Many friends of mine have issues with hair growth, so I decided to answer all of their questions in one article. These spells are spells I cast myself first to let my hair grow after a few dramatic haircuts in the past.
I have to admit that these spells, together with a healthy beauty routine, made a huge difference, and now I have the longest hair I have ever had my whole life!
I truly think you will love these spells for hair growth!
Hair growth spells are magical rituals aimed at promoting longer, thicker, or healthier hair.
These spells use elements like candles, herbs, oils, and visualization techniques to channel energy and intention into the hair and scalp.
They are often practiced to address issues like hair loss or slow growth or simply to enhance the beauty of one’s hair.
However, it’s essential to remember that these spells are not a substitute for proper hair care and a healthy lifestyle, which are vital for hair health.
Did You Know?
I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.
You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells and articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Black Magic Hair Growth Spell

The Black Magic Hair Growth Spell promotes faster growing, thicker and healthier hair regardless of your age or gender and works in just two weeks.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
What are Hair Growth Spells?
Hair growth spells use the power of natural ingredients and magic to create an easy way to improve hair growth.
Aspect | Explanation |
Definition | Hair Growth Spells are magical rituals and practices performed to stimulate and enhance hair growth, thickness, and overall hair health. |
Purpose | The primary purpose of these spells is to address hair-related concerns, such as slow growth, hair loss, or thinning, by harnessing magical energy and intention. |
Ethical Considerations | Practitioners approach Hair Growth Spells with ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of using this magic responsibly and for personal well-being. |
Types of Hair Issues | Hair Growth Spells can be tailored to address various hair issues, including promoting hair growth, preventing hair loss, or improving hair quality. |
Natural Enhancement | These spells emphasize enhancing hair health and growth through natural means, such as energy work and intention-setting. |
What do Hair Growth Spells do?
With the use of natural ingredients, these hair growth spells help you take care of your hair in the most natural way.
After you cast any of the spells below, I suggest that you start using natural treatments for hair.
It is required that you have a calm mind, without worry or stress to perform all of the spells that you’ll find below. You can help yourself with meditation.
There’s one more important factor in making everything work – natural hair products.
It’s called a natural shampoo and conditioner.
You should always use chemical-free products, especially if you have issues with your hair.
I usually use Puracy Natural products for hair. I won’t say they’re the best there is, because each one of us has a different hair structure.
But if you don’t have any idea which natural shampoo or conditioner you should buy, I suggest that you try this one below.
Some extra tips to boost the spell’s energy:
- Make a hair mask at least once a week. Use natural products or, if you want to give some homemade remedies a try, you can use some castor oil. Apply it on your hair and then cover everything with a towel o, even better, a shower cap. Keep it overnight, and then wash your hair with a natural shampoo.
- Don’t hold your hair too tight! Some think that holding your hair tight makes them grow faster, but it’s not true! Tie them in a soft tail or if you can, braid them for some natural wavy hair, too!
- When you can avoid blow-drying your hair and let them dry naturally! This is going to prevent the hair from getting damaged and too stressed.
My Favorite Hair Growth Spells
Divine Oil for Hair Growth

This is a spell that will help you create a special oil for hair growth. This is a special way to nourish, strengthen and boost your hair growth all in one.
It’s not the easiest oil to create, but it’s one of the most effective as there is the perfect combination of many natural ingredients.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need
- A comb
- A pink candle
- Divine oil (or extra vergin olive oil)
- Incense of Venus (or any incense you like)
- Lemon juice
- Three tablespoons of flaxseed oil
- An egg yolk
- A pinch of ginseng
- Plastic wrap
- Natural shampoo
- Natural balm
- Three liters of rainwater
How it’s done
- Grease the candle with oil, light it, and also burn the incense.
- Take the lemon juice, the linseed oil, the egg, and the ginseng and put them in a bowl, pound them well until you make the potion.
- When the hour of Venus approaches, recite the spell by saying:
“Witch potion for wonderful hair,
adorns my hair,
make them thicker,
and let them shine in the sunlight. “ - Work the prepared potion on your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest.
- Go outside and enjoy the sun.
- You will experience a tingling sensation in your hair.
- After an hour of sun exposure, wash your hair with a natural shampoo and conditioner and rinse everything with rainwater.
- Let the hair dry in the air; once dry, you will immediately see improvement.
Hair Growth Mask Spell

This is one of the fastest hair growth spells that you can use.
I love how this works together with my favorite hair products, and that is a beginner-friendly mask spell everyone can use!
If you are new to magic and want longer hair, this is the spell for you!
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5
Things you need
- Natural shampoo
- Natural balm
- A lock of your hair
- A lock of long hair
- Egg yolk
- Coconut oil
- A brilliant for the hair

How it’s done
Pick any day for this spell.
- Prepare an egg yolk mixed with coconut oil and spread it all over your wet hair.
- Leave it on for at least an hour.
- Wash this mix off, and then put on a natural shampoo and while massaging it, say three times full of energy and commitment:
“The Goddess of beauty
bring me luck
that my hair
can transform themselves
and become
fluid and smooth like silk
as strong and thick as a lion’s mane
May they grow healthy and strong
shiny and beautiful “ - Having done this, dry your hair slowly.
- You will notice that your hair is already much healthier and shinier thanks to the earlier wrap.
- You can repeat this every time you feel like it. Once a week would be just great!
Anubis Hair Growth Spell

