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Crystals and Minerals

Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Kept Together: Combinations

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Written by: Tina Caro

Each crystal has its own specific properties which, if used correctly, can provide great benefits to those who use them in magic.

The vibrational energy of crystals allows us to take advantage of their power as a sort of “battery,” so that each of our spells, rituals, or simple meditations can be further strengthened and charged.

This is undoubtedly of great use, as it prevents our personal energy from being exhausted during the magical action and proves to be an undeniable enhancement of the same.

Some crystals work great together, while others should not be kept together to properly help you channel and manifest specific energies and blessings.


Certain crystals should not be kept together as they may have conflicting energies that can negate each other’s effects.

For example, Selenite and Black Tourmaline should be kept apart, as Selenite purifies energy while Black Tourmaline absorbs negativity. Amethyst and Citrine, Clear Quartz and Hematite, and Rose Quartz and Pyrite are other crystal pairs that may not work well together due to their contrasting properties.

However, personal preferences and intentions can also play a role in how crystals interact, so it’s essential to trust your intuition when working with them.

Crystal Combinations to Avoid

Solitary stones

There are stones that are solitary, meaning they must be worn alone because they do not bond with any other stone.

Usually, the power of their properties is strong, and therefore, very sensitive people are advised to try them but carefully evaluate whether it is a stone with which they find affinity.

This is the case with Onyx, Obsidian, Sardonyx, Rhodonite, and Opal.

Even among stones, we have likes, dislikes, competition, and antagonism, and it is very important to know them so as not to pay the price!

Malachite & Diamond

Few know that Malachite and Diamond should not be worn at the same time as they have a poisonous influence!

Opal & Garnet

And that a solitary stone like Opal hates the energetic arrogance of Garnet. In some associations, we see how two stones cancel each other out; this is the case with Amethyst and Carnelian, two stones with opposite properties, and ditto for golden Labradorite and Turquoise.

Rose Quartz & Golde

Another tip is to never, ever mount rose quartz in gold; it would suffocate you!

Tiger’s Eye & Boji stones

If you want to take away all energy and desire for life from someone, obviously so to speak, give them a Tiger’s Eye alternating with Boji stones.

Lapis Lazuli & Turquoise

Antagonists par excellence are Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise, two roosters in a henhouse!

Selenite & Black Tourmaline

Selenite has a purifying energy, while Black Tourmaline absorbs negative energy. If kept together, Black Tourmaline may negate some of Selenite’s cleansing properties.

Amethyst & Citrine

Amethyst is known for its calming energy, while Citrine is associated with abundance and positivity. Combining them can potentially neutralize their individual effects.


Clear Quartz & Hematite

Clear Quartz amplifies energy, while Hematite has grounding properties. Keeping them together might create a conflicting energy balance.

Rose Quartz & Pyrite

Rose Quartz is a stone of love and healing, while Pyrite is associated with abundance and confidence. These energies might not complement each other.

Carnelian & Moonstone

Carnelian is linked to vitality and courage, while Moonstone is connected to intuition and emotions. Combining them might create inner conflicts.

Practical Tips for Separating Crystals

To keep the abilities of our crystals intact, it is important to store them correctly.

We should avoid materials such as plastic, steel, and silk (the latter is produced by boiling silkworms alive; imagine the energies our crystals will come into contact with) and synthetic materials in general. It is better to use natural materials such as glass, porcelain, ceramics, and wood.

In particular (I confirm from direct experience) that steel boxes alter and weaken the vibrations of the crystals (steel tends to disperse energies, as demonstrated by the Reich accumulator); therefore, they are absolutely to be avoided.

The optimal choice is given by wooden boxes with separators, a material that absorbs vibrations and thanks to the dividers, prevents the different energies of the crystals from clashing with each other.

If we don’t have a wooden container, we can store our crystals in cotton bags or in a jewelry box, preventing them from getting excessively dusty.

We could also choose to leave our crystals in plain sight, but we will have to take into account that coming into contact with the energies of the room and of people passing by, they will have to be purified every time, before being used in therapy or worn.

During the night, we tend to amplify the frequency and range of our energy fields; therefore, we will come into contact with all the crystals within a radius of a few meters.

This will involve a very strong energetic interaction with the crystals, even involving several crystals together: in this case, you may detect fractures and cracks in the crystals and feel them discharged, but at the same time, wake up differently than usual and strongly energized.

