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11 Powerful Voodoo Money Spells & Rituals [Wealth Magnet]

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Written by: Tina Caro

In the world of magick different spells can be performed, each in its way, depending on the purpose of it. From the most basic love ties to those that have a healing purpose… You can find a spell for almost everything you desire to have. In this article, we’ll talk about my favorite Voodoo money spells and rituals.

Besides spells and rituals, I have also prepared a list of materials needed to perform these spells.


Voodoo money spells and rituals draw upon ancient traditions, combining African, Caribbean, and Louisiana influences to harness the power of spirituality for financial abundance.

Before casting Voodoo money spells, it’s essential to align with the phases of the moon, with each phase offering unique energy for your rituals, such as the waxing moon for attracting wealth.

The choice of colors plays a significant role in Voodoo money spells, with green symbolizing prosperity and yellow representing luck, allowing practitioners to channel specific intentions effectively.

Incorporating herbs, oils, stones, and natural objects like lodestones or bay leaves amplifies the spell’s potency, infusing it with nature’s energy.

Did You Know?

I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.

You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Custom Black Magic Spell Casting

Custom Black Magic Spell casting

I can cast a powerful Black Magic Money spell in less than 24h.

This is a Custom Black Magic Spell Casting, which is a premium spell casting that requires higher quality materials and it also manifests sooner than other spells.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach
  • Casting done in less than 24h
  • Only the best ingredients & tools
  • Free consultations before & after spell casting

One of my client’s testimonials:

February 2021 Black Magic Spell Casting by Magickal Spot Tina Caro

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.

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If you are going to cast voodoo magic for yourself, it is essential to understand how these spells work in the first place.

For starters, the universe is infinite.

There are countless realities, and we, even as human beings, can experience and connect with almost all of them.

Since ancient times in all religions, practitioners used prayers. Prayers and spells are similar.

Spells, if done correctly, call spirits to help us without desires.

We connect with other subtle existences, to communicate with our guardian spirits of ancestors.

So when we cast voodoo magic, this is what happens: we reconnect with our guardian spirits, clearly indicate what kind of help we need and, in some way, change our destiny.

What are Voodoo money spells?

DefinitionVoodoo Money Spells are a subset of money spells that incorporate elements from the Voodoo tradition. They are designed to harness spiritual energies and invoke spirits or deities associated with wealth and prosperity.
Voodoo BeliefsThese spells are based on the spiritual and magical practices of Voodoo, which often involve invoking spirits, deities, or Loa to aid in spellwork.
Cultural RootsVoodoo originated in West Africa and was brought to the Americas, particularly in Haiti and Louisiana, through the African diaspora. It incorporates elements of various cultural and spiritual traditions.
SyncretismVoodoo is known for its syncretism, where African religious practices merged with elements of Christianity and Indigenous beliefs, resulting in a unique spiritual tradition.
Rituals and SymbolsVoodoo money spells often include rituals, symbolic items, and offerings to invoke spirits or deities associated with financial success and abundance.
Respect for TraditionPractitioners of Voodoo money spells should approach the tradition with respect and sensitivity to cultural and spiritual beliefs.

What do you need to do before you begin casting?

1. Be aware of moon phases

Many witches take into account the phases of the moon, the time of day, and other astrological configurations that they consider extremely important for the effectiveness of any spell.

For example, a spell that aims to create a kind of new beginning should be cast when the moon is growing, so that the desire can come to fruition when the moon becomes full.

2. Be aware of the colors

Colors have different meanings in different magical systems. Once you find their purpose, choose one or two colors to match your spell and use colored candles or crystals to involve in the ritual.

3. Use herbs, oils, stones, and natural objects

For experienced occultists, all these elements have a kind of magical meaning. Go to a new age shop and collect the materials that energize your spells.

I’ve written a lot of articles about these things in the green magic section.

4. Recalls the benevolence of the higher powers

Different occultists call all sorts of various deities and religious figures to work on their magic.

Find a system of spiritual symbols that works for you and invoke them in your spells.

But be careful, some of these spirits have their own will and ideas, and can manipulate your intentions if you can’t control them.

The law of attraction

The law of attraction says that any event, whether positive or negative, affects us.

For example, when a friend loaned you money exactly in the time of need, even though he/she was not aware of it, it was you who attracted him, using this law.

In the same way, you also attracted that teacher, that classmate, that client, and that colleague who made you so crazy.

The law of attraction always acts, in every moment of your life, even reading this article is no accident.

There are three basic steps to follow: ask, believe, receive.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the three steps simply and practically.

