Jasper is a type of quartz with powerful nurturing properties. It has many varieties and is very versatile. Use Jasper for protection, internal stability, and level-headedness.
This stone is closely associated with grounding energies and enhancing one’s connection to the Earth, making it an excellent tool for meditation and energy work.
Jasper’s red variety, known for its vibrant hue, is believed to stimulate passion and courage, while the yellow variety is thought to boost self-confidence and creativity.
Leopardskin jasper, characterized by its distinctive spotted pattern, is often used for its protective and nurturing properties, making it a popular choice among witches.
Flint, a unique form of jasper, holds a deep historical significance as a fire-starting tool, making it an essential component of ancient magical practices related to fire and transformation.
General Info
Jasper is a form of fine-grained (ie, opaque) chalcedony quartz that has many colors and types to its name.

It is common, found across the world. Its most commonly known attribute is its nurturing protective energies, though different types of jasper impart unique attributes.
Jasper’s chemical formula is SiO2. It has a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7. Other names for Jasper include The Supreme Nurterer and the Nurturing Stone.

History and Folklore
Jasper was a popular stone across the ancient world. Its name can be traced through multiple languages, such as the French jaspremeaning ‘spotted or speckled stone’. Some claim the name is Hebrew.
Egyptians used jasper as healing amulets. Some medicine men of the First Nation tribes of North America used jasper to attract rain. Historically, jasper has agricultural associations, which may be related to its prosperous energies, as successful harvests often determined those things.

Jasper can be used to align all chakras, but different colors have different chakra associations, generally by color.
All forms of Jasper are tied to Earth. Jasper’s strong, rooting energy comes from this.
Magical Attributes
Many of Jasper’s magical attributes focus on its protective energies and keep its user safe. It can make astral travel easier, providing a strong cord back to the tangible realm, and make projection work easier.
Jasper can be used to combat the Evil Eye and makes an excellent talisman.
Carry to alleviate stress or increase beauty; internal or external.

Healing Attributes
Physically, Jasper is said to help with internal tissue regeneration and numerous digestive organ problems.
Emotionally, Jasper is balancing and peaceful. It can aid in times of grief and help users cope. It can ease mental disturbances and trauma, evening out the mind and heart. Even in the most difficult times, Jasper can help to find tranquility and calm. Jasper also can aid grief, since it brings peace to endings of all kinds.
Types of Jasper
This type ranges from red to reddish-orange, and generally has thin, jagged black lines running through it. It is tied to the Root chakra. Red jasper pertains to justice, fairness, and controlled passion and responsibility. It is insightful and stabilizing.

This type can be any shade of yellow, and generally has veins of brown. It is tied to the [Plexus] chakra. Yellow jasper is a stress reliever and a social stone that can help build up confidence and security. It can also fight depression and other internal negativity and is believed to protect travelers.
This type is generally spotted or dappled in browns and greys. It is tied to the Root chakra. Leopardskin jasper is heavily associated with animals and helps with self-healing. It has a strong relation to shamanic journeying.
This type is generally dull brown or grey with varying layers. Flint has been used to make cutting tools since ancient times and is thus excellent for cutting off ties with toxic things. It brings a balanced and stable mindset, as well as a boost to physical health.