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Color Black: Symbolism, Magick, Dreams, Associations & More

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The color black is powerful, alluring and mysterious. Wearing black makes one feel, and appear, assertive, mysterious and bold.

It can also set one apart and make one seem unapproachable, unfriendly, self-absorbed. The color black is slimming, looks good with just about anything, except other dark colors and makes lighter colors appear brighter.

Black can make you look either serious and conventional or sexy and mysterious.

Black is the absence of light, the absence of color. It absorbs negativity like a black hole absorbs everything within its reach.


Black color holds deep spiritual symbolism, often representing mystery, transformation, and the hidden aspects of the self.

In the realm of witchcraft, black is associated with protection, banishing negativity, and absorbing energy.

The color black is frequently used in magickal rituals and spells for its ability to dispel negativity and enhance one’s connection to the unseen.

Several deities across different cultures are linked to the color black, such as Hecate in Greek mythology and Kali in Hinduism, embodying aspects of darkness, death, and rebirth.

Black-colored symbols like the cat, raven, and pentagram are popular in witchcraft, each carrying unique meanings and associations.

Black color spiritual symbolism

The color black has a long history of spiritual symbolism and has been associated with various meanings and themes in multiple cultures and traditions worldwide.

In many cultures, black is associated with the spiritual realm and is often seen as a mystery and unknown symbol. It is often associated with the concept of the void or the emptiness that exists before creation. It is seen as a symbol of the potential for new beginnings and transformation.

In some spiritual traditions, the color black is associated with the element of water and is seen as a symbol of emotion, intuition, and the unconscious mind. It is also often associated with shadow work, or exploring and integrating the aspects of ourselves that we may have hidden or denied.

Mystery and IntrigueBlack is often associated with mystery, secrets, and the unknown.
Power and AuthorityIt represents power, authority, and control, evoking a sense of strength and dominance.
Elegance and SophisticationBlack is synonymous with elegance, sophistication, and timeless style.
Protection and BoundariesIt can symbolize protection, creating a sense of boundaries and shielding from negative energies.
Rebirth and TransformationBlack is linked to the concept of rebirth, transformation, and the cycle of life and death.
Absorption and Hidden PotentialIt represents absorption, as black absorbs light, and hidden potential or possibilities.
Table 1: Symbolism and Meanings of the Color Black

In many spiritual practices, the color black is also seen as a symbol of protection and grounding. It is often used in rituals and ceremonies to create a sense of safety and help practitioners connect with the earth and their inner strength.

The color black holds a wealth of spiritual symbolism and can be interpreted in many different ways depending on the context and the individual’s associations with the color. Whether it is used in rituals and ceremonies or simply admired for its beauty and depth, the color black holds a powerful and unique place in the world of spirituality.

Correspondences for the Color Black

Element: Air of Earth
Direction: East
Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Feng Shui:
Chakra: Root
Tools: sword
Tarot: The Queens, The Threes
Stones: Apache Tears, Hematite, Black Sapphire, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx

The Color Black in Magick

The color black is usually associated with dark or negative magic, necromancy, seances, funerary rights and Samhain celebrations.

However, the color black is also useful in spellwork relating to grounding, focus, survival, protection, independence, banishing, binding, separation, protection and increasing assertiveness and confidence.

AssociationMagickal Uses
Banishing and RemovalBlack can be used in banishing rituals or to remove negative energies or influences.
Protection and WardingIt is associated with protective magick, creating shields or warding against unwanted energies.
Shadow Work and DivinationBlack can aid in shadow work, exploring the subconscious, and divination practices.
Astral Projection and SpiritualityIt is linked to astral projection, accessing the spirit realm, and deepening spiritual practices.
Transformation and ChangeBlack is used in rituals or spells focusing on personal transformation and embracing change.
Unveiling Hidden TruthsIt can be used to unveil hidden truths, enhance intuition, and facilitate psychic abilities.
Table 2: Magickal Associations and Uses of the Color Black

The color black absorbs energy, so it is also useful for drawing spells.