  • Relax your mind. Meditating for 5-10 minutes increases the power of your work and quiets your thoughts.
  • Clearly define what you want and trust yourself. Remember that through your thoughts, you are sending a request to the universe. Knowing exactly what you want is essential.Having doubts will send an uncertain and unclear request and may bring you unwanted results. So make sure you really want what you’re asking for.
  • Send your request to the universe. The universe is unable to listen to your words, so you won’t need to speak. Thoughts, feelings, and images will be more than enough. The universe will respond.It is vital that you feel that your requests will be answered. Viewing and trying to imagine ourselves already in possession of the desired objects is a significant part of everything we do.

    The more detailed your requests, the better.

  • Feel it. Feel like your dreams have already come true. Act, speak and think as if they were happening right now.This is the secret. This is the fundamental and indispensable point for the law of attraction to work.

    The universe can perceive your thoughts and emotions, show confidence and it will react by making your dreams come true.

My favorite Voodoo money spells and rituals

27 coins Voodoo spell for wealth

27 Coins Voodoo Spell for Wealth
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This is one of the most straightforward voodoo spells for money that you can perform.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

27 coins Voodoo spell for wealth
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • 27 coins of any kind. Coins obviously mean the wealth you want to earn.
  • Flower pot. This has a more subtle meaning. Flower-pot means its surroundings. It is where you want to grow your wealth and prosperity.
  • It is recommended that you have a candle nearby

How it’s done

This spell needs to be performed in the morning when the sun begins to rise.

Do it in a quiet room.

Light the candle and place the pot on the floor.

Take three coins, close your eyes, and say these words:

“I call the guardian spirits of mine. They are leading my way at this moment, as I think is right.”

Now throw these three coins into the vase, open your eyes and blow out the candle.

This gesture shows that you are ready to give something to get something you want in return.

Perform this spell every morning for the next nine days. In the end, bury the vase with coins in the ground.

Of all the money spells with voodoo, this is the easiest to perform. But still, don’t be reckless.

A powerful Voodoo self-purification spell

A Voodoo self-purification spell
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If you think some bad forces are working to keep you away from wealth and prosperity, use this spell!

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

How it’s done

Take a hot bath.

Crumble the seven dried dandelion flowers into the water by reciting this magic formula seven times:

Bare vindeca bare!

Light the black candle and immerse yourself in the water, then repeat this seven times:

By virtue of the Gods, of the universe, of the Blessed and Almighty Gods I adore. Bare and Vindeca. Cleanse my body. Bare and Vindeca. Purge my soul. Free her from evil. Protect her from evil spirits. So be it.

Put out the candle in the water.

Meditate for a few minutes, visualizing your body as if it shone with light. Then get out of the water.

Powerful Voodoo spell for luck

Powerful Voodoo spell for luck
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I hope you like visiting churches because you’ll need to do this to make this spell work.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 3/5

Powerful Voodoo spell for luck
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • A clove of garlic
  • Parsley
  • Salt
  • Incense ash
  • A small bag of white silk

How it’s done

Insert the clove of garlic, parsley, salt, and incense ash in the white silk bag.

Then go to seven churches and present the bag to each of them. It doesn’t matter which churches you visit.

After presenting the bag, sit down, and say this prayer:

Dear energy work in my favor. Help me feel supported while getting the luck I need, the luck I deserve. Dear energy keeps bad energy and evil away from me. Give me clarity and power. So be it.

Always keep the bag with you as an amulet for good luck.

Spell to purify your wallet from bad luck

Voodoo spell to purify your wallet
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If you feel like bad luck is haunting you and your finances, I suggest that you perform this spell.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

How it’s done

Light the white candle.

Holding the white candle in your right hand, make seven turns around the wallet you want to exorcise and purify by throwing salt over it with your left hand.

For every turn you make around the object read this magic formula and also throw some salt over it:

Go up, I’ll throw you with the hand that God has given me. Salt, I beg you, free and purify, for the power of glory, for the virtue of glory and for all my intention always for glory, salt, I beg you, free and purify.

Place the candle near the wallet and let it burn out on its own.

Brazilian magic ritual for abundance

Brazilian Voodoo ritual for abundance
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This is a powerful ritual that originates from Brazil.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A white candle
  • A glass of coconut milk
  • Two tablespoons of saffron
  • A new bath sponge

How it’s done

Light the white candle and stare at the flame of the candle, without blinking, repeat this magic formula until you can’t keep your eyes open anymore – when you have to blink:

Aayan lese wura. Wura lese aayan.

While the candle is burning, prepare a hot bath.

Pour a glass of coconut milk and two tablespoons of saffron into the water.

Then immerse yourself in the water and, rubbing your skin well with a new sponge. And while rubbing, repeat the magic formula again.

Voodoo spell to attract money with a green candle

Green candle Voodoo money spell
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This spell requires a little bit of unusual chanting.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Voodoo spell to attract money with a green candle
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

How it’s done

With the pointed object, engrave these words on the green candle:

Chrimata. Dirua. Maritupe.

Pour the water into the bowl and light the green candle.

