Wicca is all about the defense of life. It follows a clear moral code and wants to create harmony between people, giving strength to themselves and others. Let’s learn more about Wicca and Wiccan Spells.
Wiccan spells are magical practices rooted in the Wicca tradition, a modern pagan witchcraft path.
These spells involve various elements like candles, herbs, crystals, and incantations.
They align with Wiccan principles that revere nature, lunar cycles, and a dual deity, typically a Goddess and God.
Common intentions for Wiccan spells include healing, protection, love, and personal growth, allowing practitioners to connect with the natural world and the divine while channeling energy to manifest desired outcomes.
Did You Know?
I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.
You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Custom White Magic Spell Casting

With a Custom White Magic Spell Casting I can cast a powerful Break Up Spell in less than 24h.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
What is the meaning of Wicca?
Wicca witches practice individualism and freedom of thought but in close connection with the world around them, including plants, animals and other human beings.
Wiccans are in communion with the water, the sky, the fire, the trees, the animals, and the stones in a way very similar to that of the ancient native populations of America. They regard everything on our planet as a manifestation of the Divine. Wicca is a religion connected to the earth that aims to develop the spirituality of the person.
It is not, and never has been, a tool for the worship of Satan!

If you go back to the most ancient times, you can see that witchcraft has always existed and has always served to help people, to protect them from evil and to release their hidden energies.
Its ancient prestige has been lost for various reasons, including the negative idea about witches spread in the Middle Ages, prejudices, ignorance, and the intentional denial of its real beneficial power.
Witches have always been among us and in silence, privacy and kept alive the wisdom of the Ancients and the Cult of the Great Mother.
Now we are witnessing a just transformation from the common figure of a witch, mistakenly understood as evil and evil woman, to the character which represents a priestess of Nature and guardian of the wisdom of the Mother.
This transformation is nothing but a return to the true origins of our spirituality.
The Wiccan current is part of Neo-paganism, the spiritual and religious movement of the return to Pre-Christianity. Characteristics of Paganism are:
- Ethnicity, unlike established or revealed religions, does not refer to a founding character or sacred laws or books.
- Universality, it is the spirituality of Mother Earth, linked to the natural elements and cycles of life.
- Shamanic spirituality, rightly Wicca, is also called western shamanism.
What are Wiccan Spells?
Aspect | Explanation |
Definition | Wiccan Spells are magical rituals and practices that originate from Wicca, a modern pagan tradition. They are performed to manifest intentions, celebrate the cycles of nature, and connect with the divine. |
Wiccan Principles | These spells are aligned with Wiccan principles, including the belief in a dual deity (the God and Goddess), reverence for nature, and the ethical guideline of “Harm None.” |
Connection to Nature | Wiccan spells often incorporate elements, moon phases, and the seasons, drawing on the natural world’s energies and cycles. |
Intentions and Celebrations | The primary purposes of Wiccan spells include manifesting intentions, celebrating the sabbats (holidays), and attuning to the divine within and around the practitioner. |
Ethical Considerations | Practitioners approach Wiccan spells with ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of responsible and positive magic. |
How to Perform Wiccan Spells
Wiccan spells are all about Nature and using its force to work on energies and create the life you want. Many of them are best performed during specific times of the year according to the magical wheel of the year.
My Favorite Wiccan Spells Suitable for Everyone
Magic of Samhain – To Evoke Psychic Dreams

This enchantment is linked to the “Ancient Woman,” known as the goddess in her old and dark appearance.
Only through her is death and rebirth, guardian of secrets, weaver of the threads of life, and only through her, can one travel through the worlds and develop psychic abilities.
Favorable time: during Samhain
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need
- A long black candle
- Lighter or matches
- Two teaspoons of dry wormwood
- A teaspoon of elder powder
- Six drops of essential oil with cypress
- Mortar
- Charcoal with a saucer to burn it
How it’s done
- Create a magik circle.
- Mix the wormwood, the elderberry, and the cypress essential oil in the mortar.
- Light the charcoal and the black candle, then repeat:“Hecate, Goddess of crosses
direct my path.
Weaver, guide my thread
in the middle space.” - Put the mixture contained in the mortar on the charcoal and inhale the aroma.
- Close your eyes and view them as you come to an intersection, come from the east.
- Turn north and see the Ancient Woman approaching from that direction and stop in front of you.
- She will lead you to a door. Take a look at the door, how it is made, with all its symbols and inscriptions.
- That is the door that separates the worlds. Search for it while you’re dreaming.
Wiccan Enchantment to Realize Desires

