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How to Use a Pendulum for Chakra Balancing? [Step-By-Step]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Actually, I was about to become a Reiki master this year but, you know, 2020 happened and I had to put my plans on a hold. But this is definitely something on my list as a new year resolution!

Being a lover of pendulums, yoga, and meditation, I think that being a Reiki master can be a wonderful way to learn how to connect with myself body, soul, and spirit!

So, this topic got me so excited and I want to share with you what I learned about it when I started studying Reiki! Let’s see then how to use a pendulum for chakra balancing.


To use a pendulum for chakra balancing, start by finding a quiet and comfortable space. Hold the pendulum’s chain or cord between your thumb and forefinger, allowing it to hang freely.

Begin by focusing on your chakras and visualizing each one.

Then, ask the pendulum to show you the state of a specific chakra by mentally stating the chakra’s name and requesting a response.

Observe the pendulum’s movements, which can indicate the chakra’s energy flow or any imbalances. Use the pendulum regularly as a tool for chakra healing and balancing.

What are chakras?

The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “disk”. According to Hinduism, the chakras are 7 energy centers located in different parts of the human body. They perform the function of “valves”, regulating the flow of energy, and depending on their position, they change in terms of vibration force and speed.

In India, it is believed that the air that is inhaled, known as “prana energy”, passes through the body and gives strength to the energy centers. They receive, accumulate, and distribute prana to optimize the functions of different parts of our body related to health and emotions; basically, they are linked to our body and our soul.

Chakra correspondences and pendulum motion

ChakraLocationColorCorresponding Pendulum Motion
RootBase of the spineRedBack and forth or clockwise motion
SacralLower abdomenOrangeCircular or side-to-side motion
Solar PlexusUpper abdomenYellowClockwise or counterclockwise motion
HeartCenter of chestGreen or PinkBack and forth or side-to-side motion
ThroatThroat areaLight BlueClockwise or counterclockwise motion
Third EyeForeheadIndigoCircular or back and forth motion
CrownTop of the headViolet or WhiteClockwise or counterclockwise motion

The 7 centers of vital energy

  • Muladhara or root chakra, associated with the adrenal glands.
  • Svadhisthana or sacral chakra, associated with the ovaries and testicles.
  • Manipura or solar plexus chakra, associated with the pancreas.
  • Anahata or heart chakra, associated with the thymus.
  • Vishuddha or throat chakra, associated with the thyroid.
  • Ajna or third eye chakra (located between the eyebrows), associated with the pituitary gland.
  • Sahasrara or crown chakra, associated with the pineal gland.

We assume that it is practically impossible to balance chakras in our body on our own, as we would do on the body of another person (for example, while lying on a bed). So how can we test our chakras with the pendulum on our own, know their state of health and balance?

In reality, it is very simple to do it, using only the pendulum or with the help of a graph or a dowsing quadrant.


I make a premise: since we want to test the health of our chakras, we must be aware that our body already has the answer. In fact, the chakras are ours! So, it goes without saying that our body already knows the answer.

The problem, as always, is our rational side, which poses a lot of filters, barriers, doubts, uncertainties, and so on. Just like in magic, you need to open your intuition to truly listen to your body and your soul, because if our sensitivity and our level of listening are high, we can know the state of health of our chakras simply by concentrating, observing, listening, and perceiving.

But since we are not yet at this level, the pendulum can help us a lot.

How to use a pendulum for chakra balancing?

First of all, it is important to do the whole process of centering, grounding, cleaning, and higher connection to arrive at relaxed concentration.

Then we can proceed in one of these three ways:

  • We mentally focus on each chakra, front and back (we can start from the top or the bottom or go in random order, it doesn’t matter. We can even focus only on a single chakra if that’s what we want to test). Then we ask our pendulum what the state of health or balance of the tested chakra is.
  • We use a drawing or a diagram that represents our body with the various chakras. We pass with the pendulum on each chakra and do the test as in point 1, using a reference pattern for the answers.
  • We concentrate mentally on each chakra or with the drawing of the chakras on a sheet and then we use a Quadrant of Dowsing with all the possible answers related to the state of health or balance of the chakras.
My new pendulum! 🙂

As you can see, it is very simple to test your own chakras on yourself.