Throw one-star anise seed at a time into the water by reciting, for each seed, this magic formula:

Sau ia ia te au chrimata. Sau ia ia te au dirua. Sau ia ia te au maritupe. By virtue of this seed, I will prosper. Para chrimata. Para dirua. Para maritupe. I will be a little richer. Yes, I want. Yes, I will be a little richer.

Let the candle burn out.

Leave the seeds in the water for seven days.

After seven days, collect them and keep them in your wallet forever.

365 days Voodoo ritual to attract money

365 days Voodoo ritual to attract money
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This spell will help you attract money throughout the year.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

How it’s done

Sprinkle the chicken feet with the whiskey and coarse salt.

Put a silver coin between the claws of the feet reciting this magic formula:

“Money and luck, luck and money, I humbly welcome you into my home.”

With the black thread, tie the claws tightly to the coin so that it can’t fall out. The chicken feet must tighten the coin.

Hide the chicken feet in a place in your home where no one will find them.

River Voodoo money ritual

River Voodoo money ritual
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This is one of my favorite Voodoo rituals that require a river.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

  • River water
  • A sheet of parchment paper
  • A green marker
  • A glass jar

How it’s done

With the green marker, write these magic words on the paper:
“Adra Adarah Darah Dra. 10 times richer. 100 times richer. 1000 times richer. “

Fold the sheet in half, four times, and put it in the glass jar.

Pour the river water into the jar by reciting this magic formula ten times:
“Adra Adarah Darah Dra. The waters of luck will bring abundance. There will be no more poverty. Just plenty. “

Store the jar (don’t close it) on your bedroom windowsill for ten consecutive nights.

On the eleventh day, at dawn, go to a river with your jar and empty the jar in this river. Just make sure that you don’t lose your paper.

Let the paper dry for a whole day in the sun.

Take it and while kissing it, recite this sentence:
“You will bring me luck and abundance.”

Keep the paper in a place in your home where no one can find it.

Red cloth Voodoo money ritual

Red cloth Voodoo money ritual
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You’ll make special decor with this ritual.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Red cloth Voodoo money ritual
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • A thread
  • A bowl
  • A needle
  • A piece of red cloth
  • Salt
  • Some bill you had to pay
  • Tangerine essential oil
  • Amber incense
  • Four pink candles

How it’s done

The first thing you have to do is thread the needle with the thread and go through the bill with it.

Then you will have to sew the same bill on the red fabric. It doesn’t matter how you stitch it. Just make sure that it doesn’t move.

Then hang the bill on the wall as a ‘decoration’. You can hang it wherever you want.

Light the four candles.

Put tangerine essential oil in a bowl and place this bowl in the square made of salt.

When you do, put the amber incense in the same bowl and stir everything.

You must do it counterclockwise, and while doing so, you must recite the following verse:

“United to my life forever,
You will accompany me wherever I go.
And even if I always change you for something else
To my pockets again and again you will return. “

Throughout the procedure, you should think about your goal, which is to earn more money.

Imagine the money in your pocket and the amount you want to earn.

When you’re done, blow out the candles.

For the spell to take effect, you must perform it several times – at least three times a day for a maximum of fifteen days.

Voodoo money spell with rice

Voodoo money spell with rice
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This spell is especially useful if you’re in the middle of selling something or waiting to get a loan paid back to you.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

How it’s done

We start by lighting two candles that must be located left and right of the wine glass.

At the bottom of the cup, we need to place a small magnet.

Then, we take a handful of white rice and put it in the glass.

After this, we need 12 coins. It is essential that we have 12 coins because each one represents a month in one year.

Finally, we let the candles burn until the end.

If you can, do it in a crescent moon night.

Voodoo money spell to help someone else

Voodoo money spell to help someone else
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By casting this spell, you can help your friend, family, or anyone else.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 5/5

Voodoo money spell to help someone else
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • A small jar or glass container with a lid
  • Bay leaves
  • Seven coins from your currency
  • A green candle
  • A piece of paper and pencil.

How it’s done

First, we light the white candle and place it in front of the jar.

Then we insert seven bay leaves one by one in the jar, repeating for each leaf, the name of the person we want to help.

After this, we take seven coins and place them in the jar all at once.

On the small piece of paper, we write the name of the person we want to help, and then we need to put it in the jar.

Finally, we close the jar with a lid and wait until the entire candle is consumed.

This spell can be carried out at any time of the day, but the person benefiting from these spells mustn’t be aware of your casting, as it could cause the opposite effect.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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Spellcasting is an art that must NOT be taken carelessly. If you are trying to solve a problem you're facing, you should consider hiring a professional witch that cast spells safely for everyone involved. This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, and I'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.

You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. You can also read hundreds of different testimonials that you can find at each spell.

Below you'll find spells you can order and what it is this month's special spell casting!