Flourite is Calcium flouride. Cubic, octahedral and rhombododecahedral crystals, and masses found in China, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States.
Flourite, a mesmerizing mineral, has a rich history steeped in folklore, known as the “Genius Stone” for its purported ability to enhance mental clarity and creativity.
Flourite is believed to aid in concentration, stress relief, and balance, while its metaphysical properties align with spiritual growth and psychic protection.
Flourite’s magickal potential, it can be used in meditation, divination, or energy work, amplifying intentions and promoting spiritual insights.
Proper care and cleansing methods are essential to maintain the vibrational purity of Flourite, including avoiding exposure to direct sunlight and periodically cleansing it through moonlight, salt, or sound cleansing techniques.
History and Folklore
Fluorite is a relatively recent discovery and does not have a long line of use by priests and magi.

It creates order from chaos.
Healing and Magickal Uses
Body: Aids the immune and skeletal systems. It helps maintain tooth health. Fights both anorexia and bulimia. Protects against infectious diseases.
Mind: Relieves stress
Magick: Aids focus. Good for protection.
Care and Cleansing
Sunlight will fade fluorite. Do not cleanse with water. Please do not use it directly for elixirs. Recharge under the light of the moon.
Flourite Toxicity
Flourite is corrosive and can cause skin irritation and damage to the eyes. A mask, gloves and eye protection should be worn if you are shaping or engraving your flourite stones. Good ventilation is also recommended. Wash your hands after handling flourite.