This spell is just great! You will have the chance to let the god Anubis guide your craft and support your hair growth while using the power and the energy of roses to spread some kind, gentle, and loving energy towards your beauty.
All this will work as a powerful attractor for both growth and beauty!
Cast this spell on a night of Full Moon to see results and to let magic get in sync with the energy of the spell.
The reconnection with Anubis can help you reestablish the perfect condition to let your hair grow beautiful and strong.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5
Things you need
- One tuft of your hair
- One paper envelope
- Five red rose petals
How it’s done
- This ritual will be more effective if you do it in the full moon phase.
- Start by removing a strand of your hair, just a little.
- Take your hair, place it inside the envelope and add five rose petals, and close it tightly.
- Take the envelope to the patio or an outdoor place where you can see the moon.
- Close your eyes, breathe slowly, keep your mind relaxed for about 20 seconds, and imagine how your hair grows.
- Then recite the following:
“Powerful God Anubis, I have long lost my connection with you, I have broken my agreement with the spirit, so my hair has stopped growing. Therefore, today, I show myself to you and with all due respect.
I beg you to help me today under the light of this immense full moon.
I pray that you return the life that my hair needs.
I promise you that I will conserve my energy and love my own being.
I promise to take the reins of my destiny well. I promise to control my mind and dominate my body.
Once again, I promise you an unconditional and eternal smile.
Oh! Mighty God Anubis help me that the right combinations are attracted to me, help me that the wisdom of my body is activated again. And above all, make my hair grow vigorously.” - Right after you finish with the last sentence, remove petals from the envelope and throw them in the wind.
Flaxseed Hair Growth Spell

If you are losing tons of hair and want to prevent this from happening anymore while letting your hair grow and get stronger, you need to cast this spell.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5
Things you need
- One egg
- One tablespoon of flaxseed oil
- One little lemon juice
- One bit of coriander
- One teaspoon lavender oil
- One glass container
- Rainwater

How it’s done
- Start by washing your hair very well, avoid using any synthetic hair growth shampoo.
- Use a natural shampoo and make sure that your hair is clean.
- Then, massage the scalp with the fingertips and brush the hair a hundred times.
- Take the candle, place it on a plate on a table, and light it with matches.
- In a bowl pour the egg, the linseed oil, lemon juice, coriander (leaf fern), lavender oil and mix all ingredients.
- When you get a mixture (it should be the same texture as the one you see in the picture above), take it with your hand, rub on the scalp and the length of the hair until it is completely absorbed.
- Then, put a plastic bag on your hair and let there for 1 hour.
- As time passes, wash with your everyday (natural) shampoo and use rainwater to rinse.
After performing this spell, avoid applying heat to the hair, like the iron, dryer, or use unnatural products, so you have the best results.
Yogurt Hair Growth Spell

I love this spell as it’s the perfect combination of natural elements and prayers, my favorite!
Basically, you will prepare a mask that you must apply to the hair and recite some magical prayers to make the hair grow. Just make sure you don’t rush any part of this spell.
Consider this spell as part of your beauty routine, and open your heart and intuition to let your prayer be heard and your blessings be granted.
You can do this spell whenever you want but make sure to cast this spell at night for results.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need
- One white candle
- One natural yogurt
- One teaspoon sunflower oil or saffron
- One lock of your hair
- A melon (or a few drops of castor oil)
- One glass bowl
How it’s done
Wait for the night to come.
- First, light the white candle with the wooden matches – do not use a lighter.
- Grab a melon, take out four spoons from the center, put them in a bowl.
- Add the strand of your hair and crush everything while you recite the following:
“Decorate my beautiful hair with your powerful splendor and bring me the exquisite flow of a natural river.” - Then, pour the sunflower or saffron oil in a bowl. In case your hair is oily, avoid the oil and change it for a tablespoon of lemon juice.
- Mix all the ingredients while you recite the following:
“May the natural energy flow within my hair… let my hair rejuvenate.. lt my hair shine..” - Then add a natural yogurt, mix everything very well, and apply this mask on your scalp – from the scalp to the tips.
- When you’re finished, recite the following:
“My intention is pure. My hair grows strongly and beautifully. So be it.” - Then, cover all the hair with a bath towel, relax for about 15 minutes for the preparation to act on the hair.
- When the corresponding time passes, wash the hair as usual with a natural product).
Final Thoughts
As you’ve probably seen by now, you should only use natural hair products, even before you cast any of the spells above. And don’t forget to read the black magic for hair article as well.
You should also be 100% committed to these spells and rituals, and you should also stick with a beauty routine for your hair.
Show your hair some love, and they will be ready to absorb the nourishing energy from these practices.
Manifestation time might take a bit longer as these are spells that start working right away, but it’s your hair that needs some time to grow naturally.
Be patient, and if you feel to, cast the spell once every two weeks to see quick results, but, most likely, even if you cannot see it right away, each one of this spell starts working right away from within, nourishing your hair and giving your hair the energy needed to grow strong and beautiful.