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13 Witch Coven Spell Casting


• Strongest Spell Casting available on
• White Magic & Black Magic Available
• ALL Castings are customized
• You will have a coven of 13 professional & experienced spell casters who have been hand-selected by myself (I’m one of the 13) casting your spell using their own unique methods, materials and amulets

Price in U.S. dollars (USD)

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

SKU: N/A Category:


There are times when a single casting is not enough. If you want true strength and maximum power with your spell casting, you should consider the coven casting.

You will have a coven of 13 witches who are skilled at what they do, highly experienced and trusted by myself – as I hand-selected each of them for this special casting.

It’s rare to find such a large coven who will cast a spell together as a group. With my connections in the magickal community, I was able to put this coven together for you.

We are all very excited to offer this service to MagickalSpot clients! We’ve already done a couple of castings for clients as a coven and the results have been beyond anything we could have imagined!

While I realize that this is a very expensive casting service, every client so far has said it was well-worth the expense because it saved them a lot of time and money that they might have wasted on other casters who charge similar amounts for a single casting – not even a coven casting.

By having 13 professional spell casters working on your case, success is *almost* guaranteed. As none of us are Gods, we are unable to give you a 100% guarantee, however if your initial casting fails to manifest as expected, the coven will happily recast it for you at NO charge – as often tweaking it slightly will make the difference. No other coven (or individual caster) that I’m aware of is able to legitimately offer such a service.

For a limited time, we have decided to include a full or new moon casting at NO additional charge! This means your casting will be completed once within 24 hours of placing your order and again a second time under the next full or new moon (whichever comes first) using items and materials that are ‘supercharged’ by the moon. This bonus casting adds incredible strength and power to a casting.

PRO TIP: Order the black magic option for 3x faster manifestation!!

Spell Casting Highlights

Pricing options are as follows:

Full Casting by 13 Witch Coven
Your spell will be cast by the full coven (13 witches) using your choice of white or black magic.
Custom White Magic Coven Casting by 13 Witches: $520
Custom Black Magic Coven Casting by 13 Witches: $1,950

Mixed Casting by 13 Witch Coven
Your spell will be cast by all 13 witches, but 6 will be using white magic and 7 will be using black magic.
Custom White & Black Mixed Coven Casting by 13 Witches: $1,290

Half Casting by 6 Witch Coven
Your spell will be cast by only half of the coven (6 witches) using your choice of white or black magic.
Custom White Magic Coven Casting by 6 Witches: $240
Custom Black Magic Coven Casting by 6 Witches: $900

*Manifestation times are typically up to 6 weeks for the white magic casting and 2 weeks for the black magic casting.

NOTE: Many clients have questions about whether black magic is safe. I can assure you that the black magic castings this coven does are absolutely safe! There are NO negative effects and these castings do NO harm to anyone. It’s simply a much stronger form of magic, uses higher quality materials that are more difficult to obtain, and the castings take longer for us to do. And of course they tend to manifest much faster as well!

If you have any questions about this service or would like a consultation on which version is best for your situation, please reach out to me directly at magickaltina@gmail.comPlease review the information below, as many questions are answered there!

My Personal Guarantee

My personal guarantee to you is that if you do not receive the desired results in the timeframe specified, I will offer to recast your spell for you at absolutely no charge.  If your spell fails to manifest on time or has only a weak manifestation, I may offer or suggest to upgrade your casting to something stronger, at a discounted rate if I feel like it may benefit you – but the option to recast the spell for free will still be available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please review the information below, as the most common questions I get are answered there!