Store Incompatible Crystals Together – Examples

Incompatible CrystalsHow to Store Together
Amethyst and CitrineSeparate them with a barrier crystal like Clear Quartz or a piece of cloth.
Hematite and MalachiteStore them in different containers or pouches to avoid contact.
Rose Quartz and Black TourmalineKeep them in separate areas of your space.
Carnelian and SelenitePlace them in separate drawers or boxes.
Labradorite and MoonstoneKeep them apart or use a neutral buffer crystal between them.

When It’s Okay to Mix

In nature, we find crystals that form in close proximity to one another, often due to similar environmental and soil compositions. This is a sign that tells us there is a certain affinity between them.

Quartz with Tourmaline

One such example is Quartz with Tourmaline, whose association generally helps to overcome energy blockages, detoxify, and consequently, feel more vital.

In this specific case, Nature provides us with many colors, each working at a specific level (black for the 1st chakra, pink for the 4th chakra, and so on).

Quartzes include Amethyst and Citrine, which we often find fused in Ametrine, used to balance two complementary polarities.

black tourmaline
Black tourmaline

Malachite and Azurite

Are also frequently found incorporated into each other, calming emotions, clearing the mind, and increasing expressive power and firmness.

Sodalite with Pyrite

Which is also found in Lapis Lazuli, is another excellent association, serving as a pain reliever, especially in cases of inflammation, and improving the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The Basics of Crystal Energy

Crystals, like any other matter, have their own vibration. The human body also has its own vibration and is subject to entrainment every time it comes into contact with other vibrations.

When you work with crystals, therefore, they can change the energy of your body, mind, and spirit through entrainment; the vibration of the crystal can also undergo changes. Since crystals usually have a higher vibrational level than the human body, they tend to raise our vibration.

Vibrating at a higher frequency is useful because it allows us to progress on a spiritual level and improve on a mental, physical, and emotional level.

The unique energy frequencies of each crystal can interact in various ways when placed together, while others are opposite and should not be kept together.

When working with crystals, the intention should be well set and clear so they can be channeled into your practice and your connection with crystals, their properties, and energies.

The Importance of Cleansing and Intent

Before reaching us, a mineral has traveled a long way, coming into contact with various environments and people, undergoing various treatments (often traumatic), and retaining memories of these experiences.

Minerals retain memories of all kinds.

It is recommended to cleanse them adequately before wearing, especially if they are new, to avoid unpleasant effects.

The cleaning method varies for different minerals, so it is important to inquire about the appropriate method upon purchase.

Sunlight, Moonlight

A good practice is to thoroughly cleanse the mineral by using methods like the salt method (though not suitable for all minerals), exposure to solar or lunar light, or placing it on a druse or amethyst geode.

The latter is the best-known and safest method, as it does not cause any damage to the mineral and can be used for all types, even the most “fragile” ones. For new stones, it may take longer in the purification process than stones we have owned or worn for a while.

CrystalRecommended Cleansing Methods
All CrystalsSunlight, moonlight, smudging with sage, or rinsing in clean water.
AmethystAvoid direct sunlight; cleanse with moonlight or smudging.
HematiteUse earth-based methods like burying in soil to cleanse.
Rose QuartzGentle methods like moonlight or rinsing are suitable.
Black TourmalineSmudging, salt baths, or burying in the earth can be effective.
Table: How to Cleanse and Recharge Crystals

Water cleansing

Other methods include placing the crystals in dry sea salt or water (though not suitable for all minerals) for a period ranging from a few hours to three or seven days.

Some people purify crystals by burying them in the earth or in a bowl of clay for a few days, leaving them to soak in a stream or fountain, or exposing them to incense or sage smoke.

Alternatively, crystals can be purified through the power of thought, Reiki, or Bach flowers.

Regular purification and recharging of crystals are essential. When frequent, a simple washing with cold water is usually sufficient.

Wearing a non-purified mineral or one that has undergone trauma can affect the physical body, leading to various ailments or pronounced discomfort. In such cases, it is best to remove the mineral immediately and cleanse it adequately.

Many stones accumulate static electricity when worn and may become very hot quickly. In such cases, it is necessary to discharge the mineral by placing it under flowing water.


Crystals are powerful tools for both magical and daily life. Understanding which crystals should not be kept together is fundamental to using them effectively and harnessing their amazing properties and energies.

Remember that storing, cleansing, and programming crystals should be done with an open mind and an open heart, ready to connect with crystals and receive their blessings.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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