Karma, in Eastern religions and philosophies, is the act of sentient beings that move towards an end in relation to the principle of cause and effect that binds beings to “Samsara”, that is, to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
The principles of Karma developed from the religious speculations of the Vedic Upanishads (sacred texts of Brahmanism) and are fundamental in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and other Eastern religions. In the West, however, they were disseminated in the nineteenth century by the Theosophical Society and developed by today’s New Age philosophies.
The karmic law holds that actions are causes and consequences of other actions, so nothing is random but everything is interconnected by cause-and-effect.
Karmic justice, in both life and witchcraft, centers on the idea that actions and intentions have consequences that return to the individual.
It’s rooted in the concept of karma, emphasizing that positive actions lead to positive outcomes and negative actions result in negative consequences.
In life, it promotes personal responsibility and the idea that one reaps what they sow.
In witchcraft, practitioners who believe in karmic justice emphasize ethical spellwork and intentions to avoid harm, as they believe that negativity may return to the practitioner.
However, beliefs about karmic justice vary among practitioners, and not all subscribe to this concept.
Therefore, because of the karmic principle, actions that produce “negative” effects negatively influence the Dharma or “universal law” and bring “negative” Karma; while “positive” actions bring “positive” Karma, both in the present life and in the following ones.
The law of Karma, in the Vedic Upanishads, states that the fate of man in life and after death is marked by his conduct, therefore both ritual action and any human action produces future consequences.
In short – what does Karma mean?
The term “Karma”, an adaptation of the Sanskrit term “Karman”, comes from the root “Kr” which means “to do”, “to act”. The term also has a large number of philosophical and religious implications which, depending on the scope, change its use in meaning. Karma or Karman is not only the action itself but the set of actions performed in the thought, in the body, in the word and in the Spirit of a sentient being, in all its lives.
Furthermore, Karma is also Universal action, that is, a balance of energies for which each action corresponds to an equal and opposite reaction, as described in Newton’s third law of physics.
The idea of the unity of the Cosmos is very ancient, so much so that the term Universe “Unum versum” means the “One manifest”.
Science today is increasingly validating this concept with unified field theories. The “All” or “Nothing” from which everything originates. Furthermore, this field is active, so man is part of an active Whole to which he is connected. Hence the principle of “All is One”, which summarizes all the sacred texts and the most spiritual philosophies.
Elements of karmic justice
Element | Description |
Cause and Effect | Karmic justice is based on the principle of cause and effect, where actions and intentions have consequences that reverberate through lifetimes. |
Balance and Harmony | Karmic justice seeks to restore balance and harmony in the universe by ensuring that actions align with their appropriate consequences. |
Lessons and Growth | Karmic justice presents opportunities for personal growth and learning from past mistakes or unresolved issues. |
Accountability | It emphasizes individual accountability for one’s actions and the understanding that each person is responsible for their karmic path. |
What does karmic justice mean?
As described above, due to the interconnectedness of all things in this universe, karmic justice describes the way that everything you ‘give’ returns to you in one form or another.
If I have committed injustices, “negative” actions in another life, will I be punished in this one? Or on the contrary, if I have committed “positive” actions in my past life, will I have a “reward” in this current one?
It is not quite so!
If you’ve noticed, I’ve always put “positive” and “negative” in quotation marks because there really is no such thing as positive or negative, but only in the illusory duality we live in. And we need this duality to experience ourselves.
This experience is what in the West we call “destiny” which can be seen as a synonym for Eastern Karma, which we often imagine as something static.
But it is not static at all.
Destiny or Karma is malleable through the understanding that what happens outside of you is a mirror of what you are inside, whether they are thoughts, words, actions, etc.
So, by becoming aware of yourself, you give yourself the possibility to change your Karma or destiny, call it whatever you like.
If, for example, a dog has bitten you, or you are afraid of dogs, it is possible that in another life you have treated dogs badly. But the fundamental point is not the dogs, but yourself in relation to what the dog represents for you.
Among other things, as quantum physics has now explained, time is an illusion, so past, present, and future live in the eternal now.
So, if you change your awareness in the now, you change every past, present, and future life. This is because everything happens now.
Karma is not just a way of defining the concept of cause and effect, but energy that uses this principle to manifest itself.
As already mentioned previously, in addition to Eastern religions and philosophies, various Western philosophers and thinkers have dealt with Karma, one of the most eminent was Gustav Jung, who in many of his books spoke of the collective unconscious to emphasize the interconnection between all things.

The karmic principle originates from human beings seeking to understand the manifestation of “universal justice” with the purpose of encouraging beings to regulate their awareness and behavior.
The discipline of Karma states that any action has an apparent and immediate effect and an unseen one that will develop, like a seed that hatches when the right conditions arise.
These seeds are stored in our soul; if we do not reach the resolution of Karma in this life, we will have opportunities in the next.
In this sense, the law of Karma is linked to that of reincarnation.
According to the karmic principle, time is circular and “Samsara” shows the cycle of rebirths which allows you to complete the path of spiritual development and purification.

In this cycle of rebirths, there is the possibility of consciously changing one’s Karma. The different facets of our Karma form our inclinations, needs, and lead us to new levels of awareness.
Karmic justice and everyday life
The traditional principle of Karma promotes self-reflection. Not many people naturally act in a way that is aware of the unseen consequences of their actions. Those who learn about karma will learn about their personal effect on themselves, others, and the environment.
This leads to greater individual awareness and responsibility.
Life Situations | Description |
Relationships | Karmic justice often manifests in relationship dynamics, where unresolved issues or karmic ties bring people together for growth and healing. |
Life Challenges | Certain challenges or obstacles in life may be karmic in nature, providing opportunities for individuals to learn and overcome past patterns or lessons. |
Patterns and Repetition | Karmic justice may manifest as repetitive patterns or cycles that reflect unresolved issues or lessons from past lives. |
Success and Rewards | Positive actions and intentions can bring about karmic rewards, leading to success, abundance, and fulfillment in various areas of life. |
Furthermore, by re-examining our life, it becomes clearer that what we do somehow comes back to us, in ways and times that are not always immediate and evident.
Karma, by throwing the unresolved back at us, can send us into crisis. Knowing how to turn these crises into opportunities gives meaning to our suffering and helps us mature.
The karmic principle should be seen not as a condemnation that cannot be changed, but as a possibility of coping with what has remained unresolved. If we become aware of what is happening to us, this becomes the opportunity to change course in our life.
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Karmic justice in magick
Karmic Justice can be used when it comes to spells to ensure karma will come to the target of your spell. This can work to deliver justice to those who have done wrong or can bring happiness to those you love.
The principle of ‘what goes around comes around’ is something you can work with for other people; if they have done good to you, make sure to return it to them and tell the universe that they deserve happiness.
Witchcraft Practice | Description |
Karmic Release Rituals | Rituals aimed at releasing negative karmic ties, patterns, or energy to promote healing and personal transformation. |
Karma Cleansing Spells | Spells designed to cleanse and purify one’s karmic energy, promoting balance and harmony in life. |
Karmic Healing Magick | Magickal practices focused on healing past wounds, resolving karmic debts, and bringing about positive karmic experiences. |
Intentional Karma Work | Techniques and rituals to work with karma consciously, aligning intentions and actions to manifest positive karmic outcomes. |