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By Witchipedia, Zodiac

What is a Cardinal Sign & When Does it Occur

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

A cardinal sign is a zodiac sign whose beginning occurs at the moment of seasonal change.

The sun passes into Aries at the moment of the Vernal Equinox, it passes into Cancer at the moment of the Summer Solstice, the sun enters Libra at the moment of the Autumnal Equinox and the sun enters Capricorn at the moment of the Winter Solstice.

The word “cardinal” comes from the Latin word for “hinge”, noting that these signs mark turning points in the year.


A Cardinal Sign in astrology refers to one of the four zodiac signs that mark the beginning of each season, known for initiating change and setting things into motion.

The four Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Aries marks the start of spring (around March 21), Cancer the start of summer (around June 21), Libra the start of autumn (around September 23), and Capricorn the start of winter (around December 21).

These signs are characterized by their leadership qualities, dynamic energy, and proactive approach to life.

Each sign is an expression of that particular phase of nature.

In each of the 4 seasons there is in fact a tripartition:

  • a beginning (the beginning of a season, for example spring)
  • a stabilization (natural energies increase, become stronger, warmer, more intense)
  • the decline (spring gives way to summer)

Within each season, we therefore have a phase of growth of a luminous phenomenon, a stabilization and finally a decrease of this same luminous phenomenon (typical of that season).

For this reason, we have:

  • Early season signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
  • Mid-season signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
  • End-of-season signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Cardinal Signs Explained

In a birth chart, we may have a majority of cardinal signs, or a mix of cardinal and mobile signs, or cardinal and fixed signs.

DefinitionCardinal signs are one of the three modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable) in astrology. They signify the start of a new season and are known for initiating change, leadership, and action.
CharacteristicsCardinal signs are proactive, dynamic, ambitious, and often take the lead in their endeavors. They are associated with new beginnings and a strong sense of purpose.
Table: Definition and Characteristics of Cardinal Signs

The combinations can be different. For example, if we have a prevalence of cardinal and mobile signs, we could have a curious, flexible person who loves new things, who is very proactive when it comes to starting something new, but who may have some difficulty in carrying forward what he has started. .

The signs of the beginning of the season correspond to the months in which the season changes. The “cardinal points” of the year (the solstices and equinoxes) are those “doors” that open the new seasons and radically change the climatic and environmental conditions but also the social habits, the phases of cultivation, and so on.

Precisely because of this correspondence with the cardinal points of the year, these 4 signs are called “Cardinal Signs”, and they are:

  • Aries (Cardinal of Fire) starts Spring on March 21st (Spring Equinox)
  • Cancer (Cardinal of Water) kicks off Summer on June 22nd (Summer Solstice)
  • Libra (Cardinal of Air) begins Autumn on September 23 (Autumn Equinox)
  • Capricorn (Cardinal of Earth) starts Winter on December 22nd (Winter Solstice)

Precisely because they are placed at the beginning of each season and that they must express sufficient power to mark the “change” from one season to another, the cardinal signs are at ease with beginnings and novelties, while continuity is not their strong point.

They can be considered initiators, capable of putting their ideas into action and achieving their goals.

LeadershipCardinal signs are natural leaders and are often the ones to initiate projects, lead teams, and take charge in situations.
Change and New BeginningsThese signs are associated with the onset of new seasons, symbolizing new beginnings, transitions, and the willingness to embrace change.
Drive and AmbitionCardinal signs possess a strong drive to achieve their goals and are highly motivated to succeed in their endeavors.
InnovationKnown for their ability to think outside the box and bring new ideas to the table, Cardinal signs are often innovators and trendsetters.
Table: Astrological Significance and Impact

Keyword of the cardinal signs: initiative

ModalityDescriptionKey TraitsAssociated Signs
CardinalInitiates change, leads, starts new cycles.Dynamic, proactive, ambitious.Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
FixedMaintains and stabilizes energy, preserves traditions.Persistent, stable, determined.Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
MutableAdapts and transitions, flexible and changeable.Adaptable, versatile, communicative.Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Table: Comparison with Other Modalities

How to use cardinal signs’ energy in magick?

The four cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, each align with a specific element and season, providing a diverse range of energies to work with. Here’s how to incorporate each cardinal sign into your magickal practices:

Aries (Fire, Spring)

Themes: Initiation, courage, passion, action

Magickal Uses:

  • New Beginnings: Perform rituals and spells for new ventures, fresh starts, and breaking new ground.
  • Courage and Strength: Invoke Aries energy to boost your courage, confidence, and personal power.
  • Passion Projects: Channel the fiery passion of Aries into creative endeavors or anything requiring enthusiasm and drive.

Cancer (Water, Summer)

Themes: Emotion, intuition, nurturing, protection

Magickal Uses:

  • Emotional Healing: Use Cancer’s nurturing energy for spells and rituals focused on healing emotional wounds and fostering self-love.
  • Home and Family: Enhance protective spells for your home and family, creating a safe and loving environment.
  • Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities through divination practices and moon rituals.

Libra (Air, Autumn)

Themes: Balance, harmony, relationships, justice

Magickal Uses:

  • Balance and Harmony: Perform rituals to restore balance in your life, relationships, and environment.
  • Love and Relationships: Use Libra’s energy to enhance spells for love, partnership, and improving interpersonal connections.
  • Justice and Fairness: Invoke Libra for matters requiring justice, fairness, and ethical resolutions.

Capricorn (Earth, Winter)

Themes: Ambition, discipline, structure, manifestation

Magickal Uses:

  • Manifestation and Goals: Use Capricorn’s disciplined energy for manifestation spells and rituals focused on long-term goals and ambitions.
  • Career and Success: Enhance spells related to career advancement, success, and achieving recognition.
  • Grounding and Stability: Perform grounding rituals to anchor your energy and create stability in your life.


Knowing the cardinal signs, their main features and the energies attached to them is important in order to honor the zodiac but also to work with their magick and make them our own.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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