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By Moody Moons, Everyday Pagan

How to Personalize Your Magical Practice

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Witchcraft is a spiritual practice with no central authority.  No single piece of scripture or clerical hierarchy dictates what a magical practice looks like, or how to practice witchcraft “the right way.”

For most practitioners, this is part of the appeal.

Independent magical practitioners answer to themselves—for better, or worse.  

You’re on your own in many ways.  Which is scary.  But also, really, really liberating.

Learning to personalize your magical practice makes your spirituality an art form instead of an act of submission.

But what does that even mean?  Let’s look at some ways to create a spiritual practice that is as unique as you are.

What is a “magical practice”?

Before we go into how to personalize your magical practice, let’s talk about what we mean by a magical practice.

A magical practice includes the traditions, methodology, tools, and overall approach you take to casting spells, generating power, and deciding within what guidelines you work (your morals, ethics, ect).

Many of these things are fluid.  They change with the seasons of your life.  They evolve, grow and hopefully, become increasingly enlightened.

It’s a great idea to periodically and consciously go over some of the following things in order to keep your practice honest and authentically you.

#1  Establish your own traditions.

Whether you honor the full moon every month or dye wishing eggs for Ostara, take the time to imprint your own personal signature on your traditions.

Don’t just bake Lammas bread.  Bake your grandmother’s recipe for Irish soda bread

Don’t just pour beer on your father’s grave on Samhain.  Pour it from the mug you inherited after he passed.

The point is to bring your own unique history into your traditions and create something that looks like you and not anyone else.

#2  Make your own tools.

Of course, some practitioners prefer not to use tools at all.

But if you do use tools for spellcasting, try making some of your own.

It’s a great opportunity to incorporate items with meaning to you. 

For example, instead of using a chalice that you picked up at the occult shop, why not use the wineglass your parents toasted with at their wedding?

If you want to make a scrying mirror, try using a frame that expresses your personality.  It doesn’t have to be a stuffy, Victorian-era-looking thing; it can be a funky, orange frame from the 1970s.

Be creative, and think outside stereotypes.

#3  Weave in your heritage.

No matter your ancestry, I promise, someone somewhere practiced some form of folk magic.

Research where you came from and find the witchcraft in your roots.

Casting a spell from your folkloric heritage is a surreal, powerful experience.

But even if you can’t find a historical spell (or can’t find the ingredients, or it just isn’t appropriate), you might be able to find a recipe for an offering to a goddess, or an incantation to honor your ancestors.

#4  Incorporate your talent.

No matter what your gifts, there’s a way to use them in your spellcraft.

Are you a master seamstress?  Make your own ritual wear or design elaborate spell poppets.

Got a green thumb?  Get going on your goddess garden.

Do your fingers know their way around a piano?  Try using your knowledge of music theory to build progressions for trance work.

Whatever your skillset, blending it with your spellcraft is a stellar way to personalize your magical practice.

#5  Have a solid grasp of your ethical theory.

Critics of solitary witchcraft often point out that independent spiritual practitioners are prone to changing their ethical practices to suit their circumstances—-and frankly, they aren’t wrong.

For example, it’s very, very tempting to stand hard against using love spells—until you fall in love.  Then, maybe they’re okay?

That kind of thinking will get you into trouble.

For the record, I’m not saying love spells are wrong—or right.  Or that they even work.  

I’m not even saying you can’t change your mind about them at some point.  

All I’m saying is that changing your mind when it’s convenient is the wrong time.

The whole point of an ethical structure is that it guides you to do the hard thing because it’s the right thing.

Be true to yourself.  Especially when it’s hard.

Spell casting is an art, not a recipe. Learn to design a spiritual life that is as unique as you are.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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