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80 Positive Affirmations for Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra


Written by: Tina Caro

Having a healthy, balanced connection with the crown chakra is beneficial on so many levels.

You can do different things to make this work, but one of the most efficient and powerful ways is using affirmations. Let’s see what the best affirmations for the crown chakra are and how to use them.


Affirmations for the Crown Chakra are positive statements used to align and balance this energy center.

By focusing on these affirmations, individuals can deepen their spirituality, reduce stress, and improve clarity and insight.

Consistent practice of these affirmations may lead to a heightened sense of enlightenment and a stronger connection with the universe, aiding in the overall well-being of the individual.

In short, what is the Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra, or “Crown Chakra,” is located at the top of the head; some theories claim it is above the head. Its name in Sanskrit is Sahasrara, which means “a thousand times.”

Its function is spiritual connection, and it is the center of spirituality and faith, regardless of our religious beliefs. It serves to connect us with our spiritual part, our interiority, and, therefore, with the divine.

It represents a spirituality that transcends religion; it is a state of being that extends beyond the physical world and creates a sense of wholeness in the person, providing purpose to our lives and establishing a broader context in which to place our existence. Its color is violet, traditionally associated with spiritual wealth and wisdom.

Also read:
Top Crystals for Crown Chakra: Higher Consciousness
A List of 7 Deities Associated with Chakras [With Stories]
How to Use a Pendulum for Chakra Balancing? [Step-By-Step]

How can affirmations help you?

Affirmations can help you activate this chakra, meaning opening up to new thought patterns and unexplored sources of wisdom and knowledge.

How to set an affirmation?

Spend some time in silence, focusing on the things you would like to accomplish when your chakra is aligned. Visualize these things and chant your affirmation, a sentence summing up your thoughts and feelings, out loud.

Practice RegularlyConsistent practice of affirmations is essential for effective chakra balancing.
Meditate and ReflectCombine affirmations with meditation and self-reflection for deeper insights.
Use Positive LanguagePhrase affirmations positively to reinforce a sense of spirituality and higher purpose.
Visualize the Crown ChakraDuring affirmations, visualize the crown chakra as an open, vibrant energy center.
Trust the ProcessTrust that the power of positive thought can lead to profound spiritual growth.
Table: Tips for Using Crown Chakra Affirmations

A list of affirmations for crown chakra

Affirmations to open crown chakra

  • “I am connected to the divine source of the universe.”
  • “I trust in the wisdom of the universe to guide me.”
  • “I am open to receiving higher knowledge and wisdom.”
  • “I am a vessel of divine light and love.”
  • “I release all limiting beliefs and open myself to infinite possibilities.”
  • “I am one with the cosmic energy that flows through me.”
  • “I am attuned to the universal wisdom that surrounds me.”
  • “I am in harmony with the divine rhythm of life.”
  • “I trust the journey of my soul and embrace the unknown with love.”
  • “I am a channel for divine energy to flow through me.”
  • “I release fear and embrace the infinite power of love.”
  • “I am open to receiving divine guidance in every aspect of my life.”
  • “I trust in the unfolding of my spiritual path.”
  • “I am a beacon of light, radiating love and compassion.”
  • “I am open to the beauty and abundance of the universe.”
  • “I surrender to the divine flow of life.”
  • “I am connected to the higher realms of consciousness.”
  • “I trust the process of spiritual awakening within me.”
  • “I am a divine being of light, and I honor my spiritual journey.”
  • “I am open to the infinite wisdom that resides within me.”

Affirmations to strengthen crown chakra

  • “I am open to the divine wisdom that flows through me.”
  • “I trust in the higher purpose of my existence.”
  • “My mind is clear, and my thoughts are guided by divine wisdom.”
  • “I am connected to the universal energy that surrounds me.”
  • “I am a vessel for divine light and love.”
  • “I honor the divinity within myself and others.”
  • “I release attachments and surrender to the divine flow of life.”
  • “My consciousness is attuned to the frequencies of higher realms.”
  • “I am a spiritual being having a human experience.”
  • “I trust in the infinite possibilities of the universe.”
  • “I am guided by the divine intelligence that resides within me.”
  • “I am a channel for cosmic energy to flow through me.”
  • “My awareness is expanding, and I am in tune with the divine order.”
  • “I embrace the silence within and connect to my inner source of wisdom.”
  • “I am open to receiving insights and inspiration from the universe.”
  • “I trust the divine timing of my life’s unfolding journey.”
  • “I am a beacon of light, radiating peace and serenity.”
  • “I honor the sacredness of my thoughts and intentions.”
  • “I am aligned with the higher purpose of my soul’s journey.”
  • “I am a spiritual being grounded in the present moment.”
Affirmations for crown chakra

