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Opal: Variations, Correspondences & Uses in Magick

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Opal is an amazing stone both magically and mineralogically. Since it doesn’t have a crystalline structure, it is not classified as a mineral but a mineraloid.

Opal is amorphous and made of hydrous silicon dioxide and can contain up to 21% water, though it usually contains 6%-10%.

It is found in fissures of rock, usually limonite, sandstone, rhyolite and basalt. 97% of the world’s supply of opal comes from Australia.


Fire Opal, a rare and vibrant variety, derives its name from its intense orange and red hues, symbolizing passion, creativity, and transformation in magickal practices.

Black Opal, one of the rarest opals, showcases a dark, mysterious body tone with vibrant flashes of color, making it a potent talisman for harnessing hidden energies and psychic abilities.

Opal is associated with love, luck, and spiritual insight in magickal lore, often used to enhance emotional connections and foster intuition, while also aiding in dreamwork and astral projection.

To keep your opals vibrant and energetically potent, it’s crucial to protect them from harsh chemicals, sudden temperature changes, and excessive moisture, ensuring they continue to serve as powerful tools in your magical endeavors.


Because of opal’s unique nature, individual opals can vary widely in appearance from one another. Opals come in a variety of colors and many display flashes of other colors within as well.

opal altar by tina caro magickal spot
Copyright: Tina Caro

Types of opals may be named for their color, the play of colors within, the location of their origin, or the other minerals they accompany.

Precious opals 

Display a play of color caused by tiny silica spheres arranged in a network. As the light passes through the spheres it is diffracted like a prism and displays different colors based on the arrangement of the spheres. As the angle of the light source in relation to the stone moves, it creates brilliant flashes of changing color.

Common opal

Also known as “potch” does not display this effect because the spheres within are not arranged in a manner that promotes this play of color, but all opals have opalescence, a pearly luster. While common opal isn’t as flashy as precious opal, it can also be a gorgeous stone and is useful for jewelry and magick.

Fire Opal 

Is the name given to opals that display “fiery” colors such as red, orange and yellow. These may be transparent or translucent and they do not show to play of color found in precious opal.

Boulder Opal 

Is a rock of another type, the “host rock”, with opal within it. Since opal forms in fissures in rocks, this is common and can be very lovely. Magically, the energy of the host rock can be amplified by the presence of the opal. The opal inside boulder opal can be of any sort.

Black Opal

Is any dark-colored opal. This includes dark blue.

There are many more types of opals. Some excellent pictures of various types of opals can be viewed at

Opal Correspondences and Lore

  • Opal is the birthstone for the month of October.
  • It is a traditional gift for the 13th wedding anniversary.
  • Opal is the national gemstone of Australia.
  • Black Fire Opal is the state stone of Nevada.
  • Most opals will fluoresce under a UV light. Synthetic opals will not.
ElementAssociated with Water
Zodiac SignAssociated with Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces
ChakraStimulates the Crown and Third Eye chakras
EnergyEnhances intuition, inspiration, and emotional healing
Planetary InfluenceConnected to the Moon, Venus, and Neptune
NumerologyLinked to the number 8
BirthstoneTraditional birthstone for October
Table 1: Opal Correspondences

Opal for Magick

Opal contains the energy of all the elements and can be used for just about any magical application. It also amplifies the energy of anything it is used with and can amplify the energy of the wearer. However, opal can be unpredictable and should be used with a bit of caution.

Opal set in gold and worn on the right index finger makes a good talisman for those who must work with other people. It enhances foresight, empathy and confidence and helps the wearer influence people to his point of view.

Opal is said to aid in invisibility spells and can be used as a talisman to help your actions go unnoticed.

Magickal UseDescription
Enhancing IntuitionStimulating psychic abilities and intuition
Emotional HealingAssisting with emotional balance and healing traumas
Inspiration and CreativityBoosting creative expression and artistic pursuits
Love and PassionAttracting love, deepening relationships, and enhancing sensuality
Protection and LuckProviding protection against negative energies and attracting good luck
Spiritual ConnectionFacilitating spiritual growth and connection with higher realms
ManifestationAmplifying manifestation abilities and bringing desires into reality
Table 2: Opal Uses in Magick

Fire opal is said to help protect from injury from natural disasters.

Any opal can be used as a scrying stone and to enhance psychic abilities, to increase intuition and inspiration and to help recall past lives.

It is said that opal is a very good stone to wear for general luck, especially for those born in the month of October. Opal is a stone of inspiration, imagination, and emotion and may prove valuable to writers, musicians and artists.

However, opal can magnify emotions and mirror the emotions of others and can help break down inhibitions. Therefore, it may not be the best stone to wear on a regular basis.

Caring for Your Opal

Opal is a very soft and sensitive stone. Because of its high water content, it is subject to damage by extremes of temperature and can be easily chipped or scratched. Some recommend storing opal in water when not in use.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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