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What is an Anointing Oil & its Uses in Witchcraft

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Anointing oil is sacred oil, blessed and charged and specially formulated for the purposes of sanctifying or elevating the energy of sacred objects or people in the service of a higher purpose.


Anointing oil is a sacred and specially blessed oil used across various cultures for sanctifying and elevating the energy of sacred objects or individuals for a higher purpose.

The Western practice of anointing has its roots in Hebrew tradition, where priests, kings, and prophets were anointed with fragrant oil made from myrrh, cassia, cinnamon, and olive oil. It marked them as sacred and set them apart.

In Christian traditions, anointing oil is used for healing and spiritual connection. It has been historically applied to the sick and is used in rituals like baptism where children are anointed on the forehead.

Origins of Anointing in Different Cultures

The practice in the West seems to come from the Hebrew tradition of anointing priests and later kings and prophets with sacred, fragrant oil set aside for the purpose and forbidden for mundane or profane use. Reportedly, this oil was traditionally made from myrrh, cassia, cinnamon and olive oil with a fifth ingredient that scholars cannot agree upon, but many suspect was calamus.

The oil was poured over the head or body of the person to be anointed to mark them as sacred and set apart from thenceforward.

In Christian practice, anointing oil is used much more frequently. Historically the sick were anointed with sacred oil to bring them to the attention of God and encourage healing. Today, children may be anointed at baptism with a dab of oil drawn on their forehead in the sacred oil.

DefinitionIn witchcraft, anointing oil is a sacred oil infused with herbs, resins, and other natural ingredients, charged with magical energy for specific purposes.
PurposeThe primary purpose of anointing oil is to consecrate and empower objects, individuals, or ritual spaces, as well as to enhance the effectiveness of spells, rituals, and magical workings.
IngredientsAnointing oils may contain a variety of ingredients, including essential oils, carrier oils, herbs, resins, crystals, and other natural substances chosen for their magical properties and associations.
SymbolismAnointing oils symbolize divine blessing, protection, purification, and empowerment. They are believed to carry the essence of the divine and the forces of nature, making them potent tools for magical work.
Ritualistic ImportanceAnointing oils play a significant role in witchcraft rituals, where they are used to consecrate tools, bless individuals, anoint sacred objects, and empower spells and rituals. They are considered essential components of many magical practices.
Table 1: Overview of Anointing Oils in Witchcraft

In many European-based magickal practices, anointing oil marks a person who has cleansed themselves in preparation for magickal ritual and/or to come into the presence of the Gods. Anointing magical tools to mark them for magical use only is also a popular ritual.

Many magic-users prefer to create their own oil blends for this purpose, but Abramelin oil is popular, even without the traditions that hold it sacred, and very close to the ancient Hebrew recipe (Abramelin was Jewish after all).

What is an Anointing Oil by magickal spot
Copyright: Magickal Spot

In Hoodoo and Conjure, anointing oil is used specifically the anoint people while Dressing Oil is used for objects. These oils are often Condition oils, meant to help relieve or improve a specific condition, that is, lift a specific hex, blockage or other ussye.

Thus, anointing them with the oil may be part of a ritual to attract love or luck or to send away a bothersome person or bad luck. Rather than a small part of the ritual, a little dab with the finger, anointing oils in Hoodoo practice may be a central part of the magical treatment and involve a full-body anointing, or just anointing of a specific body part, depending on the condition of the person receiving the treatment.

How to use an anointing oil? Its magickal uses

To dress a candle

You can make a small amount of oil by mixing a tablespoon of carrier oil with two drops of essential oil.

Enchant the oil by visualizing your purpose and then spread it onto the candle using your fingers.

When doing so, remember to follow the appropriate verse based on the type of spell you are dedicating yourself to: in the case of attraction spells (of love, wealth, luck, specific themes), start from the tip of the candle where the wick is and grease it with two fingers until you reach the middle, then repeat the same thing starting from the bottom, until you reach the center.

If, however, you are doing a distancing spell, proceed exactly in reverse: from the center upwards, and then from the center downwards.

