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By Moody Moons, Sea Witch, Summer Magic

Sea Witch: Harnessing the Power of the Ocean

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Bring your inner sea witch to life this summer with a little water magic.  

In a moon-based magical practice, the ocean plays a special symbolic role.  The moon charges every ounce of sea water on earth with its unfathomable power.  Its gravitational pull causes the sea to rise up and crash on every beach in the world with a colossal force.  

The warmer months signal a time for communing with the ocean.  Whether that means an annual trip to the beach, or simply drawing the energy of the sea into your home from afar, any witch can harness the power of the ocean.

Consider trying one of the ideas below to connect with and draw on the magic of the tides.

(Interested in learning more about sea witchery?  Check out Moody Moon’s full-length introduction, Sea Witch 101).

Create a Sea Witch Altar

Easy DIY sacred candle for your sea witch altar or ocean magic spells. Perfect for water signs or ocean-dwelling witches!

Creating a sea witch altar connects you to the energy of the ocean whether you live near a coastline or not.

Gather together some treasured items from your beach trips.  Try any of these items to add a natural touch to your ocean-themed altar:



-Fishing nets

-Nautical rope

-Jars of ocean water

-Sea salt 

Once you set it up, use it all summer long to work with the Element of Water, oceans spirits, or emotional magic.

Ocean potion.

Spell oils enhance the energy of spell tools, candles and altars.

Make a spell oil specifically to capture the magic of the ocean.


-2 drops lemongrass

-4 drops rosemary

-2 drops lavender

-2 drops spearmint

Steep in a carrier oil and anoint yourself or your tools whenever you want to feel blown over with a fresh sea breeze.

Make the most of that seashell collection.

How to use seashells in witchcraft, magic and spells.

Nothing embodies the ocean more beautifully or more portably that a seashell.

If you like to spend all afternoon coming the beach for shells, don’t just let them sit on your shelf when you get home!

Try on of the many ways to use seashells in witchcraft and magic.

Create some sand candles.

Want a soothing, meditative weekend project?  Try making sand candles.  

Pretty and easy to customize, this craft can be done alone or with older kids.

Adds a lovely warmth to sea and summer rituals.  

You can also use them year round to symbolize the Element of Water when you cast a sacred circle.

Make a sea witch spell jar.

This ocean magic spell jar uses simple ingredients to create a little magic in a bottle.

My favorite part?  It’s alive!  Basically a little terrarium that turns itself into an ecosystem.  

A perfect way to incorporate living nature into your practice.  

Add sea water to your moon water.

If you regularly use the full moon to make moon water, use sea water as a base for your moon water during the summer months.

Just remember to keep it in the freezer and melt it before use.

Otherwise, it gets pretty stinky!

Work with the Element of Water in your tarot practice.

This creative “Bridge Over Troubled Water” tarot spread focuses on the tumultuous nature of Element of Water and how it is currently influencing your life.

A great way to “find your flow” when you feel out of control or misaligned.

Charge your sacred space with sounds of the ocean.

A multi-sensory approach to creating an atmosphere for ritual is extraordinarily effective.

Youtube, Spotify and Pandora all have a bajillion natural ocean sounds.

Use them during meditation or sea witch rituals to raise the vibes in your sacred space.

Bring the ocean into your bathtub.

If the beach is a distant, unreachable land for you this summer, bring its powerful energy into your ritual bath water.

This recipe for coconut kelp ritual salt scrub transforms your bathtub into a luxurious, seaside escape.

Close your eyes and let the soothing energy of the ocean wash over you.


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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

3 thoughts on “Sea Witch: Harnessing the Power of the Ocean”

  1. All your ideas are great and I love all the beautiful pictures, especially the candle and witch jars. Makes me want to go make some witch jars right now. Haha!

  2. Love your site! Can you please tell me the name of the tarot deck with the little fairy looking characters on them, the 9 of Wands and Strength card, above?


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