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8 Powerful New Moon Spells [For Love, Money, Abundance]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Even if we are unaware of every moon phase influences us. In this article, I’ll cover New Moon Spells, which will help you build relationships, bring prosperity, and help you find love.

If you want to start a new cycle, mark a new moon phase in your calendar. After the full moon, the phase where you can get rid of what no longer served you, you will have now, with a New Moon, the chance to build something new.

Dream, plan, believe… this is the most magickal time for you to make some magic happen!


  • New Moon spells are spells that you cast during the New Moon, the best time to set new intentions and work to get what you want.
  • From love to abundance and money, on a New Moon you start with a fresh slate to manifest what you need for the following lunar cycle.
Did You Know?

I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.

You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Custom White Magic Spell Casting

Enhanced Full or new moon casting

This is a premium casting that uses different materials that are supercharged by the new or full moon, and I also cast it in a higher vibration.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach
  • Casting done in less than 24h
  • Only the best ingredients & tools
  • Free consultations before & after spell casting

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.

More Information

That is the moment of a powerful renewing energy in which the moon is aligned between the Earth and the Sun.

This monthly phase, in which the so-called wave of contemporary births is a classic, for example, lasts more or less two days and the moon is not visible.

Practically always, this is a phase associated with practices and rituals related to nature, beauty, and the gaze facing inwards.

moon phases
Moon phases

This is where you reconnect with your most authentic part, here is where you awaken your more or less dormant instinctual part.

The new moon symbolizes the end of the relationship of something: a journey, a relationship, a project.

So go ahead. Unleash your good intentions and cut the dead branches that hold you in a lousy place.

What are New Moon Spells?

New Moon Spells are ancient, easy to practice spells to set intentions, cultivate some hope, and visualize our dream life. The moon and its energy will help you bring this dream come true.

These spells are best when performed when the new moon is at its peak but, if you cannot make it on that specific day, keep in mind that you can still make it one day before and one day after the maximum peak. Do it at night for some profound connection with this moon phase.

What do New Moon Spells do?

The new moon spells mark the beginning of a new cycle; therefore, this particular lunar period is optimal for formulating and “sowing” our intentions.

As the seeds need a period of gestation before they sprout, so too is it for the manifestation, the realization of our ideas and our desires.

Basically, the new moon is a demarcated time between the black moon and the crescent moon.

new moon spells essentials
My essentials!

The ‘black’ lunar phase is often considered the stage in which our intentions can have sufficient roots before becoming affected by the ‘light.’

Our intentions, if clear and ‘expressed’ with a strong, energetic flow, have power. So make sure your plans (ideas and desires) are right.

The belief that these intentions are moral and appropriate will help you build up strength and not be weakened by doubts or lack of trust.


My Favorite New Moon Spells

Ritual to Renew Yourself With the New Moon

Ritual to Renew Yourself With the New Moon
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This New Moon ritual requires a little bit more work, but in the end, it can help you get anything you desire.

If you are new at spell casting, consider casting a different spell as this one is a little bit too difficult for a complete beginner.

Make sure to visualize yourself and the new life you would like to embrace, thanks to the new moon. This part is essential to let this magic happen and manifest.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • Some sea salt
  • One smooth container
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Wooden match (or a lighter)
  • Candle (color according to your wishes)
Ritual to Renew Yourself With the New Moon diy picture
Copyright: Tina Caro

Candle colors explained:

How it’s done

  1. Before beginning the ritual, you must clean the place where you are going to perform it. Ideally, you burn sage, light the branch and pass it around your body and in the space where you will do the ritual. I have many articles about smudging and cleansing. Find the best ritual for you to cleanse your space from any kind of negative vibes around you so your intentions won’t be affected by this.
  2. Sage is associated with the moon, as well as you can light incense of lavender, lemon balm, and honey.
  3. The first thing you should do is define your ritual: What is the purpose? What would you like to get?
  4. Define well, make it clear, and write your wish on paper.
  5. You must sit down and write in detail what you need, what you want, closing your eyes and visualizing the purpose, put all your energy into it.
  6. Then you take sea salt. It must not be refined. It has to be as pure as possible, and you make a circle with it.
  7. Inside that circle, we place the plate, container where you will light the candle. The circle acts as protection.
  8. This plate must be without any drawings; it has to be plain and preferably white or transparent.
  9. Then we take the candle in our hands. We close our eyes and rub it while we ask for what we want.
  10. Light it with a wooden match and with another, heat the base of the candle to stick it to the plate, never turn the candle because we would divert the energy.
  11. We take the paper with our order, while you’re burning it in the candle flame, you must think about your desires.
  12. You can observe the candle and its behavior but try not to control it. Preferably leave it until the candle is burned down completely.
  13. Take the remains of candles, as well as salt out of the house.
  14. It is necessary to repeat the ritual three consecutive days of this moon phase.
  15. Depending on your needs, you can combine purposes or desires. Preferably do not cast a new spell if this one hasn’t manifested yet.Wait for a least 14 days, and then, if nothing happens, you can recast this or cast a new one you like more.

