Halite is the mineral better known as rock salt or sodium chloride (NaCl). This mineral forms cubic or isometric crystals that are usually white or clear but may show a variety of colors depending on the impurities the crystal contains.
Halite, also known as rock salt, has a rich history dating back centuries and has been used by various cultures for purification rituals and protection against negative energies.
In the realm of witchcraft, halite is valued for its ability to cleanse and purify energies, making it a powerful tool for banishing negativity from spaces and individuals.
Halite corresponds strongly with the element of Earth and is often associated with grounding, stability, and the manifestation of desires in magical practices.
The mineral’s spiritual significance is linked to its connections with deities such as Mother Earth and sea goddesses, making it an ideal component for sea-inspired rituals and spells.
History and Folklore

Crushed halite is used as a common table seasoning, commonly called table salt. Sodium chloride is essential to life in moderate amounts and deadly in excess and is one of the oldest known food seasonings and preservation methods. Humans have taste buds devoted to the taste of this mineral.
Salt can be harvested from the sea or from salt lakes by evaporating salt water or it can be mined in rock form certain areas. Saltworks have been found in Romania dating back to 6050 BCE, in China to 6000 BCE. Funerary offerings of salt were found in tombs dating back 3000 years BCE.
Salt was one of the most important trade items of the ancient world. In the first millennia BCE, the Celts traded salt and salted meat to Greece and Rome for wine and luxury items throughout the first millennia BCE. The Egyptians traded salted fish to Lebanon and Phoenicia 2800 years BCE in exchange for wood, glass and dyes.
The word “salary” comes from the Latin word salarium. It may have been an allowance payment made for the purchase of salt or it may have referred to payments made for service related to the conquering or guarding of salt supplies and trade routes.
The phrase “worth your salt” probably relates to salt’s relationship with the word “salary”.
If the Earth is “sown with salt”, the land becomes barren. Nothing will grow in it. It also curses the land and anyone on it.
Magickal and Spiritual Uses of Halite
For centuries, salt has been used for purification and as an offering to the Gods. Most modern magical alters contain a dish of salt as standard equipment and many magic-users make it a practice to place a pinch of salt in the four corners of the room before beginning a ceremony in order to prevent negative influences from interfering.

Ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians offered their Gods salt and water during invocations.
Salt may be added to water to consecrate it and make it more like seawater “the womb of the Earth”. This water may be used in a variety of ways but is often used to purify an area, person or item.
Adding salt to water also combines the element of Earth with the element of Water. This salted water may be used in asperging ceremonies to purify an item, person or area with the energy of Earth and Water, often in combination with fumigation to purify with the energy of Fire and Air.
According to a Shinto tradition in Japan, small piles of salt called morijio are placed near the doorway to ward off evil and attract business. Salt is also used as a purifying and protective agent in Shinto tradition.
Some believe that salt sprinkled across doorways and windowsills will prevent evil spirits from entering a home and that standing within a circle of salt will protect you from evil influences.
Candle holders made of halite crystals are beautiful and useful in ritual.
Halite or salt crystals can be dissolved in bath water or combined with olive oil to create a salt scrub to use in ritual baths.
Halite crystals may also be added to mojo bags or sachets to use as talismans.
- White Halite – Grounding, cleansing, and protection.
- Blue Halite– Cleanses the aura, stimulates the higher mind, psychic abilities
- Pink Halite – Encourages peace, self-love and inner clarity

- Astrological Signs: Cancer or Pisces
- Chakra: White Halite root Blue Halite crown, Pink Halite heart
- Element: White Halite and salt- Earth, Black salt– Fire
- Planet: Saturn or the Moon
- Angel: Cassiel
Gods and Goddesses
Huixtocihuatl is the Aztec fertility Goddess associated with salt and salt water.
Healing uses of Halite
Halite lamps are said to increase health and well being and to have an invigorating effect by creating ionizing the air.
Halite crystals may be used to relieve mood swings, normalize emotions and reduce negative attitudes. It is also used to treat problems of the lower intestinal area but isn’t recommended during pregnancy.
Pink Halite is used to clear the heart chakra and encourage the growth of tissues.
Indigo Halite is used to treat thyroid and other glandular problems.

Care of Halite Crystals
Halite is a great absorber of stray energy and may need to be cleansed and recharged often. If they are not charged, halite crystals will absorb whatever energy is around them.
Halite crystals may be cleansed by suffumigation, stored in a cloth and kept away from moisture. Halite will dissolve in water.
Salt used for banishing should not be reused but should be discarded. It can be thrown on a crossroads or tossed into running water to take the negative energy far away from you. Use moderate amounts. While salt is generally safe and is necessary for the health of most living things, excessive amounts are dangerous.