Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorn is one of the four cardinal signs of the zodiac and an earth sign.
Capricorn, an earth sign known for its discipline and ambition, influences witchcraft practices with a focus on structure, endurance, and achieving goals.
Correspondences for Capricorn include specific herbs, crystals, and colors that resonate with its practical, resilient, and ambitious qualities.
In magical practices, Capricorn’s energy is often harnessed for spells and rituals aimed at career success, personal mastery, and manifesting long-term plans.
Moon phases during Capricorn, especially the new and full moons, are significant for conducting rituals that utilize Capricorn’s stable and determined energy for discipline, responsibility, and material achievement.
The Sun in Capricorn
According to the tropical zodiac, the sun enters Capricorn on or about the 20th of December (the Winter Solstice) and leaves Capricorn and passes into Aquarius on or about the 20th of January, specific dates vary by year.
Capricorn, the Sun Sign
Those born in late December or early January when the Sun is in Capricorn are Capricornian.
Capricorn Personality
The Capricorn personality is independent, disciplined, steadfast and resourceful. Capricorns assess the situation, make a plan and stick to it, preferring to handle the details themselves because, well; “if you want something done right…”
Capricorns like an organized home and work space. They like schedules, to do lists, and a balanced checkbook. Capricorns are rarely late and have no patience for other folks (Leo? Gemini?) who don’t show up on time. Though their tendency to be sentimental and their desire to be prepared for anything could lead to hoarding, everything will be carefully arranged by color or alphabetized.
Personality Trait | Description |
Ambitious | Driven and determined to succeed |
Responsible | Reliable and accountable |
Disciplined | Self-controlled and focused |
Patient | Willing to wait for success |
Practical | Down-to-earth and realistic |
Organized | Methodical and structured |
Resourceful | Good at finding solutions |
Serious | Takes things seriously |
Loyal | Dedicated and committed |
Independent | Self-sufficient and self-reliant |
Capricorns are loyal friends who will go to the ends of the Earth for a loved one. They do tend to get impatient when loved ones make decisions that Capricorn views as impractical and are completely flabbergasted by family and friends with no ambition, but never mind, they’ll help out anyway, as long as there is no risk to their own security.
This can turn into a control situation, as Capricorns love to be in charge and are pretty sure their logic is the best. If it goes too far, Capricorn can end up feeling overused and begrudge the loved ones taking advantage, but since she likes to feel needed can put herself in a very unhappy place this way.
Capricorns are most comfortable in orderly surroundings in situations where they have control. They like comfort and security in the form of a balanced budget, a solid retirement plan, a well-stocked pantry, a reliable vehicle, and a career with a clear upward path. Many enjoy learning crafts and mechanical skills which increase their independence and control. A Capricorn needs to know he can depend on himself first in order to be at peace and likes to know others depend on him too.

Capricorn Health
Capricorn rules the knees, bones and skin, so people born under this sign should take extra care of these systems. Knee troubles are especially likely for Capricorns and they are prone to eczema, acne and other chronic skin conditions as well. Keeping a healthy weight and eating a diet high in calcium and good fats will help keep these problems to a minimum.
By nature, Capricorns tend to worry a lot, so stress-related illnesses can also be an issue, including ulcers, anxiety and depression. Taking up relaxing hobbies, going on regular vacations, practicing daily meditation and/or yoga and scheduling the occasional massage (if they can convince themselves these things are worthwhile) will help prevent this, as will scheduling 8 hours of sleep into the daily routine.
The good news is, Capricorns tend toward longevity and, assuming they allow themselves plenty of rest and a good diet, tend to shake off illness.
Capricorn Compatibility
Zodiac Sign | Compatibility Rating |
Aries | 75% |
Taurus | 90% |
Gemini | 60% |
Cancer | 85% |
Leo | 70% |
Virgo | 95% |
Libra | 80% |
Scorpio | 70% |
Sagittarius | 80% |
Capricorn | 100% |
Aquarius | 65% |
Pisces | 85% |
The Moon in Capricorn
When the Sun is in Capricorn, the New Moon will be in Capricorn and the full moon will be in Cancer.
Capricorn as a Moon Sign
Those born when the moon is in Capricorn tend to come off as calm, cool and collected, able to handle anything. They may be totally panicked under the surface but they don’t let it show. These folks like to have a plan and, in absence of one, will formulate one quickly.
They also like to know exactly the rules and boundaries in any situation and are most comfortable when these are followed. These folks tend to wonder about their place and importance in the world and love to feel like they matter.
Gardening by the Moon in Capricorn
When the moon is full to its fourth quarter in the sign of Capricorn, it is a good time for planting root crops, tubers and bulbs. Transplants do well in Capricorn in any phase.
Magick when the Moon is in Capricorn
The new moon in Capricorn is a great time to send out resumes, start a business or launch a political bid.
When the moon is waxing in Capricorn, this is a good time cast spells related to making plans or taking the next step in a plan, establishing a budget, growth of investments, any business growth, getting organized, setting the foundation for security, getting a raise or promotion. Also to increase ambition.
Also for healing and increasing strength and health for the bones, skin and knees.
When the moon is waning in Capricorn, this is a good time for banishing spells to eliminate debt and to clear out clutter (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), eliminating obstacles to advancing in business or politics.
Also for spells or making ointments for the elimination of pain in or symptoms related to conditions of the bones, skin and knees.
Capricorn Symbols and Correspondences
The symbol of Capricorn is the sea goat which is related to the Sumerian God Enki or the Babylonian God Ea. The goat is a stolid, earthly creature, steadfast, resourceful, ambitious and the fish embodies deep water characteristics of loyalty, creativity and sympathy.