This Imbolc ritual for solitaries incorporates all the warmest symbols of winter. Soft candlelight, hot cocoa, and, of course, a freshly cleaned hearth and home!
If you plan to fly your broomstick solo this Candlemas, try the Imbolc ritual below and delight in the return of the light.
Imbolc: The Season of Transition
The holiday of Imbolc falls between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Spiritually, it acts as a bridge between dark and light, death and growth, release and renewal.
It’s a traditional time to treat yourself to a new broom, so if yours is looking a little rough around the edges, indulge yourself in a beautiful new besom.
Things You Will Need for This Imbolc Ritual
Before you begin, gather together the following items:
-1 large white pillar candle
-3-5 drops essential oil of your choice (an evergreen like cedar or rosemary, or a holiday spice like cinnamon oil, works well)
Step 1
Clean your entire house, top to bottom.
Identify areas you’ve been neglecting (drawers, closets, etc) and organize them thoroughly.
Take the holiday of Imbolc to really reset your hearth and home for the coming spring season.
Step 2
In the “hub” of your home (wherever the most activity occurs, like your kitchen or living room), sit on the floor the broom, the candle, and your anointing oil.
Make yourself comfortable. Gather some pillows, a blanket, or a yoga mat to create a cozy sacred space.
Step 3
Place the broom lengthwise in front of you.
Light the candle, placing your hands around the base. Imagine the light and healing energy of the white candle entering your body through your hands.
Step 4
Place your hands so that they hover in the air just over the broom. Close your eyes. Imagine your own inner light glowing with warmth, power, and energy through your hands. Let this light spill like a waterfall from your hands into the broom.
Remind yourself that the source of this light is infinite, and let it move through you freely.
Step 5
Anoint the broom with a few drops of essential oil.
Sweep your home thoroughly, moving counterclockwise from one room to the next. Imagine as you do you are clearing away built-up negative energy.
For areas with carpet, simply lightly graze the carpet with the broom. You are sweeping away stagnate thoughts more than literal dirt.
Finally, open the front door and imagine sweeping all remaining residual energy from the winter months out of your home.
Want more ideas on how to celebrate the holiday of Imbolc? Check out:
Imbolc White Magic Creme Brulee