This is a spell that helps set in motion the events that lead to the realization of something that we want very much. Like many spells, this one also has a natural basis.
As everyone knows, it is Nature that offers the most powerful magic ingredients, and plants, above all, possess their own energy that is released even without being recalled through a spell or a ritual.
Thus, if this energy is channeled towards something, in particular, its effect becomes powerful!
For this spell, we will use the Peruvian Physalis (generally available in stores). This plant is also called Chinese Lantern, due to the shape of the “leaves,” and in fact must be intact for this spell.
A Note: be careful about what you want, because it could come true!
Favorable time: during the first quarter of the moon, on a Monday.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need
- Jasmine incense (the stick is fine)
- Lighter or matches
- Two blue candles, long
- A sewing needle
- A teaspoon of sweet almond oil
- Seven lanterns of Physalis
How it’s done
- The first thing to do is to create a magik protection circle.
- Light the incense and one of the candles and repeat:“All the honor to the moon
Pearl of the sky
Source of my desire.
All the honor to the moon
Listen to me and answer me
Give me what I wish for.” - Help yourself with the needle, engrave your wish on the other candle, starting from the bottom towards the middle.
- Grease the candle with almond oil three times, always starting from the bottom towards the middle of the candle.
- Light the candle and, when it begins to burn the first letter of the incision, place a drop of wax inside each “leaf” of physalis.
- On a crescent moon, throw the “leaves” into running water (river for example), so that they can do their work. For each one you throw, say: “So be it.”
If your desire is very demanding, I suggest you throw them in the sea or in bigger waters to increase the power of this spell.
Harmony in the Four Winds for Balance

