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Black Moon: Symbolism, Astrology, Witchcraft & Magick

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The term black moon is a contemporary term for a second new moon in a month or a season; the dark of the moon’s (or new moon) equivalent of the term blue moon, which is applied to the full moon.

Like the blue moon, the details for the definition of the term black moon used by witches and other magic-users who work with the energy of the moon vary between traditions. The black moon may be the second dark moon or new moon in a one month period or it may refer to a month in which there is no full moonFebruary is the only month in which a full moon may be absent due to its shortened length. It is also impossible for there to be two new moons in the month of February, also due to its length.

The term “black moon” is also occasionally used synonymously with the term the dark moon to refer to the time of the month when the moon is not visible in the sky.

Some say that no magic should be worked on the black moon. Others believe that the moon’s energy is highly amplified at this time. The dark of the moon is a powerful time for banishing and binding, but the new moon, which follows quickly afterward is a potent time for drawing magick and new beginnings.


A Black Moon, in symbolism and astrology, typically refers to the second new moon in a calendar month, though it can also denote the absence of a full moon in a month.

Symbolically, it represents powerful new beginnings, hidden potential, and the amplification of mystical energies.

In astrology, a Black Moon is seen as a time for deep introspection, setting intentions, and working with shadow aspects of the self.

In witchcraft, the Black Moon is considered especially potent for banishing negativity, protection rituals, and transformative magic.

Its rare occurrence makes it a powerful moment for working with lunar energy in both personal and collective practices.

Magickal correspondences of the Black Moon

ElementSymbolUse in Rituals
ColorBlackSymbolizes protection, banishing, and the mysteries of the unknown.
ElementWaterRepresents emotional depth, intuition, and the subconscious.
CrystalObsidianUsed for grounding, protection, and shadow work.
HerbMugwortEnhances psychic abilities, dream work, and connecting with the spirit world.
AnimalOwlSymbolizes wisdom, mystery, and seeing in the dark, often associated with the Black Moon.

The symbolism of the Black Moon

The Black Moon, also known as the Dark Moon, Numinous Moon, or Absent Moon, is a time of mystery and darkness. It’s a Moon of starry nights, a Moon Sposa, joining its Source in its daytime home and hiding within it. Invisible and empty, the Black Moon is a Moon of Mystery and Darkness.

Darkness and the UnknownThe Black Moon represents the unseen, the mysterious, and what lies in the shadows.Encourages exploration of hidden aspects of the self and the universe.
Feminine PowerLinked to the divine feminine, the Black Moon symbolizes the power of intuition, creation, and destruction.Represents the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.
Shadow WorkAssociated with the inner shadows and subconscious.Provides an opportunity for deep introspection, healing, and transformation.
Endings and BeginningsMarks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.Symbolizes closure, letting go, and the initiation of new paths.
Table: Symbolism of the Black Moon

During the Black Moon’s passage, between the waning and waxing phases, the Moon rises invisible in the morning and sets in the evening alongside the Sun, still hidden from view. Though its presence is unseen, its energy is palpable and powerful. This passage is one of the most intense moments of the lunar cycle, rivaling the Full Moon in magical power.

The night of the Black Moon is a dark night, the realm of stars, goddesses, and heroines that shine in the constellations—distant lights that do not illuminate. Mother Hera’s path crosses the sky, a splash of milk from the divine breast, while VenusAphrodite shines briefly at dawn and dusk.

The planetary gods traverse the night sky alone. This celestial night, velvety and star-studded, is a night to be admired in absolute darkness—a night that opens to the infinite, revealing the universe’s immeasurable breadth.

black moon homemade picture by tina caro magickal spot
Copyright Magickal Spot

The Moon, the Lady of the Night, remains hidden, allowing the immense starry space to unfold.

The Moon becomes black like Mother Earth, fertile like the darkness where seeds sleep, dreaming of the full moon’s fertilizing rays.