A list of deities associated with a black color

Many deities from various cultures and traditions are associated with the color black. Here is a list of some examples:

  1. Kali Ma: A Hindu goddess associated with death, destruction, and transformation. She is often depicted as having dark skin and is associated with black.
  2. Anubis: An Egyptian god associated with death and the afterlife. He is often depicted as having a black jackal head and is related to the color black.
  3. Erebus: A Greek god associated with darkness and the underworld. He is often depicted as being entirely black and is associated with the color black.
  4. Nyx: A Greek goddess associated with the night and the underworld. She is often depicted as being entirely black and is associated with the color black.
  5. Hades: A Greek god associated with death and the underworld. He is often depicted as having a dark appearance and is associated with the color black.
  6. Osiris: An Egyptian god associated with the afterlife and the underworld. He is often depicted as having a dark complexion and is associated with the color black.
  7. Morrígan: A Celtic goddess associated with death, prophecy, and war. She is often depicted as having a dark appearance and is associated with the color black.
  8. Mictlantecuhtli: An Aztec god associated with death and the underworld. He is often depicted as having a dark appearance and is associated with the color black.

This is just a tiny sample of the many deities from various cultures and traditions associated with the color black. The color black has a long history of spiritual symbolism and has been associated with various meanings and themes in different cultures and traditions around the world.

7 most popular black-colored symbols

Many symbols are associated with the color black. Here is a list of some of the most popular black-colored symbols:

  1. The yin and yang symbol: A Chinese symbol that represents the balance of light and dark, positive and negative, and masculine and feminine energies. The yin (black) side of the symbol represents darkness, femininity, and the earth, while the yang (white) side represents light, masculinity, and the heavens.
  2. The ankh: An ancient Egyptian symbol that represents eternal life and the afterlife. It is often depicted as a cross with a loop at the top and is associated with the color black.
  3. The raven: A symbol of wisdom, mystery, and magic. It is often associated with the color black due to its dark plumage.
  4. The pentacle: A five-pointed star enclosed in a circle, often used in Wiccan and other pagan traditions to symbolize protection and spiritual connection. It is often associated with the color black due to its dark, mysterious connotations.
  5. The black rose: A symbol of death, rebirth, and transformation. It is often associated with black due to its dark, mysterious connotations.
  6. The black sun: A symbol of power, mystery, and enlightenment. It is often associated with black due to its dark, mysterious connotations.
  7. The black cat: A symbol of magic, mystery, and the occult. It is often associated with black due to its dark, mysterious connotations.

What is the meaning of dreaming of black color?

The meaning of dreaming about the color black can vary depending on the dream’s context and your associations with the color. In general, the color black is often associated with the following themes:

  • Power and authority: Black is often associated with power and authority, and dreaming about the color black might indicate a sense of power or control in your waking life.
  • Mystery and secrecy: Black is also often associated with secrecy and mystery, and dreaming about the color black might suggest that you feel uncertain or unsure about something in your waking life.
  • Negative emotions: Black is sometimes associated with negative emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear, and dreaming about the color black might indicate that you are feeling these emotions in your waking life.
  • Formality and sophistication: Black is also often associated with formality and sophistication, and dreaming about the color black might suggest that you feel a sense of politeness or sophistication in your waking life.

It’s important to remember that the meaning of dreaming about the color black can vary greatly depending on the context of the dream and your personal associations with the color. 

Dream SymbolInterpretation
Black ClothingWearing black clothing in dreams can signify elegance, formality, or a desire for anonymity.
Black AnimalsBlack animals in dreams may symbolize mystery, the unknown, or the shadow aspects of the self.
Black Objects or SpacesDreaming of black objects or spaces can represent hidden potential, the unconscious, or the void.
Black WaterBlack water in dreams may indicate emotions, secrets, or the depths of the subconscious mind.
Black BirdsBlack birds in dreams can symbolize transformation, spiritual guidance, or mysterious messages.
Black Fire or FlamesBlack fire or flames in dreams may represent the burning away of negative influences or emotions.
Table 3: Dreams and Black Color Interpretation

It might be helpful to think about the other symbols and themes present in the dream and any feelings or emotions you experienced while dreaming. This can give you a better understanding of the possible meaning of the dream for you.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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