This spell appeals to the power of the four winds to bring balance to all the domains of our lives. It does not protect against those events that are part of our destiny and that are necessary for our personal growth, but it allows us to face them in the best and full harmony.
Wind control is linked to the traditions of witches, accused of using bad weather to destroy crops and cause destructive hurricanes.
These witches were known for their power over winds and knots. Of all this, it is unlikely that they were really the cause of these catastrophes.
Historically, however, instead of this myth, they actually used the advantage of the power exercised on the nodes, not to dominate the winds but to cast spells.
This is a spell that uses old knot techniques.
Favorable time: first quarter of the moon.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need
- A bowl of water
- A bowl of salt
- Grains of incense
- A candle with support
- Charcoal and saucer to burn it
- Lighter or matches
- A tall black and a white candle
- A blue rope of about 23.6 inches (60 cm)
How it’s done
- Draw a magik circle.
- Arrange the salt, water, incense, and candle at four equidistant points around the circle.
- Light the candle and the charcoal for incense and repeat:“Rest between light and darkness.”
- Make four knots at equidistant points along the rope and recite for each:“I invoke the east wind with my breath,
I invoke the south wind with the warmth of my body,
I invoke the west wind for the water of my blood,
I invoke the north wind for my flesh and my bones.” - Put the rope in the salt and say:“I show you to Earth.”
- Put the rope in the water and say:“I show you to the water.”
- Pass the rope over the incense smoke and read:“I’ll show you to the air.”
- Put the rope near the candle fire and say:“I’ll show you to the fire.”
- Hold the rope in your hand and say:“May everything that surrounds me be balanced
Every time the four winds blow on me
Let them leave their harmony
So I wish so be it.” - Keep the rope in a safe place.
Wiccan Spells with the Water Element
The sea has always possessed a particular vibration. It has an emotional symbolism, linked to the moon, to the depth and infinity of the horizon, reflecting like a mirror the emotions that are dear to us.
Seawater has known beneficial properties, just think of thalassotherapy, but it is not limited to physical benefits. The sea also provides spiritual benefits. Listen to the sound of the waves, the energy that awakens the senses, the strength, and the emotions.
Here are some enchantments suitable for beach life but, in case you don’t have the chance to live by the sea, you can use a river or a lake as these are powerful portals to open up yourself to the magical world of Nature and its energy!
The Passion in Red
For this enchantment, the water of the Red Sea is particularly recommended – of course, if it’s near you. You can also perform it with seawater from other seas of course.
Fill a glass of seawater and put in a coral or red crystal for three days.
Take a red candle and engrave on it your name and the name of the person you like or love.
Dip the candle in the glass of water and light it at dawn on Tuesday.
When the flame touches the water, it will go out and give life to the passion.
Remember that this is not a ligament because it does not interfere with feelings!
Blue in Motion
For this enchantment, the water of the Atlantic Ocean is particularly recommended – once again, if it is possible!
If summer gets boring, you need fun and adventures with friends!
Take the seawater and put it in a diffuser with sandalwood essential oil.
Let it burn at night, preferably in a full moon. The adventures and fun times will come!
Aphrodite Love Spell
For this enchantment, I recommend using the water of the Tyrrhenian Sea (if it’s possible). The reason for this is the fact that Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and love was born there! If you visit Cyprus before reaching the sea, that’s is even better!
Here’s what you need to do:
Take a golden candle, verbena and myrtle essential oil, hyaline quartz with many faces.
At noon, on the beach, stare at the horizon and throw the stone into the sea, dedicating it to Aphrodite.
In the evening, anoint the candle with essential oil and light it.
Ask the goddess to help you find pure love.
Wave of Energy
For this enchantment, I recommend using the water of the Adriatic Sea – once again if it’s possible.
Are you exhausted? Here’s what you need to do, to boost your energy.
Take some maritime pine needles and some bark (without damaging the bark! You can pick them from the ground) and put them in a jar.
Put the seawater in a separate jar.
When you need energy, inhale the smell of the maritime pine jar and wet your forehead with water from the other jar.
Reflected Mirror
For this enchantment, you can use the water of a lake or a river.
At midnight, collect the water and put it in a black glass bowl with an amethyst on the bottom.
Keep the bowl on your bedside table.
Pay special attention to the dreams that you will have because they will be prophetic and will give you guidance on what to do.
Enchantment to Communicate With the Spirits of The Forest
This spell is particularly suitable for exploring new spiritual paths and for seeking a little serenity in the heart.
What you need
- A tree possibly away from prying eyes
- A charcoal disc
- A saucepan to burn the charcoal
- Matches or lighter
- A candle
- A cup to put the candle in it
- Two teaspoons of wormwood leaves
How it’s done
Find a tree that is possibly isolated, that inspires you and gives you good feelings.
Light the charcoal (be careful not to burn the whole tree!).
Put your back against the tree and light the candle in the cup (or something else that can hold the candle).
Throw some absinthe on the charcoal, relax, and repeat these words:
“Spirits of the verdant forest,
I come with love and hope,
I learn your teachings,
without looking for any malice
and I don’t want any,
just respect.”
Now, close your eyes and meditate on the life force that runs through the tree.
Add more absinthe leaves to the charcoal, without detaching yourself from the tree.
Relax and try to feel its energy, its strength, its majesty. Let yourself become one with the tree, try to feel it, and connect with it.
When you are ready, take a fallen leaf, a small branch or something that belongs to that place and tree, and you will leave it under your pillow until the day after the following full moon.
Write down the dreams you will make because they will be beautiful!
It would be very kind of you to leave an offer to the earth: milk, cereals, flour or similar things.
The Spirits will appreciate it very much and will repay you.
Tools for Wiccan Magic
The Wand

The wand is used to project one’s energy on a given place, object, person, or dimension. It can be made of wood or leather-covered copper.
The wooden stick should be carved from the local trees. It would, therefore, be advisable to research their magical properties to make the best choice.
In this way, your energy will coincide with that of the earth that surrounds you. Different areas of the country vibrate with different frequencies.
In my opinion, even if many disagree, cutting sticks can be avoided. Forests are already damaged enough, so why should we follow it?
You can also find it on Amazon. Most witches love them.
The Broom

