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Crystals and Minerals

A List of Crystals You Can Charge in the Sunlight & How

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Written by: Tina Caro

We often consider cleansing our crystals as major priority when it comes to working with stones and their energies but, did you know that charging crystals is as important as cleansing them?

Together with this article, we are going to learn the importance of charging crystals, how to do it and which are crystals that can be charged in the sun and which ones should avoid such energy in order to work at their best.


Some suitable crystals for sunlight charging include amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, carnelian, and rose quartz.

To charge them, place the crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours, preferably during the morning or late afternoon when the sunlight is less harsh.

Be cautious with certain crystals like amethyst, as prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause fading. Always research specific crystal care guidelines before charging them in the sun.

Which Crystals Thrive in Sunlight?

Certain crystals resonate well with the sun’s masculine energy and thrive when charged in sunlight. These include:

CrystalDescriptionRecommended Duration
Clear QuartzAmplifies energy and charges quickly.30 minutes to 1 hour
AmethystEnhances spiritual and intuitive properties.1 to 2 hours
CitrineBoosts abundance and prosperity energies.30 minutes to 1 hour
Rose QuartzPromotes love, compassion, and healing.2 to 3 hours
CarnelianIncreases vitality and motivation.1 to 2 hours
SeleniteCleanses and purifies other crystals.15 minutes to 30 minutes
Smoky QuartzGrounds and detoxifies energy.1 to 2 hours
MoonstoneEnhances intuition and feminine energies.30 minutes to 1 hour
LabradoriteBoosts intuition and inner transformation.1 to 2 hours
SunstoneInvokes joy, warmth, and creativity.30 minutes to 1 hour
Table: Crystals Suitable for Sunlight Charging and Recommended Durations

How to Safely Charge Crystals in Sunlight?

Check Crystal TypeEnsure your crystal is suitable for sunlight charging.
Choose the Right TimeCharge during morning sunlight for gentle energy or noon for full intensity.
Place on a Natural SurfaceSet crystals on a clean, natural surface like soil, rocks, or wood.
Avoid OverheatingDon’t leave delicate or heat-sensitive crystals in direct sunlight for too long.
Retrieve CarefullyUse caution when removing hot crystals from sunlight. Allow them to cool naturally.
Express GratitudeShow appreciation to the sun and your crystals for their energy exchange.

Crystals to Avoid Charging in the Sun

Some crystals should steer clear of direct sun exposure and prefer moonlight for charging.

These include:

Understanding the Importance of Charging Crystals

After purifying our crystals, we must provide them with a nourishing charge. Certain purification methods, such as salt cleansing, can energetically drain them.

Charging becomes necessary after intensive use, during challenging times, exhaustion, or prolonged wear.

Neglecting to charge our stones can result in their devitalization or a reduction in energetic potency, hampering their healing abilities and even causing physical fractures.

scene showcasing a variety of crystals that can be charged in sunlight
Copyright: Tina Caro

The Process of Charging Crystals

Charging crystals is akin to recharging our own energy. It’s especially crucial when we’ve drained our stones’ vitality through prolonged use or difficult periods.

When crystals are in harmony with a person, they vibrate and communicate with our cells, but this interaction depletes their energy.

Purification clears absorbed information, while charging provides the necessary energy for their healing work.

Charging Crystals in the Sun

Charging crystals in sunlight offers numerous advantages. The heat infuses minerals with the energy needed to resonate with our energy fields.

However, not all crystals should bask in direct sunlight during the hottest hours.

Instead, opt for early mornings or late afternoons, exposing them for no more than two hours. Crystals that don’t favor direct sunlight can benefit from moonlight.

In Conclusion

In summary, while cleansing our crystals is essential for maintaining their purity and effectiveness, charging them is an equally crucial step in harnessing their energy to the fullest.

We’ve explored the significance of charging crystals, delved into the methods of doing so, and even discussed which crystals benefit from the sun’s energy and which should be shielded from it.

By understanding the delicate balance between cleansing and charging, we can truly unlock the remarkable potential of these natural wonders and experience their positive impact on our lives.

So, the next time you work with crystals, remember that just as we recharge our own energy, these precious gemstones deserve their time in the sun, or in some cases, the moonlight, to shine even brighter.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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