OK, but if a chakra is out of balance, how can I rebalance it?

I would like to tell you that you can rebalance your own chakras with the pendulum and that only your will is enough for you, and in theory, it is exactly like that, but in practice, unfortunately, things are not so simple.

You must first of all keep in mind that your chakra is out of balance for reasons that depend on your personal choices and the way you perceive life and the world around you.

Your lifestyle, your diet, your thoughts and emotions, stress, etc. all contribute to changing the health and balance of your chakras.

It took you years to create this condition, so it may not be so easy to change it in a moment (although I must admit that it is possible and there are those who have done so).

If it is not so easy to change the health and balance of another person’s chakras in a lasting way, it is even less so when you work on your own chakras.

So, from my point of view, the most important thing is to become aware of your state of health and balance.

After that, you can use the pendulum to test various solutions to your problem.

For example, you can test whether it is useful to intervene with nutrition, movement, and physical activity (or rest), stress management, expression or release of emotions, meditation, targeted remedies of all kinds, etc.

And your investigation can go even deeper, at your choice.

Your intuition is the key

I want to be very clear on this aspect. It is true that the pendulum can be used actively to interact with the reality that surrounds you and influence it, but you must always remember that the pendulum is a neutral instrument and you do the work, with or without the pendulum.

So, since you have the ability to influence your health, you can do it WITH OR WITHOUT the pendulum.

Let’s say that a pendulum is a useful tool for focusing intent and will, but in any case, everything always depends on you. The pendulum alone cannot do anything.

I sometimes use Reiki, other times the pendulum, and sometimes prayer.

Follow your intuition, get involved, and experiment, observe the result, and proceed accordingly.

To work with the pendulum and the chakras, the most important thing to do is to establish a communication protocol with the pendulum, suitable for the purpose.

In particular, we must associate each movement of the pendulum to a particular state of the chakra. It is an arbitrary choice, but my advice is to associate each movement of the pendulum with the (imaginary) movement of the chakra. For example, if the chakra rotates clockwise, the pendulum will also rotate clockwise.

Obviously, it is not possible to represent every movement. For example, the pendulum can swing along the horizontal or vertical axis, but the chakra does not have this type of movement. We will therefore associate a particular state of the chakra with this movement of the pendulum.

When checking the functioning of the chakras using the pendulum as a means of feedback, let us remember that if questioned, the pendulum provides negative or positive answers; we establish, for example, that if the answer is positive the pendulum will rotate clockwise; otherwise, the rotation will be in the opposite direction.

Now take the pendulum chain between the thumb and forefinger of the hand and let it fall gently perpendicular to the correspondence of the first chakra, remaining at a height of about 5 cm from the body. We wait for it to stop, after which we observe the movement it begins to make. Based on that, we determine whether the chakra is open or closed. We proceed in this way along all seven chakras. This happens because the pendulum receives the energy transmitted by the chakra and, based on the programming we have given it, provides the appropriate response.

We also learn to “feel” the heaviness of the pendulum’s movement in our hand. If the movement is wide, easy, and soft, it means that the chakra is open, but if the movement is smaller and the pendulum struggles to turn between our fingers, then the chakra is a bit clogged.

To free it, we can use the corresponding stone, placing it on the physical point where the chakra is located for a few minutes. In addition to the specific stone for the blocked chakra, the pendulum itself can be used for rebalancing. Checking the chakra again, we should find that it is now open.

Also read:
Why does my Pendulum Give Wrong Answers? [Explained]
Here’s How to Ask Pendulum Questions About Relationships
How to Ask your Pendulum Questions About Money? [Guide]


Balancing the chakras is not that easy, so why not rely on a professional service to balance them while cleansing negativity and restoring a true sense of connection and awareness, body, and soul?

My Negative Energy Clearing & Protection Spell is exactly what you need! Let me help you to find your inner balance! If there is something in your life that seems to be out of place, but you don’t know what it is, a tarot reading can help! Mystic Amber can be the right person to help you unveil past, present, and future while learning how to be happier and healthier, body, and soul.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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