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Autumn Magic, By Moody Moons

5 Mabon Decor Ideas (Easy, DIY)

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Feeling like a basic witch this autumn?  If pumpkin lattes make you yawn, try one of these easy, DIY Mabon decor ideas to get into the spirit of the season.

Celebrate Mabon spending the day decorating your home for fall. 

Taking the time to turn over your interior for the new season sets up your space for a warm, cozy autumn.

I test drove 5 Mabon/autumn/fall decor crafts for you.  Here’s what I came up with!

Make a Natural Autumn Wreath

Natural autumn wreath on an embroidery hoop.

Got an old embroidery hoop in your craft closet?

If not, you can pick one up at the craft or fabric store for a couple of dollars.

Make a mini wreath out of it to display on a small wall or over a wall shelf.  It’s super easy!

You can use the same technique described in this tutorial for making hair wreaths. 

Natural Garland Craft

I don’t know about you, but I’m always picking things up on my witchy nature walks.

With only so much room on my altar, a lot of it ends up in compost or scattered back in the woods.

Why not make use of your local fall foliage and create an autumn garland unique to the landscape you live in?

You can go simple and minimalist like I did with the strand above, or try this tutorial for a fuller strand.

DIY an Autumn Canvas

DIY autumn canvas for fall decor.

Okay, full disclosure:  I did not paint the canvases above.  I bought them at a thrift store for $5.  🙂

But it got me thinking about how you don’t typically see seasonal canvases as a rotating decoration idea, and I thought, why not?  It’s such a customizable idea, and so easy.

Even if you don’t paint (I definitely don’t!), you can get a similar look easily.  Try painting a canvas a neutral color and then arranging fall leaves on it for an eye-catching autumn canvas with a uniquely fall flavor.

Herbal Candle Decor

Autumn neutral diy decor.

Don’t have a lot of time to for Mabon decor? 

Tie some stuff on a candle.  It doesn’t get any easier than that.

Of course, it helps the final result if you choose autumn themed herbs like evergreens, dried leaves, cinnamon sticks or autumn florals.

Obviously, take it all off before burning it, but this works nicely as a centerpiece for a small table, or to add some grace to an otherwise drab bookshelf. 

Upcycle Old Yard Tools

Upcycled yard tool turned into autumn decoration.

As someone with a nature-based spiritual tradition, I try find ways to consume less and keep things out of the landfill.

Why?  Because in a consumer culture, if you throw something away, you usually buy something to replace it.

It’s just the way we’re conditioned. 

So the more you can reuse things, the less you buy, the less you buy, the less waste, and the less industrial by-product from producing new things.

Try making at least one Mabon decoration from something you planned to throw away.  Old yard tools make a fantastic base for an entryway decoration.  Just spray paint it a fall color (I used some leftover gold spray paint, but red, yellow or orange would also work!) and then stick on some old fall decorations.  Voila! 

DIY Natural Mabon Decor.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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