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80 Positive Affirmations for Couples: For Your Relationship


Written by: Tina Caro

Maintaining a healthy relationship as a couple can be challenging at times. It’s essential to see things from the right perspective, prioritize both yourself and your partner, especially when dealing with daily stress and more demanding situations.


Affirmations for couples are positive statements or phrases that partners can use to strengthen their relationship and deepen their connection.

These affirmations are designed to foster love, trust, and open communication between partners.

By regularly practicing these affirmations together, couples can improve their emotional intimacy, resolve conflicts more effectively, and create a more loving and harmonious partnership.

They serve as powerful reminders of the importance of appreciation, empathy, and support within a relationship.

When and How Affirmations Can Help You

These affirmations can be a valuable resource when you sense that something is amiss in your relationship or when there’s something missing that you’d like to manifest.

affirmations for couples
Copyright: Tina Caro

How to Set an Affirmation?

To create an affirmation, set aside some quiet time to focus on what you desire for yourself and your partner as a couple. Write down a sentence that encapsulates these desires and chant it out loud.

A List of Affirmations for Couples

20 love affirmations for couples

  • Our love grows stronger and happier with each passing day.
  • We choose happiness, and our relationship is a source of joy.
  • Our connection is built on love, trust, and mutual understanding.
  • We appreciate and celebrate the unique qualities that make our relationship special.
  • Happiness flows through our relationship, creating a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
  • We communicate openly and honestly, fostering a deeper connection.
  • Laughter is a regular part of our relationship, bringing lightness and joy.
  • Our love is a partnership, and together we create a harmonious and happy life.
  • We cherish and prioritize each other’s happiness in our relationship.
  • Gratitude is the foundation of our happiness, and we express it daily.
  • We navigate challenges together, emerging stronger and more connected.
  • Our relationship is a sanctuary of peace and happiness.
  • We find joy in the simple moments and create lasting memories together.
  • We actively support and uplift each other, contributing to our shared happiness.
  • Our love is a positive force, radiating happiness to those around us.
  • We choose to focus on the positive aspects of our relationship, fostering happiness.
  • Our commitment to each other brings ongoing happiness and fulfillment.
  • We nurture a culture of appreciation, ensuring our love continues to thrive.
  • Happiness is a choice we make together, and we choose it every day.
  • Our love story is one of happiness, growth, and a deep, enduring connection.

Also read:
How to Cast a Love Spell Without Candles? [Explained]
3 Love Spells for a Long-Distance Relationship
A List of Powerful Herbs for Love Spells [ +Zodiac Signs]

20 couple affirmations for a better sex life

  • Our connection goes beyond the physical
  • Our emotional intimacy enhances our sexual experience.
  • We communicate openly about our desires, creating a deeper understanding in our relationship.
  • We prioritize mutual pleasure, ensuring both partners feel satisfied and fulfilled.
  • We embrace variety and spontaneity, keeping the excitement alive in our intimate moments.
  • Our love and trust create a safe space for exploring new dimensions of pleasure.
  • We take the time to learn about each other’s needs and preferences, enhancing our sexual compatibility.
  • Our intimacy is a shared journey of exploration, fostering a sense of adventure.
  • We express our desires and boundaries with confidence
  • We are present and fully engaged in our intimate moments
  • We celebrate our bodies and appreciate the uniqueness that each partner brings to the relationship.
  • Our love and affection extend beyond the bedroom, strengthening our overall connection.
  • We express gratitude for each other, cultivating a positive atmosphere in our relationship.
  • We prioritize quality over quantity, focusing on the emotional connection during our intimate moments.
  • We continuously invest in our relationship, knowing that a strong emotional bond enhances our physical connection.
  • We keep the element of surprise alive, surprising each other with new experiences and gestures.
  • We embrace open-mindedness, being receptive to each other’s fantasies and desires.
  • We prioritize foreplay and take the time to build anticipation, deepening our connection.
  • Our sex life is a shared journey of growth, exploration, and ongoing passion.
  • We deepen our connection with sex

Also read:
3 Powerful Deities for Sex [& How to Ask for Their Favors]
6 Powerful Sex Spells That Actually Work [Lust Magick]
An Enchanting Prayer for Better Sex [5 Min Chant]
A List of Powerful Herbs for Sex Magick [DIY]

20 affirmations for a better understanding as a couple

  • We choose peace and understanding as the foundation of our communication.
  • Our love is stronger than any disagreement, and we navigate challenges with unity.
  • We approach discussions with patience, allowing each other the time and space to express thoughts and feelings.
  • We actively listen to each other, seeking to understand rather than react.
  • Our relationship is a safe space for open and honest communication.
  • We release the need to win arguments, focusing on finding solutions together.
  • We express our needs and concerns with kindness and empathy.
  • We choose words carefully, recognizing the impact they can have on each other.
  • We take breaks when needed, allowing emotions to settle before continuing discussions.
  • Our differences are opportunities for growth, and we appreciate the uniqueness each partner brings to the relationship.
  • We prioritize the well-being of our relationship over being right in the heat of the moment.
  • We practice gratitude for the positive aspects of our relationship during disagreements.
  • We forgive and let go of past grievances, choosing to move forward with love.
  • We recognize that some battles are not worth fighting, and we release the trivial issues.
  • We value compromise and finding common ground, strengthening our bond.
  • We approach conflicts as a team, knowing we are stronger together.
  • We acknowledge the emotions behind our words, fostering deeper understanding.
  • We use humor to diffuse tension and bring lightness to challenging moments.
  • We actively work on improving our communication, recognizing that it is a continuous process.
  • Our love and commitment guide us to choose harmony, even in the midst of disagreements.

20 moving on affirmations for couples

  • I release the past with gratitude for the lessons it brought to our relationship.
  • Moving on is a choice, and I choose to embrace the path of healing and growth.
  • I am grateful for the positive moments we shared, and I am ready for new beginnings.
  • I let go of any resentment or bitterness, making room for peace in my heart.
  • Our journey together served its purpose, and I am open to new opportunities.
  • I forgive both myself and my partner, freeing us from the weight of the past.
  • I am deserving of love, happiness, and fulfillment in future relationships.
  • I release attachments to old patterns, making space for personal and relational transformation.
  • The pain of the past does not define my future; I am creating a fresh start.
  • I honor the love that was present and acknowledge that it is time to move forward.
  • I choose self-love and self-care as I embark on this journey of healing.
  • I am resilient, and I trust in my ability to bounce back stronger from challenges.
  • I am open to the lessons that come with moving on, and I embrace personal growth.
  • I release any lingering emotional baggage, allowing my heart to be light and free.
  • I focus on the present moment, recognizing that it is the key to my future happiness.
  • I am not defined by the past; I am empowered by the choices I make today.
  • I cherish the positive memories, knowing that they have contributed to my personal evolution.
  • I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, choosing positivity and optimism.
  • I surround myself with supportive friends and loved ones as I move forward.
  • The journey ahead is filled with possibilities, and I step into it with hope and courage.

Using Affirmations

Affirmations can be used in several ways:

  • Use them as a mantra when you feel your relationship is going through a rough patch.
  • Employ them when you and your partner are frequently in conflict.
  • Incorporate them into a love spell.
  • Utilize them to reignite the spark between you and your partner.
  • Include them as part of a meditation practice centered around love.


Affirmations for couples can be a helpful tool for manifesting a more peaceful and fulfilling relationship while increasing your awareness of the unique bond you share.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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