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By Witchipedia, Symbols

Color White: Symbolism, Magick, Dreams, Associations & More

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The color white is clean and pure. It represents a clean slate, purity, innocence. White contains all the colors of the light spectrum and so represents completion, unity, and ultimate wisdom. It is cold and clean and represents pure energy and endless possibility. It helps to create a calm atmosphere and creates a sense of cleanliness and order.


White holds diverse symbolism across cultures, representing purity and cleanliness in the Western world, while signifying death and mourning in some Eastern cultures like China.

Spiritually, white symbolizes enlightenment, spiritual growth, and the connection to higher realms, often associated with the crown chakra in Hinduism and Buddhism.

In magick, white is used for purification, protection, and healing spells, and it can amplify the power of other colors when combined in rituals.

Deities linked to the color white include Isis, Apollo, and Athena, each embodying qualities such as wisdom, healing, and purity.

Popular white symbols encompass doves, lilies, and the crescent moon, each carrying their own unique significance in various traditions.

Symbolism of white in different cultures

Culture/TraditionSymbolic Meaning
WesternPurity, innocence, peace, spirituality
EasternDeath, mourning, rebirth, purity of spirit
Native AmericanSpirituality, cleansing, purification, healing
AfricanAncestry, divinity, balance, spiritual awareness
HinduEnlightenment, knowledge, transcendence

White color spiritual symbolism

In many spiritual traditions, white is seen as a symbol of purity, innocence, and spiritual enlightenment.

It is often associated with the divine, and is seen as a symbol of spiritual connection and purity of the soul.

White is also often associated with the element of air, and is seen as a symbol of intellectual clarity, communication, and creativity. It is also often associated with the crown chakra and is seen as a symbol of higher consciousness, spiritual wisdom, and connection to the divine.

In some traditions, white is also associated with the moon’s energies and is seen as a symbol of intuition, emotion, and psychic abilities. It is also often used as a symbol of protection and is associated with the energies of clarity and insight.

Overall, white is often seen as a symbol of purity, spiritual enlightenment, and connection to the divine, and it is associated with the energies of intellectual clarity, communication, and intuition.

Correspondences for the Color White

  • Element: spirit, air
  • Direction: East
  • Day: Monday
  • Planet: The moon
  • Feng Shui: Healing, soothing the psyche, brightens the energy of other colors
  • White Stones: opal, moonstone, quartz, pearl
  • Gender: Feminine, Yin

The Color White in Magick

Use white in color magic for connecting to spirit, for final endings and new beginnings and for connecting with the Akashic records. Use white candles to represent the Goddess.

Magickal AspectAssociation with White
ProtectionWhite is used in protective spells and rituals
HealingWhite is associated with healing energy and purification
DivinationWhite candles or objects are used in divination practices
SpiritualityWhite represents spiritual purity and connection
TransformationWhite symbolizes the transformative power of magick
Table 2: Magickal Associations of White

The color white can be used in spells to create poise and confidence, to aid mental clarity, find inspiration and clear mental clutter. The color white is also useful in purification and consecration ceremonies.

White can be substituted for any color.

A list of deities associated with white color

Here is a list of deities that are associated with the color white:

  1. Athena: Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and war and is often depicted with a white shield and a white dress. She is associated with courage, strength, and determination and is seen as a powerful protector.
  2. Apollo: Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, music, and prophecy, and is often depicted with white hair and a white cloak. He is associated with the element of fire and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  3. Artemis: Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth, and is often depicted with a white dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  4. Hestia: Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and domesticity, and is often depicted with a white dress. She is associated with the element of fire and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  5. Iris: Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and is often portrayed with white wings and a white dress. She is associated with the element of air and is seen as a symbol of communication and intellectual clarity.
  6. Minerva: Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, and is often pictured with a white dress and a white helmet. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  7. Diana: Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth, and is often depicted with a white dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  8. Frigg: Frigg is the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and the home, and is often portrayed with a white dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  9. Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of prosperity, abundance, and good fortune, and is often depicted with a white dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  10. Amaterasu: Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun and the universe, and is often depicted with a white crown and a white dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.

Most popular white-colored symbols

  1. White dove: The white dove is often used to represent peace, purity, and the Holy Spirit. It is also associated with the element of air, and is seen as a symbol of communication and intellectual clarity.
  2. White lotus: The white lotus is often associated with the crown chakra and is seen as a symbol of enlightenment, spiritual awakening, and attaining higher states of consciousness.
  3. White hamsa hand: The white hamsa hand symbolizes protection and good luck, and is often used as a talisman to ward off negative energies. It is associated with spiritual growth and attaining higher states of consciousness.
  4. White Om symbol: The white Om symbol is often used to represent spiritual enlightenment, the ultimate reality, and the ultimate consciousness. It is associated with the divine, and is seen as a powerful symbol of spiritual transformation.
  5. White yin yang: The white yin yang is often used to represent balance and harmony, and is associated with the balance between the masculine and feminine energies. It is also seen as a symbol of spiritual growth and attaining higher states of consciousness.

What is the meaning of dreaming of a white color?

Here are a few possible interpretations of dreaming about white:

  1. White is often associated with purity, innocence, and spiritual enlightenment. Dreaming about white could symbolize a desire for spiritual clarity or a connection to the divine. It could also represent a desire for inner peace and balance.
  2. White is also often associated with cleanliness and order; dreaming about white could symbolize a desire for organization and clarity in your life. It could also represent a desire to start fresh or to let go of old patterns or habits.
  3. White is often seen as a symbol of perfection and completion, and dreaming about white could represent a desire to achieve your goals or reach perfection. It also symbolizes a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment.
  4. White is also often associated with the moon’s energies; dreaming about white could symbolize your emotional and intuitive side. It could also represent your connection to your inner wisdom and ability to tap into your psychic abilities.
Dream Scenario/ObjectInterpretation
White clothingSymbolizes purity, spirituality, or a desire for a fresh start
White animalsRepresents spiritual guidance, purity of intentions, or higher consciousness
White landscapesSignifies a sense of serenity, clarity, or a new beginning
White flowersReflects purity, innocence, or spiritual growth
White lightIndicates spiritual enlightenment, illumination, or divine presence
Table 3: White in Dreams

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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