How does this work?
Select the spellcasting you’d like to order using the dropdown menu above, fill out the information requested and proceed with payment. You’ll receive immediate email confirmation of the order. Within 24 hours you will receive another email from me to confirm the casting has been completed successfully and to provide you with additional details and instructions. Then just wait for your spellcasting to manifest!!
What kind of magick spells do you do?
We practice a variety of magick including white, red, green and black magick. Rest assured that ALL forms of magick that I practice are safe and effective!
Will you help me decide which spell casting to purchase?
Yes, absolutely! You can contact me via the chat function on the website, or via email directly at I’m always happy to offer a spell casting consultation via email or to answer any questions that you may have. You’re welcome to give me a brief overview of what you’d like to achieve with a spellcasting and I can make a recommendation for you.
Can I purchase more than one spell casting and is it okay to cast multiple spells at once or will they interfere with one another?
You can purchase as many castings at a time as you like – there is no limit. It’s perfectly fine to cast them at the same time without worry of them interfering with one another. The only way castings would clash is if the goal for the casting was opposite. For example, if you ordered a spell to attract wealth and also a spell to decrease your wealth (not sure why anyone would?) then those spells would essentially ‘cancel each other out’. In all my years, I have never had this request so it’s never been an issue.
Is this real? Does this really work?
Yes! I am a genuine spell casting professional. This is what I do for a living, as my full-time job and I have many years experience. This is not a hobby for me, although I do love it! My spell castings bring results and it’s how I have been able to stay in business for so many years.
Why should I order a professional casting when you provide free spells on your site?
I provide hundreds of free ‘do it yourself’ (DIY) spell castings and advice about castings in general. These are intended for amateurs or “baby witches” who are interested in experimenting with different casting methods. The reason you should consider a professional casting done by myself, is that I have MANY years of experience.

I have made a lot of mistakes along the way and learned from them, as you will too if you try some castings on your own. I use professional methods and materials, and enchanted amulets that have been proven effective and are very unique. If you are truly in need of a casting, I always will recommend having a professional do it for you – whether it’s me or someone else – because it’s the safest, fastest and most effective way to achieve results!

Do you provide photo or video proof of your spell castings?

No, with very good reasons! The main reason is that electronic equipment can interfere with the energy fields I create during my spell castings. It is absolutely crucial that I do not have interference at my alter or in my professional casting space.

The other reason is that because my casting methods and materials are so unique (I promise you no one else is doing them!), they are like secret recipes. In the beginning, I did provide photos of my castings but unfortunately, I had my methods and materials compromised and my spells were essentially copied, which obviously was not a good thing for my business.

What proof do you provide?
After your spell casting is completed (within 24 hours of placing your order), I will email you a document that explains what the casting does and how quickly you can expect results. This is a PDF file, which is accessible by most people. If you cannot open the file I can always send it another way. Aside from that, the proof is “in the pudding” as they say.

Meaning, when your spell casting manifests, that’s all the proof you will need. I do have testimonials available upon request, but due to the sensitive nature of the castings I do which are always private and confidential, I cannot provide you with real names or emails of my clients.

Do you offer any guarantees?
There are never any guarantees with spell castings. Please be wary of anyone who tells you differently. As a spell caster, I am not a God nor am I in control of the Universe. I can only cast with positive intentions, using the tried and true methods I have relied on for years. I cannot guarantee you that your spell will manifest.

I can only promise you that I will continue working on your case until you get results if you do not get them the first time around – and I will NEVER ask you to pay an additional fee as I work with your case, unless you’re seeking a different result or a completely different casting.

What is your success rate for castings? When will I see results?
It took me several years to determine this, because individual results do vary because everyone has a different energy.

Spell casting can be a matter of trial and error – if your first casting does not manifest in the time frame provided, I encourage you to contact me so that I can look into it and decide what to do from there.

About 70% of my spell castings manifest the very first time, within 3 to 5 weeks of the casting. The percentage is close to 85% when it comes to black magic spells.

Nearly all will manifest within 2 weeks after a second casting (which is free of charge), as this tends to kick the first one into high gear and give it that little nudge it needs.

The remaining 5% or so will need a third casting which is almost always a completely new casting that I will try since the first two failed. There is NEVER any charge for these second or third/new castings.

Very rarely, in less than 1% of cases, the casting will simply not manifest no matter what I try. When this does happen, it is typically because whatever result you are seeking is simply not meant to be. There is nothing that you, or I, or any other caster can do in this situation to force manifestation. All we can do is perhaps try a different casting, seeking different results.

What information do you need from me in order to do the casting?

For most castings, I need only your first name and year of birth. As I am very experienced, I need very little information in order to connect with your energy to complete the casting.