New Moon Love Spell

New Moon Love Spell
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This New Moon Love spell is perfect for rebuilding a broken relationship. If your relationship is a bit rocky lately, this new moon spell is there to help you rekindle it and finally have the ability to make amend to the past and create some new future with this person.

It’s an intermediate spell, so if you are new to magic, make sure you give some more straightforward spell a try first and then proceed with this more complex spell.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A few drops of squeezed lemon
  • A red pen
  • A sheet of paper
  • A white candle
  • Brown sugar (or white one)
New Moon Love Spell diy picture
Copyright: Tina Caro

How it’s done

Before beginning to perform this moon spell, it is essential to free yourself from all the tensions in your mind. Meditate a little.

Do not hurry when doing this kind of love witchcraft, because these spells can only be performed on a specific day.

Take advantage of the previous weeks to do an aura cleansing and find the right place to do the ritual without being interrupted. If you like the idea, you can take a cleansing purifying bath as well. Get truly ready to be harmful energy free and prepared to accept and embrace something new with no more chains from the past.

Once the day arrives, perform the following steps:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and write down your name and the name of the person you love, side by side.
  2. Surround the names with a red circle, and on the back write “New beginning, come back to my side, and we will be happy again.”
  3. Drop a drop of lemon on each of the names.
  4. Put a little sugar in the red circle and fold the sheet twice, with the names inwards.
  5. Place the folded paper on a plate, with the white candle on top.
  6. When darkness falls, leave that plate on the window or a balcony so that it is within reach of the new moon throughout the night.
  7. The next day, light the candle and burn the paper on it, mentally reciting the prayer you wrote on the paper:
    “New beginning, return to my side and we will be happy again.”
  8. When the paper will burn down, throw the ashes into the wind.
  9. With this simple spell, you will get a new beginning in that broken relationship.
  10. Remember that the relationship may not be the same as the previous one; you may have to adapt to new ways of being together.

The most important thing is that you will be happy again. Allow this spell to truly create a new beginning for you and your loved one, and use this as a chance for you to establish a better relationship without making any of the previous mistakes once again.

New Moon Spell for Money

New Moon Spell for Money
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If you want to attract some prosperity in your life, then I suggest you try with this spell.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

  • A brown or a green candle (if you don’t have them you can use a white candle)
  • Clay plate
  • Paper bag
  • Pencil or pen

How it’s done

  1. Cut the paper bag into big enough pieces of paper so you can write your desires on them.
  2. Place the pieces of paper on the clay plate.
  3. Place a candle on the top of the paper.
  4. Let it burn down completely, and by doing that, paper with your wishes will burn down too.
  5. Then bury what’s left.
  6. You should not tell anyone about it. It is only for you, not for the people around you. Remember secret between two is not actually a secret anymore.
  7. Perform this ritual for three nights of New Moon.

Feel free to check my article about Black Magic for Money Spells And Rituals

New Moon Spell for Bringing Your Ex Back

New Moon Spell for Bringing Your Ex Back
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This is a fantastic spell if you want to get your loved one back. It doesn’t matter why your partner left if it’s because of something you said or did or because there is someone else in his/her life.

This spell is great to bring your ex back no matter what.

Make sure you do it when you feel confident in changing your fate and in bringing him/her back for real with magic.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

New Moon Spell for Bringing Your Ex Back diy picture
Copyright: Tina Caro

How it’s done

  1. Write your partner’s name and yours and create a heart-shaped piece of paper out of it (names must be inside). As you can see from my example above, you don’t need to be Picasso to create your own! 😊
  2. Place the bay leaves in the middle of the heart.
  3. Fold the paper in half, three times.
  4. Light the candle and place it on a folded paper, stare at the flame, and visualize the return of your partner.
  5. Repeat:
    “On this new moon night and by his grace I ask for a new beginning with (name of your partner) that returns to me for the greater good of both of us and the harm or harm of anyone who is so.”
  6. Bury the paper and bury the candle with it.

If you’re searching for more Get Your Ex Back Spells, then you need to check my article about them here.

Fast New Moon Love Spell

Fast New Moon Love Spell
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If your partner has left you and all your attempts to get him/her back have failed, then you need to try this.

With this love spell, cast on a new moon, he/she will be back by your side in no time.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

How it’s done

  1. Write your full name on the paper and under it, add your ex’s name as well. Place it inside a sea shell along with the rosemary. If you use a stone, attach the piece of paper under the stone with some tape, or you can even write it under the stone itself.
  2. Take the other half of a shell and close it as its natural form.
  3. Tie it with a red ribbon.
  4. When it is well tied, repeat the following words:
    “On this new moon night, I want to start over again that is why I (Your Full Name) call you (Full name of your ex) because I love you and we can and should start again, Come back to me now. So be it.”
  5. Throw a shell or a stone into the sea or a stream of water, so that it carries your message to your ex.
  6. He/she will return to you in no time.

New Moon Spell to Find Stability in a Relationship

New Moon Spell to Find Stability in a Relationship
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This spell with symbolizes planting a new seed, a new beginning for your relationships.

It will work the same if you already have a partner and you want things to improve.

This is one of my favorite spells, and it’s one of those spells that can make you feel absolutely in tune with magic, with nature but also, at the same time, with your relationship as well.