Type of Anointing OilDescription
Protection OilProtection oils are used to create a protective barrier against negative energies, psychic attacks, or unwanted influences. They often contain ingredients such as frankincense, myrrh, or rosemary, known for their protective properties.
Healing OilHealing oils are infused with herbs and essential oils believed to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing. They are used in rituals, spells, or personal care practices to aid in recovery, balance, and well-being.
Love and Attraction OilLove and attraction oils are designed to enhance romantic relationships, attract love, or foster emotional intimacy. They often contain ingredients such as rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang, known for their aphrodisiac properties.
Prosperity OilProsperity oils are used to attract wealth, abundance, and financial success. They may contain ingredients such as cinnamon, basil, or patchouli, associated with prosperity and good fortune.
Cleansing OilCleansing oils are used to purify and cleanse individuals, objects, or ritual spaces of negative energies or spiritual impurities. They often contain ingredients such as sage, cedarwood, or lemon, known for their cleansing properties.
Table 2: Common Types of Anointing Oils in Witchcraft

Enrich and anoint talismans and objects

I also use oils to empower herbal bags, to anoint talismans or specific objects.

A drop of lavender oil on the wrists and temples reduces stress and anxiety, while a little basil oil will be perfect for rituals dedicated to wealth. Finally, diluted in almond oil, they are my unbeatable allies during massages and shamanic treatments.

If the idea of ​​using oily preparations doesn’t appeal to you, you could try another application: ointments.

In the magical field, when we talk about ointments, the so-called “flight ointments” immediately come to mind, i.e. those ointments based on psychotropic herbs which, in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, induced a state of hallucination in which one had, among other things, the impression of “flying”.

Obviously, the idea of ​​using these herbs is out of the question today, but ointments remain a convenient way to benefit from the power of the plant when, for example, it is not possible to fumigate with incense.

Of course, we must be careful to only use herbs that do not have a dangerous effect on our health.

Ritual UseDescription
ConsecrationAnointing oils are used to consecrate and empower ritual tools, such as wands, athames, or altar tools, imbuing them with magical energy and attuning them to their intended purpose.
Blessings and DedicationAnointing oils are used to bless and dedicate individuals, such as practitioners, priests, or initiates, to their spiritual path or to invoke divine blessings and protection upon them.
Ritual AnointingAnointing oils are applied to the body or specific body parts, such as the forehead, hands, or feet, during rituals or ceremonies to imbue practitioners with magical energy, protection, or empowerment.
Spell EnhancementAnointing oils are used to enhance the effectiveness of spells and rituals by anointing candles, talismans, or written petitions with magical oil, infusing them with specific intentions and energies.
Space CleansingAnointing oils are used to cleanse and purify ritual spaces, such as temples, altars, or sacred circles, by anointing doorways, windows, or thresholds to banish negative energies and create a protective barrier.
Table 3: Uses of Anointing Oils in Witchcraft Rituals

Making anointing oil

As I said before, an ointment is created by mixing herbs or oils with a fatty material.

As a fat, I really love coconut oil: it is very fragrant, lasts over time and “melts” well upon contact with the heat of the skin. In fact, below 25 degrees, it becomes solid: so in winter it can be stored wherever you want, while in summer it must be kept in the fridge.

The only disadvantage is its rather strong odor which, especially if pure essential oils are not used, can significantly cover or interfere with the scent of the preparation.

The advantage of ointments is that they can always be carried with you without the risk of breaking and spilling bottles of oil or mixes of herbs and resins in your bag.

Furthermore, if composed of medicinal herbs, they can be spread on the body to combine the magical effect with the therapeutic one on a physical level.

Method 1: from oil

  • 1 part beeswax
  • 3 parts of base oil enriched with essential oil (a few drops are enough), or oleolite

Heat the beeswax in a bain-marie, add the carrier oil enriched with essential oil or with oleolite, mixing well. To keep the product longer, you can also add a few drops of pure vitamin E.

Note: if you use coconut oil, you can further reduce the amount of beeswax as, as already written, this tends to solidify rather easily.

Method 2: from dried herbs

If you don’t have ready-made oleolite or essential oils, you can start with dried herb.

In this case you need to heat the carrier oil without letting it boil, then add the herb, and continue heating it without burning the mixture until it has absorbed the scent. indicatively it could take at least half an hour.

Once the perfumed oil has been prepared, it is filtered and added to the beeswax following the procedure detailed above.

Note: Be careful not to boil the oil, or you risk burning the herbs and your hands with them!

Once prepared, the ointment must be charged as you would any other magical preparation.


Beyond recipes and doses, experience reigns supreme in this field: so take the time to experiment with different oils, different preparation methods and different recipes. Let your intuition guide you (but don’t overdo it…in other articles you can read some of my experiences on the matter) to experiment with new blends and uses.

Remember that plants are alive, so when you choose to work with them, you must ask for their permission. That’s the best way to create amazing powerful oils from a place of connection and respect of the elements.

See also Dressing oil

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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