraft. 

Just make one or two, or batch them and make enough for the whole year during the month of January so you can bless them all on Imbolc.

Visit a hot spring or Roman bathhouse. 

By now, we are all weary of the cold.  Our joints and muscles have taken a beating from the winter weather.  

If you’re lucky enough to live near a natural hot spring (or willing to make the journey to find one!), Imbolc is the perfect time to luxuriate in the healing waters of a steaming pool.

Sleep by the fireplace. 

Bring back the light and host a little slumber party with the kids in front of the fireplace. 

Encourage them tell each other stories about their winter experience, discuss plans for the springtime and share cream, seed or dairy-based treats.

Bake some snow cakes.

Still looking for a way to celebrate Imbolc? How about making some of these sinfully sweet snow cakes? Two please, with coffee!!

If you enjoy spending time near the hearth during the winter months, consider using your skills as a kitchen witch to bake a batch of coconut snow cakes.

Decadent, marvelously sweet and wintery, the creamy-rich taste of snow cakes goes especially well with a mug of hot cocoa.

Bless (or just order) seeds for the garden. 

Now is the traditional time to bless the seeds for the coming planting season. 

But I am so not that organized, so I usually use this holiday as an excuse to go online and pick out seeds for the garden instead.

If already purchased seeds for spring, good for you!  Leave them on the altar on the night of Imbolc to charge with positive energy.

Do something to honor Brigid.  

Honestly, I’m not big on the corn doll. 

I know, I know.  It’s like, essential or whatever. 

But the husks make a mess and I never know what to do with the damn thing once the holiday is over. 

There are other ways to recognize this tradition.  Consider building a fire and leaving an offering of food on the fireplace mantel overnight instead.

Make your own wand.  

As the trees are still barren, it is easy to gather the wood for a wand

Willow and apple wood make especially nice choices, but use your own best judgement. 

Go for a walk in the woods and look for a strange or unique branch that speaks to you. 

The hardened woods of trees growing into and around each other are particularly beautiful.

Take a hot yoga class. 

Imbolc is a great time to sooth the body after a winter of aches, pains and (if you’re me) falling on the ice. 

Hot yoga is a modern take on the concept of “warming up” or “lighting up” your life for this holiday. 

There’s nothing like the contrast of warmth to remind us of the impending warmer months ahead.

Go ice skating.  

Preferably at an outdoor rink. 

Enjoy this last chance to indulge in the beauty and magic of the winter season—it will be gone sooner than you think!

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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