For some castings (usually ones involving relationships), I will also need the first name and year of birth of the person involved with the casting such as your ex or your crush. You’ll provide this information on the order page.

Which payment options do you support?
Currently, we support Paypal, credit, and debit cards.

If you have issues with payment send me an email to:

Is your payment data protected?
Yes. We’re using PayPal and Stripe, which are trustworthy companies with enough security in place to keep you safe online.
Do you share my personal information?

No! Everything you share with me is between you and me. Your information will never be publicly shared.

Who will cast a spell?

13 different witches, who wish to stay anonymous.

Will my spell be permanent?
No. Human energy changes too frequently for any spell to be permanent. Once the effects wear off (normally a gradual fading), you are welcome to reorder if you’d like the effects to continue!
Do you offer any free spellcastings?
No. It costs me time and materials to complete castings. That’s why I charge a fee for each casting I complete. I do offer many free spells on my website that you are welcome to cast for yourself – or to ask a friend to cast for you.
Can we speak on the phone or WhatsApp?
I don’t speak to clients over the phone. For one thing, my English is not the best so I struggle with phone conversations. But the main reason is that I simply don’t have the time. It’s easier for me to balance my personal and professional life if I am not tied to a phone or getting involved in hours-long conversations with clients. Email is 100% the best way to reach me!
Can I pay via Cash App?
No, at this time the only payment methods accepted are PayPal, credit and debit cards via my website
Do you offer payment plans?
I sometimes agree to accept payments for a casting but this is for existing clients ONLY. And it’s generally only for the more expensive castings such as coven castings. I typically only offer payment plans over a period of 2-3 weeks. If you’re interested in a coven casting and would like to discuss a payment plan, please email me to discuss.
Can I upgrade from white to black magic?
Yes! And I highly recommend it Just email me with your order number for the white magic spell, ask for an upgrade discount of 15% and I’ll send you instructions.
Is Black Magic bad or harmful?
The kind of black magic spells that I do are NOT harmful to anyone in any way. Black magic is only dangerous when it’s done by someone who does not understand it and doesn’t know what they’re doing. So it’s not recommended for amateurs/beginners. When done correctly by a professional, it’s perfectly safe.
Can you cast a spell for……?
Most likely, yes! If you are wanting a spell for something very specific that you don’t see on my website, it’s best to email me to ask for a consultation. I offer custom spellcastings in both white and black magic. There are only a few things I either cannot or will not cast a spell for such as death spells or other spells intended to harm someone. There is a safe way to practice revenge spells (called a karma spell) which would be a custom black magic casting.
Can I get a discount code?
Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter, and you’ll get special discount codes on a monthly basis. If you are ordering multiple castings I may be able to offer you a discount on that as well. Just email me at to ask if I have any specials!
How do I know if a caster completed my order?
After every spell casting, I’ll send you a document as a proof of my work. If you do not receive an email from me, please check your spam folder. If it’s not there, just email me at and I’ll be glad to assist you.
Refund policy

Casting a spell is more art than science, and even the best witches will not be successful every time.

This is why I am unable to guarantee results. I do my best, but ultimately I am not in control. I do not offer refunds once I have completed your spellcasting. However I am a very reasonable person, so if you are truly unhappy with your purchase or did not get the results you were hoping for, please email me with your order number and I will evaluate the situation to see if we can come to a compromise so that we’re both happy.

If you want to order my service for someone else, get their permission first!

You must be 18+ to purchase a spellcasting or have the permission of the adult whose payment method you are using to make the purchase.

Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that.

Legal Statement: Results may vary and spellcastings are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only.

We do not share, sell, or distribute your contact information under any circumstances. All information shared is confidential and secure. If you offer a testimonial/review, I may post this information on my website with names, emails and personal information redacted (blacked out), unless you specifically ask me not to.


tina and coven testimonial

coven casting testimonial

Customer reviews

I ordered the 13 coven black magic. No regrets. Money well spent.

July 23, 2023

Best money ever spent.

My finances actually improve.

My thanks and gratitude to the team.

N. N.


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