Affirmations to connect with crown chakra blessings

  • “I am open to receiving the divine blessings of the crown chakra.”
  • “I am grateful for the abundance of spiritual wisdom in my life.”
  • “Blessings flow to me effortlessly from the higher realms.”
  • “I am a conduit for the divine blessings that surround me.”
  • “I receive the blessings of clarity and understanding with gratitude.”
  • “Every moment is a blessing, and I am present to receive it.”
  • “I am surrounded by the loving blessings of the universe.”
  • “Divine grace guides and blesses every step of my journey.”
  • “I am open to the blessings of peace, love, and serenity.”
  • “My life is a reflection of the divine blessings I receive.”
  • “I am blessed with the wisdom to navigate life’s challenges.”
  • “The universe showers me with blessings of light and truth.”
  • “I am aligned with the divine flow, and blessings follow me.”
  • “Every breath I take is a blessing from the universe.”
  • “I attract and manifest blessings from the highest realms.”
  • “My crown chakra is a gateway to unlimited blessings.”
  • “I am grateful for the divine guidance and blessings in my life.”
  • “Blessings unfold in perfect harmony with the divine plan.”
  • “I am a magnet for the divine blessings that align with my purpose.”
  • “The blessings of the crown chakra illuminate my path with grace.”

Affirmation to unblock crown chakra

  • “I release all resistance to the divine energy flowing through me.”
  • “I let go of limiting beliefs that hinder the opening of my crown chakra.”
  • “My mind is open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.”
  • “I release all doubts and trust in the wisdom of higher consciousness.”
  • “I am connected to the divine source, and I am open to its guidance.”
  • “I release fear and embrace the spiritual essence within me.”
  • “I surrender to the divine flow, and I trust the journey of my soul.”
  • “I am worthy of receiving the blessings of the crown chakra.”
  • “I let go of attachments and allow divine energy to flow through me.”
  • “My thoughts are pure, and I am open to higher states of awareness.”
  • “I release the need to control and surrender to the cosmic flow.”
  • “I am one with the universal consciousness, and I trust its plan for me.”
  • “I release tension and allow divine light to fill my being.”
  • “I am open to receiving divine inspiration and insights.”
  • “I forgive myself and others, clearing the path for spiritual growth.”
  • “I release resistance to change and embrace the evolution of my soul.”
  • “I trust the process of life, and I am open to spiritual transformation.”
  • “I let go of egoic attachments and align with my higher self.”
  • “I am a channel for divine energy, and I allow it to flow freely.”
  • “I am at peace with the universe, and I trust in the divine order of things.”

Using Affirmations

Affirmations can be used in several ways:

  • Chanting them out loud as a mantra whenever you need a boost.
  • Writing them down as daily reminders of your intentions.
  • Incorporating them into spells or manifestations.
  • Including them as part of your meditation practice.
  • Gift them as special messages to loved ones.

Benefits of Crown Chakra Affirmations

Spiritual AwarenessAffirmations expand spiritual awareness, leading to a more profound understanding of one’s purpose.
Connection to DivineThey foster a stronger connection to the divine, enabling individuals to access higher wisdom.
Mental ClarityCrown chakra affirmations promote mental clarity, reducing feelings of confusion and doubt.
Emotional HarmonyThey contribute to emotional harmony by alleviating anxiety and promoting inner peace.
Sense of OnenessThese affirmations cultivate a sense of oneness with the universe and all living beings.


Using affirmations to work with your crown chakra can definitely change your life, especially when it comes to your connection with spirituality and knowledge.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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