The time of the Black Moon is the second great time of Dreams—deep dreams, dreams of passage and transformation, and root dreams.

The spiritual energy of the black moon

In ancient times, it was believed that prophetic dreams were most potent during the darkness of the Black Moon. Ancient Sibyls brought their divinatory dreams to light in Apollo’s sun temple, and pilgrims slept in sacred underground chambers to receive answers through their dreams.

The Black Moon is also the moon of Death, the moon of omens we do not wish to know, of returning mourning, archetypal pain, and great transformations. As the waning period ends, when all that needed to be released has been let go, space is made for the darkness.

Shadow Work RitualsUse the Black Moon’s energy to explore and heal hidden fears and traumas.Meditate, journal, and perform rituals focused on acknowledging and integrating the shadow self.
Banishing and ReleasingIdeal time for rituals focused on letting go of negativity, toxic relationships, or old patterns.Use black candles, protective herbs, and symbols of release during the ritual.
New BeginningsThe Black Moon’s energy can be harnessed for setting powerful new intentions.Create vision boards, set intentions, and perform rituals that align with new goals or desires.
DivinationA potent time for seeking deep insights and guidance from the spiritual realm.Use tarot, scrying, or pendulums to tap into hidden truths and future possibilities.
Table: Black Moon in Witchcraft

We open ourselves to the void, allowing our many pasts—both near and far, in other times and eras—to drift away. In this immense space, we listen to the voices of our ancestors, sing the ancient songs, feel the animal instinct within, and vibrate with the chthonic energies, connecting with the profound resonance of the Earth.

Multiple possibilities open up in this void. We allow the ego to dissolve, drop the masks that make us visible to others, and, like the Moon, offer ourselves to Nothingness. We open up to Space.

At the center of this Passage, we can touch the absolute center of ourselves in this stillness, this not seeking, not appearing—this magnetic, pure, opaque center of gravity.

We let ourselves be enveloped by silence and solitude, guided by Hecate into the spaces of the Earth or led by Ishtar into the vast expanse of the stars. We gather our strength, give ourselves Rest, and prepare for rebirth.

In the Black Moon, the Moon becomes a shadow, allowing what was hidden during the Full Moon to come to light. And then, suddenly, we find ourselves beyond it—a very thin crescent, the brand new Moon in the sky—a newborn Moon, a hope of light, growth, and future abundance.

This need for introspection and withdrawal is mirrored in the menstrual phase, marking this lunar moment.

Astrological Impact of the Black Moon on Different Zodiac Signs

Zodiac SignInfluenceInterpretation
AriesIntensifies inner conflicts and the desire for independence.Encourages self-discovery and breaking free from limiting beliefs.
TaurusBrings focus on material security and hidden fears around loss.Promotes the release of attachment to possessions and embracing change.
GeminiHighlights duality and the need to reconcile conflicting desires.Encourages deeper communication with the self and others.
CancerBrings up issues related to home, family, and emotional security.Offers a chance to heal family wounds and establish stronger emotional boundaries.
LeoIntensifies the desire for recognition and validation.Encourages inner confidence and self-worth beyond external validation.
VirgoFocuses on health, routines, and perfectionism.Promotes the release of unrealistic standards and embracing self-compassion.
LibraHighlights relationships, balance, and fairness.Encourages addressing imbalances in relationships and establishing harmony.
ScorpioDeepens the focus on transformation, power, and intimacy.Offers an opportunity for profound personal growth and empowerment.
SagittariusBrings focus on beliefs, freedom, and exploration.Promotes the release of limiting beliefs and embracing new philosophies.
CapricornHighlights career, ambitions, and control issues.Encourages reassessment of goals and letting go of unhealthy control.
AquariusBrings attention to individuality, innovation, and community.Promotes the embrace of personal uniqueness and contributing to the collective good.
PiscesIntensifies spiritual awareness, compassion, and empathy.Encourages deeper connection with the spiritual self and the collective unconscious.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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