The broom can be used as a decoration, as well as for magical activities and rituals. It is useful for eliminating negative energy from a place.
The broom is the main symbol of the witch and represents the vehicle with which she travels in the world of dreams.
Witches often baptize their broom, because this tool can be used to hold a particular spirit or entity temporarily, and is a kind of inanimate member of the family.
It is an excellent tool also to hang on the entrance of the house, as protection.
If you want to give a gift to a sister or a brother of art, or to a married couple, decorate a broom and tie a spell to the handle with a silver string.
You can also find it on Amazon.
The Chalice

The chalice is the symbol of emotion and fertility. It is used in dedication and initiation ceremonies, in festive rituals to honor the gods and for certain spells.
On some occasions, you will use more than one cup, one for you and one for the deity.
These objects usually have a long stem and are made of the most varied materials suitable for contact with food.
Goblets can contain water, or something more sophisticated, such as wine, cider or mead.
The legend of the chalice is ancient and dates back to the times of the divine sacrifices of kings, aimed at guaranteeing prosperity to the people.
In the rites of the art, the vessel is the female element, the Athame the male one.
When the dagger is placed into the chalice, the symbolic union of God and Goddess is accomplished – that’s a very moving experience.
You can also find it on Amazon.
The Pentacle

The pentacle is a disc with a pentagram inscribed (among the various possible symbols).
Derived from ceremonial magic, its primary purpose is to evoke entity and protection. It can also be used to obtain material enrichment for oneself, or it can be hung up for a protective purpose.
It represents material things and is used in spells to invoke the prosperity.
The pentacle also coincides with the shield or wheel of Native American medicine, where each direction of the compass represents significant elements and vital forces.
On it can also be placed other seals, such as protective runes, or words created through one of the many magical alphabets.
Geometric symbols are also widely used. The pentacle is ideal for loading jewels and gems, which for this purpose are placed in the center of the five-pointed star.
The same applies to healing instruments. The pentacle must be in a vertical position when it is on the altar.
You can also find it on Amazon.
The Athame

The Athame is used to command and manipulate power.
This dagger usually has a double blunt blade, since, in reality, it is not used to cut on the physical plane, but rather to direct the energy into a dimension where real knives are useless.
Although the typical color of the handle is black, other colors are fine too. Some witches prefer to use swords.
The wand and the Athame are basically interchangeable; it is more a question of personal style and preference.
The Athame represents intellect, sensible thinking, and calculation.
You can also find it on Amazon.
The Stamp
A stamp is a tool used to cut things in the material world.
It is a sort of knife with a curved handle, usually white, used to collect herbs, plants, to cut candles, cut strings, and more.
It should not be used in places such as the kitchen, because it is used exclusively for magical activities.
The incense burner

The goal of this tool is to purify the area where magical procedures were performed.
It can also be used to cleanse the house during a complete annual magic cleaning.
There is a great variety of incense burners and incense.
Incense helps the witch reach an altered state of consciousness and is an element that many who do not belong to art, who come to her for divination, expect to find at her home.
It can be purchased in the form of cones, sticks or rough. If you opt for powdered or raw incense, you can mix perfumes or herbs.
With practice, you will be able to control the duration and the quantity required. To be successful, a simple spell does not need a stick or cone of whole incense.
You can also find it on Amazon.
The Cauldron

The cauldron is the symbol of the goddess.
When used, a transformation takes place.
Think of it as the legendary phoenix rising from the flames. It can be the main point of interest in a ritual; it is used to create oils and infusions or for divinatory purposes.
In the latter case, the water is scanned still, the steam, or wax is poured into the water to evaluate the forms that it gets in contact with the liquid.
The cauldron is usually made of cast iron, as it must keep the heat (and continue to boil). It is a tradition from the Old Religion.
At the time of the medieval midwives, it was probably used to heat water in preparation for childbirth or to flavor herbs used to wash the dead.
From birth to death, the cauldron was used for multiple purposes, including the preparation of remedies and medicines to heal the sick or love potions.
Everyone loves to merge with their genetic roots, and the cauldron provides a kind of bond with them.
You can also find it on Amazon.