Be very patient on this one and take care of the seeds you would do with your loved one to start brand new.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A small pot
  • Soil
  • Poppy seeds to plant
  • Eggshells
  • A white paper

How it’s done

  1. On a night of a New Moon, we will place some soil in a small pot.
  2. Then we’ll add a few poppy seeds (2 or 3 are enough), and pour a little water in a pot.
  3. This will mean that our new life in love will flourish.
  4. We need to take great care of the plant.
  5. Our poppy will grow little by little, just as happiness will grow in our partner or a new partner that will come into our lives.
  6. Once the plant has grown we will have to do the following thing:- If you have a partner already, write down the full name of your partner and your name, on a blank piece of paper.
    – In case you don’t have a partner yet, your full name (three times) on a blank piece of paper.
  7. Then we will fold the paper into four pieces and bury it inside the pot together with an eggshell.
  8. Once we’re done with this, we will stare at the pot and say the following words:
    “I have planted the seeds of new love,
    A love for total happiness,
    I ask for the loving success that I deserve and need “
  9. Then every time we go to water our plant, we will repeat the same words.

Now, little by little, we will let time pass, and you’ll see how love will finally come into your life.

A New Moon Spell for New Beginnings

A New Moon Spell for New Beginnings
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The main mission of this spell is to clear the negative of past relationships, let go of that weight that does not allow us to open ourselves to true love, and have a new beginning in love.

This ceremony is unique for all those people who feel they have been injured from a previous relationship, or have not yet found true love.

Basically, this is your chance for a fresh start. The moon’s energy will make the rest!

This is a little bit intermediate as a spell so keep in mind that, if you are a beginner, it would be better for you to get started with something easier at first and then give this more complex one a try.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A bit of myrrh
  • A container where you can burn myrrh (you can also use an incense stick instead of myrrh)
  • A sheet of paper
  • A pencil
  • A thick yellow candle (or a white one)
  • A bowl with water

How it’s done

  1. First, you must write on the paper the following sentence:
    “I invoke the power of the new moon to my life to cleanse the negative energies that interrupt the flow of true love and to attract a person who loves me with loyalty and tenderness.”
  2. Next, fold the paper into four parts and put it under the bowl with myrrh.
  3. Place the candle in the middle of the two bowls (myrrh and water).
  4. Light the myrrh and the candle (you can put the candle on a plate to prevent the wax from falling anywhere).
  5. Let myrrh and candle burn down while you remain in silence.

You can sit in a chair, or on the floor, where it is most comfortable for you.

New Moon Spell for Abundance

New Moon Spell for Abundance
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This is one of the classic abundance spells. And one of my favorites.

It’s an intermediate spell to attract more abundance in your life when you feel things are not going that well.

This is all about golden bright energy, and the new moon, with its vibes, will help you manifest everything sooner than later.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • Seven apples
  • One golden candle
  • Mustard seeds (or any other seed you can find)
  • Cinnamon

How it’s done

  1. Seven apples must be arranged around the candle, while our mustard seeds will rest on a window shelf.
  2. You must be properly dressed in the clothes that you usually use to practice spells. Remember that it is convenient to have some outfit that you will only use for this purpose.
  3. Cast everything in a place that’s sacred to you.
  4. Chew a slice of cinnamon while breathing slowly and deeply, feel the cinnamon in your mouth and take control of its spicy and sweet power.
  5. Say the spell out loud:
    “May the power of abundance enter these apples and multiply by three
    May the power of abundance I enjoy multiply by three
    May my spiritual and material wealth be multiplied by three
    The spell starts working now, that’s right!”
  6. The last sentence has to be said with enthusiasm while visualizing being wealthy in your daily life.
  7. Now you will take an apple daily and eat it, thanking the abundance that enters inside of you when consuming it (this is done with the seven apples, one daily until it is finished).
  8. The seeds must be placed on the street around your home.

No matter how much you have to walk to surround it with seeds, remember that abundance is a gift that the universe gives us and we must do what is necessary to attract it to our lives.

Final Thoughts

The new moon is the promise of the night dawn. In mysticism, it was believed that after a period of absence, the moon returned to control what was happening on Earth.

Now we know that when the moonlight begins to touch the Earth, there is a change, the psychic powers are awakened, and everything on Earth (humans, animals, plants, stones …) absorbs its psychic force to prepare the changes.

Choose the right spell for you to practice the magic of the New Moon, use moon magick herbs, candles, and other tools, make a wish, and watch it come true! This time of the month is the right one to make any dream come true. So dream big and, with the help of magic, achieve it and live it!

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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What Is Missing In Your Life Today That You Deeply Desire?

Is it finding new love or making the existing one healthier than ever? Is it maybe some positivity that would make your life flourish as you've never thought it could? Or is it something unique that your life is missing?

Spellcasting is an art that must NOT be taken carelessly. If you are trying to solve a problem you're facing, you should consider hiring a professional witch that cast spells safely for everyone involved. This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, and I'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.

You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. You can also read hundreds of different testimonials that you can find at each spell.

Below you'll find spells you can order and what it is this month's special spell casting!